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Everything posted by Sion

  1. -support Ok I was there and couple of things wrong with your application. He DIDNT ban you just for your attitude. You where arguing with SMT. Minging and your attitude wasn't the best. You didn't show any respect to Snar. When he arrived you had no clue he was the manager until he said he was. Then you answered in a sarcastic tone 'Oh no you're the manager! I'm scared don't ban me'. Then you kept arguing about how there is a rule about how you must advert before killing them, even if you are ramming them on purpose. Snar even told you he just re-done the MOTD and you kept arguing with him. When Snar told you where getting banned you then demanded 5 times to know why you where getting banned, even though me and Snar told you multiple times the reason Is in the ban. Around 5 hours before, Fame warned to get your act together or watch out. And well, you didn't get your act together and you are now banned. Once you do come back, please change your behaviour since you have been minging ever since you came back.
  2. I'm just going to say this. Blacklist can't be appealed. And please. Don't start a war with your opinions below. Cheers
  3. Big - Support Been super mingy today 31 warns is way to much. Replied to own application X3 Basic grammar errors To be honest, I don't feel you should get staff since today I almost banned you for minginess. You also have a warn for telling people to kill themselves... This attitude isn't welcomed in our staff team. Also don't respond to own app.
  4. +/- Support Never seen Decent app Low forum activity Low TS activity I've never really seen or heard about you, but this might of been due to time zone. In your app you have some small grammar errors that can easily be corrected. All I got to say as pointers is try to improve your forums activity and you should be good. Good Luck ~ Sion
  5. It happens when there isn't JMT/SMT on funily. Ill try recording it to some extend aswell
  6. Your In-Game Name: Sion Your SteamID:STEAM_0:1:161096629 Staff member's In-Game Name: Majority of the team What did they do? Right so, yesterday I staffed for around 5 hours flat. And that a lot considering there where around 10 other staff on that could of replaced me to allow me to have a break, but. when I aksed in admin chat around 20 times (not straight after each other) They just ignored it, therefore I couldn't go AFK or then sits will pill up and I would get in trouble. It also happened today and @Calamity saw my point, they even ignored him... This is a issue because only like 5-7 staff actually get on to fill ratio voluntarily and others just ignore that chat and RP. And this is very unfair on the staff who actually get on, everyone should staff at least once a day instead of waiting for others to do it. Evidence (REQUIRED): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Vftx4lyyaE&feature=youtu.be I mean I can't get evidence of people ignoring me, but other staff have seen this happen in-game, if you have can you just say below. What do you think is an acceptable punishment? I feel that in the next meeting all staff should be talken to as a whole and try to address the issue PS. JMT/SMT if you want a list of people just send me a DM on discord I don't have hard feelings against anyone just feel it a bit unfair.
  7. It fine if you use it for RP, but some people just spawn it in, put fuel and shoot it and repeat it like 20 times
  8. +SUPPORT Active Mature Friendly Ex-staff Low warns Long time member Good luck bud ~ Sion
  9. What you want to see? - A rule that will stop people from blowing up the fuel tanks of the bitminers Why should we add it? - To reduce mingynes What are the advantages of having this? - It will stop people from just spawning it in and killing like 10 people at once Who is it mainly for? - Everyone (Snar don't deny cause of this part) Links to any content - N/A
  10. @tcoops Please react with a +/- ONLY. Otherwise contact the person via dm's
  11. -support Driving any government vehicle isnt allowed Not everything needs to be noted on MOTD. Use common sense Your attitude isnt the best Annndddd you kinds staff dissed
  12. +support Block the doors exept for the roof accses one because it a sneaky area
  13. What you want to see? - I want to see this addon be added so that SMT can see which staff members are active on the administrator job and who isn't Why should we add it? - It would help SMT to see who is staffing early hours since SMT/JMT can't always be on therefor not all staff are noticed What are the advantages of having this? - It would help SMT give fair promotions to the staff that help out. It will also show which staff members don't get on and let the others do the work Who is it mainly for? - Staff and management team Links to any content - https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/staff-time-tracker-automated-staff-management-system-entirely-rewritten Extra note: I don't feel that SMT don't realise which staff don't help out much and stuff I just feel this will help them.
  14. +/-support Pretty sure you have to be on the command job to demote them.
  15. I GOT A BRILLIANT IDEA!. We enclose the train and us it as a base... kills anyone that touches it so
  16. -support Hell nah. The echo makes is realistic
  17. Don't reply to own application And I reccomend you DON'T send the IP
  18. State has been given more powers now and Fame has introduced a jurisdiction system
  19. @Charlie Did I? But a +SUPPORT reasons above
  20. +/- Zeeptin himself said there won't be a FD unless it a serious RP server Map is a bit laggy and average frame rate has dropped. Last thing we want is more lag Would be cool to see work Ask EMS to make it a sub dept?
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