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Everything posted by DeathBringer402

  1. Your In-Game Name: Death Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:33873913 Staff member's In-Game Name: Dawgy What did they do? Not Following Staff Handbook Warns me for Rp that should be taken towards NSA not A Warn Evidence (REQUIRED): https://gyazo.com/cdb911d02de3b2e506afe85923962b2a Clearly not Following Staff HandBook u dont Warn Poeple for Rp Thing that should be taken Towards The Department Not in Server Rules What do you think is an acceptable punishment? Strike for Not Following Staff HandBook
  2. Your In-game: Death Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:33873913 The admin's name in-game: Dawgy The admin's steam name (If you know it): Dont know the Name From Steam What warning did you receive: Failrp Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1468147605 Why do you think this warn was false: I Was allowed to move in From srt Yet i get shouted and and instant warned without me letting able to tell the admin i was allowed to https://gyazo.com/cdb911d02de3b2e506afe85923962b2a Any extra information:
  3. Your In-Game Name: Death Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:33873913 Staff member's In-Game Name: Supsine What did they do? False warn me 3 times first 1 i told him that i was turning my discord down and it could take couple min he just straight warned me for going afk in a sit while i told him 2 is i was killing this guy who shot me i accidently crossfired cop and aug does alot of damage he thinks i sprayed him down wich i cearly dinit do 3 warn was For Staff dis i was kick for the threshold And i said tp to me and this is what i said to him i Said why dont u let me talk out and why ar u being minge admin Evidence (REQUIRED):https://gyazo.com/2d6133497edba09e4343c7380f5a11dc What do you think is an acceptable punishment? My Warns 3 Removed and Him Spoken to so he doesnt do it again
  4. So Latetly ive been Direspecting and Giving Alot of attiude And i would Like to apolagies for that To Everyone From the Staff Team So Il tell u About Myself i have autism and tourrete and Anger issues i know that doesnt make excuse for what i did and what i did was wrong of me this shoundlt have happend it stupid of me ive done it i started out good in server enjoying the time playing with poeple have fun in the pd but than i met some guys and it all started turning side ways i dont wanna blame them but i wanna blame myself for being apart of it Thats why i Would like to say Sorry to the Staff Team For This Hope u all Have Lovely Day And i am Going to improve My Attiude And Direspect To Be Less
  5. i told u what i said pussy to him i only want this to stop thats it that litterly all i want Lets just end it Here i accept the Warn i aint gonna be disrespectfull imma try to work on my attiude Lets just all have fun And enjoy our day k
  6. Like i said I dont wanna cause Choas i want this to Stop i just wanna have good time thats all i want
  7. I Dont want a fight with Staff that will end Bad only thing i want is either Warning Removed or That Carpenter Acceptes my Apolagie
  8. I Think it should be Removed i dont Find Pussy Disrespecfull
  9. Your In-game: LCPL Death 1C67 Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:33873913 The admin's name in-game: Carpenter The admin's steam name (If you know it): I Think Carpenter What warning did you receive: Diss Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1453454001 Why do you think this warn was false: The word i Said i Find it Falls Under diss Any extra information: I Told him sorry And i woundlt do it again but i dont find Saying Pussy to someone is dissrespect i mean Its not that major of disrespect And he Said He Would think About it Accepting My Apolagie So Idk if that Will Do Anything With The warn But i just wanna have Fun And have no admin enemies on the Server
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