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Everything posted by Sion

  1. +/- Support Why didn't you try fixing it in the update that got released yesterday?
  2. It been a pleasure playing with you
  3. +support Yes there is a voice delay but how will that affect it? A gun is pointed in his face. A gun is a gun. If he has a gun in his face it not required from colesoft to actually say "hands up" because he already has him at gunpoint.
  4. Believe staff can actually warn people that demote people if they arent command or staff. Seen people with warns about this
  5. +/- Support -good idea on paper -would be nice as a sub dept with EMS -will lagg the hell out of server if we get actual fire -might not be as popular -firetrucks will clog up roads
  6. -support Never seen In game or TS
  7. +Support I took your message the wrong way, and yes I accept it was my fault. However, I don't agree with the last part 'Sion is frequently choosing sides and is not an actual or worthy moderator.' Yesterday was my first encounter with you so I don't quite understand how you can come to a decision that fast. I try my best not to take sides in all of my sits. I understand you may have hard feelings against me, I respect that but I can guarantee you I don't take sides. As stated in my staff app. I want to make the server a enjoyable and memorable for everyone. Sorry for any inconveniences caused in this situation.
  8. -support Should of think about meetings and stuff Shouldn't of mic spam in the first place
  10. TAC Marksman always carry binoculars
  11. Ok. I didn't realise it in game. Maybe reduce the time cause I don't fancy listening to priority siren for 5 mins
  12. Sion

    Yobo's Old Warns

    +support. All old
  13. What you want to see? - Binoculars to be added to certain gov jobs. Why should we add it? - It will increase rp and make it easier to see further away. What are the advantages of having this? - marksman can PR having a spotter with them to get shots accurate an d we won't need to aim a gun to zoom in Who is it mainly for? - Tac marksman/CAT/SS/DOC Links to any content - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=764395035
  14. What you want to see? - For lights and sirens to be turned off automatically after a certin amount of time (or if already in server reduce the time) Why should we add it? - It would stop lag and make it so people don't get annoyed at sirens What are the advantages of having this? - It would reduce lag and make server a better place Who is it mainly for? - Everyone Links to any content -  No link. In VCmod settings I belive
  15. Sion

    Perma Banned

    -support I was the staff that took you to the roof. You literally just said 'fuck you snar' in OOC. You can't go against it. It clearly dissing and had no reasson behind it. They were having fun as hobos building a little village. It was all good cause there were ways to go around. And you never called staff about it
  16. +/- Support Never seen on (timezone) Was on today a bit mingy with National Guards Maybe try become more familier with community
  17. You can't call the status of it
  18. PD aren't ment to ride along with state...
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