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Everything posted by DeathBringer402

  1. +Support Active Friendly Mature Good knowledge of MOTD Good knowledge of Staff Handbook Been Admin for a good time Deserves a chance! Good Guy Friendly and Nice Good luck
  2. Hes Now Richer Than Snar himself XD
  3. What is your in-game name?: Death What is your steam name?: DeathBringer402 What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:1:33873913 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) Yes Owner Head of Staff Dev Admin Ive been Staff on alot of servers What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) 20 July What date did you make your forums account? July 25 Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Moderator How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)? 16 Last 4 Months Old Do In Total Also All Reasons Here https://gyazo.com/731188e348b1917f70a678fa9b779980 Have you donated? Yes about 80$ If i am Right Going to be Donating More do What rank are you applying for? Senior Mod Been Mod for 2 Months now Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? No Not at all it Stands in he Hand Book u Cant so i follow it Have you read the staff guidelines at Yes ive Read them Many Times Enough to Know all of it ? You will be tested on it: I UnderStand Timezone: EST Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): Taco (Admin) Dane (Admin) Joe Mama (Admin) Chad (Admin) Scoot ( Admin) Matthew (S-Admin) (S-Admin) Will Newel (S-Admin) Jeff (S-Admin) Rhenic (Super Admin) Felix (Super Admin) Fame (Head Admin) Myan (Head Admin) Spection(Head Admin) Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum) I believe I should be promoted to Senior Moderator for many reasons. I feel like I deserve it because I have been a moderator for over 2 month now and have been really active in the community, I have spent a lot of times on the forums and staffing ingame. Also, I love helping out the community in any way if that's helping them with a question, or if they got rdmed. I am also very mature and calm in all situations no matter what and I never lose my temper. I also feel like I can take on this responsibility of Senior Moderator, it would mean I dealt with more sits and helping more staff members out. Lastly, I know the rule well and i read the MOTD rules every 7 weeks just to stay fresh on my mind, I want to reach Snr Mod so I dont need to both the Snr Mods when i need something done like a ban when needed here and there very not so often due to the great players here. I would never use my powers for bad as a Snr Mod, With great power comes great responsibility and i believe I'm ready for that responsibility. That is why I think I deserve Senior Moderator. (213 Words in Total) How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? First off I would teleport them to me and jail him/her, then if they kept cursing at me I would gag them and told them what they did wrong and how they cant be RDMing people. Then I would ungag them and see what they have to say but if they kept screaming at me I would warn them for Mass RDM | NITR | Staff Diss x2 and then I would proceed to contact an admin or above to minge them for 10,000 seconds.
  4. This Was Resolved Yes But they Decided to Report u i Do am S orry @MELON MAN But i cant Force em Not to ?
  5. Name: Death Rank: Head Paramedic How active can you be (Will be held to this): Atleast 3 Times a week Depends on the Department and staff What is your favorite part about being EMS?: Reviving Poeple and Helping em out
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