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Everything posted by GhostlyNinjaDude

  1. Name: Ghostly Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:60269264 How old are you?: 21 Staff Rank (Must be Moderator): Senior Admin Have you Donated? If so, how much?: Yes. $37 and around 175 credits (Gaminglight Supporter) How long have you been staff? (No Less than 1 month): 5 months What is your general knowledge on the rules?: I know the rules very well. I keep track with the MOTD and the Staff Handbook every week for any updates there might be. What can you bring to Event Team? (150 words+): I have a lot I could bring to the event team. I've been with the Staff team for awhile now and I know how PoliceRP works and what events would make the server great and that players could have fun doing. I'm good at planning things on the spot. I've planned missions before in the Army and I'm good at thinking of ideas on the spot. I'm a very active member of the community and very knowledgeable of the MOTD and the Staff handbook. I have great leadership traits that I've learned over my time in the Army and as a staff member for PRP. I believe I have the ability to lead a event and make sure it's a great one that everyone can enjoy. I've already thought of some event ideas that would be great for PoliceRP! I'm also a well known staff member not just on PoliceRP but throughout the entire community. How many warns do you have? (No more than 10): Zero. Why do you want to join event team? (150 words+): I would like the opportunity to be apart of the event team because I love the community and the server. I've always wanted to do my part to help better the community and I'm always looking for more opportunities be presented on how I can help PoliceRP and make the server better. Being apart of the event team I feel will allow me to help make the PRP experience more realistic and a lot more fun for not just the community but for new players joining in. I want to see PRP grow to the point where we have to get 128 player slots and I believe that I can help with the event team come up with some really great events that will make the Gaminglight name more known throughout the gmod community and then eventually more and more people will hear about these great events and how fun our server is and the server will start getting full and then eventually we'll have to upgrade to 128 player slots. This is a great way to get our server more known and this is why I want to be apart of the event team. To make PoliceRP more fun for players, get the name out there and have more and more players coming in. So to sum it all up, I wanna make the PRP environment fun for our players and help the server grow. For these reason, I believe I would make a great Event Team member and this is why I want to join. Thank you for considering me to be apart of the event team.
  2. +Support Phil was a great Senior Mod and he’s really active and mature on our server. He also knows the rules very well.
  3. See you when you come back
  4. I think David should be given one more chance. He left staff and he’s told me he misses it and that he was stupid to leave it and how much he wants to be staff again. I believe David deserves one more chance.
  5. Thanks for playing in State. Good luck in your future endeavors!
  6. Bro if anyone at all deserves Colonel it’s Eternity. Without question he deserves colonel. good luck m8
  7. Name: GhostlyRank: Sergeant MajorCall Sign: XB1Steam name: [GL] GhostlyNinjaDudeDiscord ID Name: GhostlyNinjaDude#2065
  8. Agreed. Would make an excellent Colonel! Good luck bro!
  9. ACCEPTED TROOPER LIST: 3/19/19 Cooper9 VelvetyBinkie33 Connortwos SM Connor 1C65 Josh Maverick LCPL Viper 1C37 Gat Please speak with an FTO+ to receive your training. You have 2 weeks. Congratulations! -Colonel Ghostly 1K45
  10. Big +Supports right here. Steve is a great admin and is 100% qualified to be Senior Admin. Good luck buddy!
  11. Eternity is a GREAT admin. He would make an excellent Senior Admin. Good luck!!
  12. Good luck Logan. You deserve this promotion.
  13. What is your in-game name?: Ghostly What is your steam name?: [GL] GhostlyNinjaDude What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:60269264 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) Yes -Friends Gaming (DarkRP, Deathrun, TTT) [Rank: Admin] [Term :2014-2015] -Trinity Networks (DarkRP) [Rank: Admin] [Term: 2016-2017] -SuperLegion (DarkRP, Deathrun) [Rank: Community Manager] [Term 2017-2017] I'm also currently a Minecraft Helper for our Minecraft server. What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) Around Late September 2018 What date did you make your forums account? October 12th, 2018 Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Admin How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)? Zero. https://steamcommunity.com/id/GhostlyNinjaDude/screenshot/1004772639615141653 Have you donated? Yes What rank are you applying for? Senior Admin Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? No Have you read the staff guidelines at ? You will be tested on it: Yes Timezone: Mountain Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): Igneous, Scheffer, Eman, Richard, Fame, Invaliff, Rhenic, Matthew, Will Newel, Gamikzone Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum) Firstly, I would like to thank Snar, Fame and the rest of PoliceRP SMT for giving me the opportunity at becoming a Senior Admin. I believe that I deserve this rank for a number of reasons. Firstly, I'm very active on our server. I'm online just about everyday after I come home from work. There're some times I can't get on for a period of time because I'm currently enlisted in the US Army, but I usually always tell Fame or post an LOA if I can't get on / make a meeting. Second, I consider myself a very responsible Admin. I have ZERO staff report against me, I have zero warns, have zero strikes and have never abused my powers in anyway whatsoever. Thirdly, I like to consider myself a fair Admin. While I do enforce the rules of the server and warn minges and ban those who wish to do harm to our community, I also see things from their point of view. Example: Someone might've stolen a Police car and didn't know it was against the rules. A simple "hey dude, you can't steal government vehicles, please don't do it again" and they usually never do it again. Lastly, I consider myself a respected and well known person throughout the community. I'm currently State Colonel and PD low command. I get along with just about everyone on PRP and everyone gets along with me. For all these reason, I believe I would make a great Senior Admin. Thank you to everyone who has supported me and to all the SMT and JMT who have given me their permission to apply. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? First I would gag them if all they're doing is yelling and cursing at me. I would warn him/her for Mass RDM | Staff Diss | Mic Spam (depending on how badly they're yelling) | NITRP. I would then issue a 10,000 minge (In accordance with the Staff Handbook) and since they wanted to yell and curse and me I would issue them a ban. Depending on how much they're screaming and how disrespectful they're to me, it could be anywhere from a few days to a few weeks (since it's staff discretion)
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