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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by GhostlyNinjaDude

  1. Thanks for everything Emmu and for being my right hand man. For doing everything with me and for being by my side while we made State a great department. You'll be missed. Thanks for everything. See you around bro. Also welcome to the British
  2. Agreed. He has done this MULTIPLE times in the past.
  3. I'm gonna have to agree with Eternity here. Although I do 100% agree that you are a great Captain, I haven't seen you online as much and I feel as if your activity has gone down a bit. I personally would like you to increase your activity. Other then that good luck!
  4. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't SMT already deny your old warns appeal? https://gaminglight.com/forums/topic/41108-bigjohnny-old-warns/
  5. ACCEPTED TROOPER LIST: 5/7/19 Murderous LCPL Retr0 1B27 Uncle Derek SupremeChow Felix <3 Beans Liam Johnson LCPL Trever J 1B40 Jim Leahy Wonton Please speak with an FTO+ to receive your training. You have 2 weeks. Congratulations! -Colonel Ghostly 1K45
  6. You're entitled to your own opinion but you can't base someones's maturity on a profile picture. I'm sure you've heard the saying "Don't judge a book by it's cover"
  7. +Support Staff said it was a misunderstanding
  8. +/- Support As High Command he shouldn't be doing things like that however you should've respawned with EMS online. I can understand him getting upset.
  9. ACCEPTED TROOPER LIST: 4/20/19 Aaron Faustin Dr Whale SGT Gardner 1A88 SSA Greg XA9 / HRTS CPT GREG Keuka Dredgen LCPL Stsin 1C72 Please speak with an FTO+ to receive your training. You have 2 weeks. Congratulations! -Colonel Ghostly 1K45
  10. +Support Warn he did receive was appealed.
  11. Name: Ghostly Rank and Call Sign: SAIC - SAF17 Date: 4/18/19 How active are you? (be honest please): Active. On FBI usually every other day (mainly at night)
  12. Name: Ghostly Callsign: SAF17 How active are you? Pretty active. I usually get on SAIC with Gamik during the nights. Why do you deserve to keep your SAIC rank? (50+ words) I think I deserve to keep my SAIC rank because for starters I'm active. Online just about every night (or every other night) with Gamik on FBI. I do my best to help other agents when the time comes and consider myself a pretty good knowledgeable leader. I haven't been keeping up with too many meetings just soley bose on the fact that being Senior Admin and the Colonel of State takes up the majority of my time on GL. Outside of that I'm in the military so my time is already cut in half but I try my best. What are the main things you should be doing as a SAIC? (25+ words) Supervise / Advise lower ranks (SSA & Below) and help them with any issues and /or questions they might have and report any issue to FBI Command.
  13. Name: Ghostly SteamID: STEAM_0:0:60269264 Current rank: Captain (CPT) How long you have been in your rank (The rank you currently are): 1 month and 2 days Rank Wanted: Major (MAJ) How many warns do you have? Zero Do you have a Working mic? Yes Permission(Not required If applying for Lt-Cpt): Deputy Commissioner Bob Bob and Assistant Chief Matthew Why should you be promoted?: Firstly, I'd like to thank PD High Command for allowing me the opportunity for applying to Major. Now, I believe I should be promoted to the rank of Major I'm a active Captain that does his best to make PD a great and wonderful department. I do my best to help all lower ranks (including LTs) to thrive in PD. I consider myself a well known member of the community and am very respectful to not only my higher ups, but also those below me. I also 100% consider myself a excellent leader. With 3 years of military experience (and growing) as well as currently leading the State Police on our server. I have ZERO warns and ZERO player reports against me and I've never broken the rules / Staff Handbook / MOTD. I'm currently a Senior Admin and have never once abused my powers, the reason I bring this up is because I believe this is a great example of how trusted I am in the community and how I can be trusted with power and not abuse it. Lastly, I consider myself a fair leader, I discipline when necessary but also I listen to the other persons side of things and try my best to understand what he did wrong and try to make him understand what he did wrong and maybe just give him a verbal warning instead of simply demoting him a rank. For all these reasons that I have stated, I believe that I would make a excellent Major and I deserves the promotion up to Major. Thank you once again for considering me. You agree that complaining or breaking any rules put down by High Command will result in your complete removal from PD Command(Yes/No): Yes
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