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Everything posted by Sion

  1. Sion https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20190430T00&p0=%3A&msg=Custom+Class+Give+AWAY&font=hand Hannah, you are the best SWAR and ERU on the server. Keepnupnthe good work!
  2. +support -Active -Friendly -ready for Event team Good luck
  3. Hello. I'm Sion. I'm a brit so that will be main reason why you wouldn't of seen me a lot on PRP. Currently I'm a PD SGT, DOC CPT, EMS CPT, FBIA SA, SS SSO and a member of Diamond Family. I'm very friendly and my DM (forums) . I will answer any questions. (Unleds discussing illegal/inappropriate content). I only play on PRP so please don't talk ask mr questions about SCRP and stuff. Ask my anything. Sion out
  4. -/+support -You did staff dis so you can be anit minged and warned - he can't jail you for no reasson Need his side first
  5. Those are probably the funniest scenes I've ever seen on GL ? They older clip is just....
  6. +BIG BIG BIG SUPPORT Everyone is sick and tired of someone shooting ever srcond left right and center. There are 2 main causes. Family killung someone in public indront of Gov and gov opening fire on suspected running away. The timer would make it a lot easier forbgov and make it less stresful. We could also add rule saying you must advert big shootouts or that family members can't defend eachother in a traffic stop since IRL you wouldn't get into a shooting over running a red light. Another option is to get failrp rules tighter to make it a fun experience to everyone.
  7. +Support -active -been apart of server for a long time -knows the rules -mature -friendly
  8. I would buy job bundle then!
  9. What you want to see? - I want to see boats/water vehicles be added to the game Why should we add it? - To increase RP for DOC and other depts such as EMS and to make the water actually useful instead of just being there and not being used to its full capacity What are the advantages of having this? - People might minge around with the boats and glitch them, so there will be new rules that will have to be added to make sure people aren't driving boats on land and building a base underwater and it might lag, not sure if it will. Who is it mainly for? - Govs (The boat) Jetski (Anyone) Links to any content - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=975506888 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1731210477
  10. -support -Follow PD SOP -Not releated to staff what so evere -you LTAP -No evidance He is a SRT SSGT and isnt allowed to give you personal PT. You should attend PD training or ask someone to teach you. Staff are to make everyone feel welcomed but if breaking rules then you're obviously not welcome
  11. +support Would increase level of RP but also make it that PD can't think your speeding
  12. I will be leaving State to try free up more time for other divisons imm currently high/low command in. It been a plesure being on State and I hopenit grows. (I'm staying in DOC) Sion 10-7
  13. With great sadness I will be placing my 48 hour notice since I feel that CERT isn't the best tac unit for me. Thanks Alistar for training me and all of my other troops for helping during raids. Sion out
  14. Never seen in game at all
  15. What is your in-game name: Sion What rank are you in DOC: SGT (5/11) are you active? Yes/No why: Yes Why should you stay in DOC: I should stay because I'm very active and rp alot What do you think command should improve on: try get more people on and maybe try get SMT to give us more guns or add more specialist for DOC like roof sniper
  16. Proof of second account Edit: SteamID been added to main report
  17. Your in game name: Sion Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:161096629 The player's in game name: Laidler The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:0:500100179 What did the player do: I was on PRP around 10:45am (BST) and just doing police stuff when 2 cars started baiting me, I didn't do much since I don't see the point in going after a baiter. Anyway, I did my duties and just patrolled outskirt (as state). I was driving near hospital entrance to outskirt when this black sport car bumped into me, I didn't stop him since I stopped suddenly because of lag. But I drove into city and he followed me honking his horn at me, I realised there were no staff on at the time and decided to speed up a bit cause I knew it would end in a admin sit and I drove off and went to DOC to doa check up. then a hummer was also following me I decided to pull up to DOC and realised the hummer had blocked me in and Laidler running up. I took out my shotgun incase and pressed panic since I was outnumbered. (first link shows this). He didn't kill me or anything just talked about the fender bender. The hummer backed out and I drove away. The hummer then over took me and Laidler cop baiting rammed into me for no reason and there was nothing blocking his sight. Then I went off for a bit hoping they would of left when I got back. But I was wrong. They also fearrp X10 failedrp X20 and RDM X2. Over the course of 5 hours I reported them to admins 4 times (Sadly I don't have evidence of FRP only the baiting but. Eternity also realised he has made another account to make himself look cleaner, his other account had 30+ warns and this one has very few. Freeze was also watching him for a while. Evidence (required): https://youtu.be/vZX0EboTBCQ (He is In the black car not the hummer. The hummer is his friend) What do you believe should happen to the player: I believe he should be banned for around 6 months because people like him just spoil they RP and gets on everyone's nerves Any extra information: Expect more info and evidence to be added over the next week when I have more encounters with them. If anyone else has proof just post the link. He also has a friend called Calvin. He helps him a lot during stuff, both are as bad
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