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Everything posted by DeathBringer402

  1. Maral Hes New cut him Some Slack atleast He Dinit mean to I Explained it to him On Steam
  2. +Support -Respectfull -Great Command in Gensec -Friendly Guy -Knows to Rp Toplays Deserves Chance to Be HCZ Manager There some Stuff he Needs to Fix Like More Activity But Other than That Hes fine MTF A1 2LT Death LC03
  3. +Support -Respectfull -Knows how to Handle Certain Stuff -Knows how to follow orders -Active Chief is Amazing Guy i like him Hes Respectfull Fun to Play with i Think he Deserves the Spot TBH MTF A1 2LT Death LC03
  4. +Support -Great Leader -Nice person -Knows how to handle situations -MTF A1 2LT Death
  5. +Support -Mature -Good Leader -Long Time Member -Overall a Good Guy Good Luck! MTF A1 2LT Death LC03
  6. -Support Activity needs to improve. Application needs more work. To New to the Community Get More Known Havent Seen u On Application Kinda Rushed Try getting to be known more in the community and increase your forum activity!
  7. Name: Death Rank: Supervisory Special Agent Date: 19/1/2019 Activity: Active
  8. InGame Name: Death Trooper Rank & Badge #: SGT/ T53 Question 1: Do you feel you are being treated fairly and with the correct level of respect within State? Yes or no, and please give your reasoning? Yes Poeple Treat me For What i am In State Question 2: Please list 3 or more recommendations you think would improve the atmosphere of roleplay and seriousness within the Rockford State Trooper department? Activity I Would love to see more Troopers on/ i Would Love to see More Training Sessions Cause there Fun and u Learn From em/More Meetings so We can Know Eachother More Question 3: Do you have any other issues or things you would like to mention to us? Please feel free to express your honest opinion. N/A
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