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Everything posted by Sion

  1. +support Evidence is clear Deserves removal
  2. -support Skipped Q16 Staff on another community No poll Not seen much No effort Didnt read handbook at all Good luck ~ Senior Moderator Sion
  3. +/- Support - wrong steam id - low forums activity - never really seen in-game -16 is a bit wrong + No warns + BST/GMT member I'm currently on LOA so I might be wrong but I have never seen you in-game and I'm in BST. For q16 you should always place minged people in the minge box but normal players aren't aware of the box since it under the map and it isn't included in the handbook. If this gets denied PM me on the forums or discord and I'll happily help you Good Luck ~ Sion
  4. It in thr SOP as clear as the moon on a clear night... it states that you must wait for code 4 to be called. If there are no gov there make sure there arent any shootings around. Also use the link to appeal EMS CPT Sion
  5. Sion

    Fred's warn appeal

    +/- Support 2 stories are clashing. What happened isn't very clear. Video proof would be useful
  6. +/- Support + Past staff + good app + Longtime member - staff on another server - 10 warns is a bit to consider you were past staff Good Luck ~ Sion
  7. -Support Would take a while for everyone to get to grips with the new map All bases will then be pointless Players might not like it therefor the player base will drop We just got this map couple of months ago
  8. Sion

    Nexieys Ban Appeal

    -support A DDoS threat is not taken lightly. A DDoS attack can cause a lot of chaos if someone joked about hacking or crashing the server the same will be done to them. There is no valid reason to joke about doing, and seeing how you were staff on SCPRP you should have known better.
  9. The most pointless run ever
  10. Any video proof to prove he was under fearrp and not moving? @BigJohnny Because currently it your word against his
  11. I advise you to not start a argument here
  12. -support You might not see it as disrespect but Ronin or John might of feelt disrespect by that comment
  13. A Ddos threat is a perma... If it as a joke or not
  14. +/- support Last question is vauge towards the end I've been inbthe community for 5 months and never seen you on..
  15. Couldn't Myan remove it on the spot?
  16. Sion

    Toby's old warns

    +support All are old
  17. Sion

    with the besties

    Hmmm I wonder who
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