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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by GhostlyNinjaDude

  1. On this day 18 years ago, 246 people went to sleep in preparation for their morning flights. 2,606 people went to sleep in preparation for work in the morning. 343 firefighters went to sleep in preparation for their morning shift. 60 police officers went to sleep in preparation for morning patrol. 8 paramedics went to sleep in preparation for the morning shift. None of them saw past 10:00am on Sept 11, 2001. Let us remember those who lost their lives and paid the ultimate sacrifice. May they all Rest In Peace. #NeverForget ??
  2. ACCEPTED TROOPER LIST: 6/29/19 Bird Bird Dondi SM Jay 1A68 LCPL Roger 1D27 LCPL Cardigan 1B63 LCPL Rose 1B46 Tyler John EnderKnight Please speak with an FTO+ to receive your training. You have 2 weeks. Congratulations!  -Colonel Ghostly 1K45
  3. +Support Evidence is clear. lmao ^^ @GeneralDoge123YT Please feel free to give your side to all this.
  4. Agreed, you have a decent application and seem like a cool dude, however I haven't seen you online as much. You should get your activity up and you'll be good to go. Good luck, Ghostly.
  5. I saw this and thought you were resigning from staff. LOL
  6. ACCEPTED TROOPER LIST: 6/16/19 LCPL Cameron T 1C22 benjamin LCPL Cubb 1A22 ToxicWolf LCPL Rick 1C37 SM Gardner 1A88 LCPL Takeoff 1A42 Brennn Please speak with an FTO+ to receive your training. You have 2 weeks. Congratulations!  -Colonel Ghostly 1K45
  7. +Support Active on the forums Good post count Friendly and Mature towards players within the community
  8. Spection, you were a great Head Admin. Sorry to see you go. Thank you for your Service. See you around
  9. ACCEPTED TROOPER LIST: 6/9/19 LCPL Sean 1C38 Bambi Apis Noot Jaxson LCPL Taresenko 1A45 LCPL Jarrett 1D35 SGT Pun 1A62 Barrs Please speak with an FTO+ to receive your training. You have 2 weeks. Congratulations! -Colonel Ghostly 1K45
  10. +Support -Active -Seems Friendly - Knows The Rules -Helpful Overall, I think he deserves a chance at T-Mod. Good luck.
  11. Hope you enjoyed your 4 minutes of getting fried chicken 7 months ago!
  12. +Support Active on TS and a good and respectful person all around. I think he is fit for staff.
  13. Name: Ghostly Rank: Sergeant Major (SGM) Call Sign: XB1 Steam name: [GL] GhostlyNinjaDude Discord ID Name: GhostlyNinjaDude#2065
  14. This is ridiculous. I don't know why people think it's okay to bully someone, especially on a video game. You should speak with SMT so they can deal with it accordingly. I am truly sorry to here this. If you need anything from me personally, you can always PM me.
  15. ACCEPTED TROOPER LIST: 5/28/19 Lucaa Cole B LCPL Pentagon 1A71 Jason Gonyo Jack Hi LCPL NickMahoney 1c77 Bandit99 Froggie LCPL ODS 1C35 Kuno LCPL LEZ 1A65 Please speak with an FTO+ to receive your training. You have 2 weeks. Congratulations! -Colonel Ghostly 1K45
  16. Happy Memorial Day GL. Remember that today is about those who gave their lives and paid the ultimate sacrifice so that the United States and every American can be free and events like 9/11 don’t happen again. Hope everyone has a great day. ??
  17. Name(in-game): Ghostly Steam ID(must be in the steam group): STEAM_0:0:60269264
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