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Everything posted by GhostlyNinjaDude

  1. ACCEPTED TROOPER LIST: 3/3/2019 -LCPL BabyJett 1B26 -Logan (I'm surprised too) -LT Sam 1L34 -CPL Kyle Ritter 1D70 -gman -Joefox3556 -th3 Please speak with an FTO+ in State to receive your training! You have 2 weeks. Congratulations everyone! -Colonel Ghostly 1K45
  2. Thanks for being apart of State Josh! See ya around Rockford!
  3. Although staff said the warm was false, you still need to use the format.
  4. Sorry buddy, I think you would be a great admin, but you just don't have enough permissions to apply for Admin. You need to have 4+ Superadmins (or higher) and 1 Owner/Manager permission to apply for Admin.
  5. Have fun! See ya when you come back.
  6. +Support First of all, he took his own sit (which is a big no no) second of all he didn't need to disrespect him calling him a "stupid cunt." He should be warned for Play Disrespect and even striked or remove from staff completely as I personally feel that he didn't act mature during the sit whatsoever and he used his powers off duty. (which is a even bigger no no)
  7. +Support I didn't realize the situation that you were RPing. My B. Love ya Phill
  8. ACCEPTED TROOPER LIST: 2/26/19 CPL Lunacy 1C31 Shmoopy (aka "Huners Husband") FBI SNR Kai Mark KGB132 Captain Mjay 1L78 CodeCody Danielsem penguin King Zage Please speak with an FTO+ in State to receive your training! You have 2 weeks. Congratulations everyone! -Colonel Ghostly 1K45
  9. Hi my name is Ghostly. Nice to meet you. I drive a Mitsubishi.
  10. Just to give my side of this I was tabbed out of gmod doing something else and 2 people poked me in TS saying BigJohnny is Mass RDMing and I get in game to check logs and I see BigJohhny killed 8 people (didn't see if they were the same people) and I switch to staff and I see him respawn and pull out a gun again and run out of spawn shooting people. So I real quickly grab him and bring him to a roof and I ask him what he was doing. He just typed "mass rdm" and shoots at me and almost kills me (I wasn't godded or clock as I was more concerned as to stop a possible Mass RDM) I asked him why and he just kept shooting me. So I'm ready to Minge him for 10,000 and warn him. As soon as I warn him he told me he was kidding and that he was joking around with his friends (which idk if true) so I choose not to minge him. He asked me if he could appeal it and I said he could try. Ultimately I'm neutral in this.
  11. Fame said he was gonna pick the next Colonel this week. Also I agree with your statement. People should be allowed to vote outside of state but also this is an unofficial poll.
  12. So you can just give yourself GOA and boom you’re automatically equivalent to Commissionor? Correct me if im wrong.
  13. Hope everything is okay Spection. See you when you come back.
  14. +Support th3 is quiet literally one of the most hard working Staff members in Gaminglight. He's such a great guy, he knows all the rules for the Forums, Teamspeak and SCP-RP. I can't think of anyone better to be Head Admin. He's active, mature, takes his role as Super Admin seriously, and friendly to everyone he meets. He without a doubt is ready to be Head Admin. Nothing but a +Support from me. Good luck! -Ghostly
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