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Everything posted by DeathBringer402

  1. Congrats Bud Hope To Play with u For Another Year more Name: Death Steam id : steam_0:1:33873913
  2. Name on roster: Death Rank on roster: SM 2 Day Trial For LT How active are you: Active 4-5-6 Hours a Day Who should be the next Major? Jet Hes Realy Doing Hard Job As Security and Hes Doing amazing Job Doing so He Deserves it What can Security improve on? Closing Doors Behind u And Training More Trainees Why should we keep you in Security? (30+ words) You Should Keep me in Gensec Cause i am Pretty Active 3-4-5 Hours a Day and I Hold Security InControl That They Dont Minge on the JoB Ive Currently Almost Reach my Goal in Security To Hit LT Wich i Very Happy From And Hopefullly i Can Stay and Enjoy Friendly Poeple in Gen sec Hopefully u Like why i Should Stay in GenSec/Security
  3. Name: Death Rank: CI Trainee Callsign: N/A Reason I should stay: I truly love playing C.I. and carrying out tasks as a group. I don’t break rules, follow orders, and work effectively Concerns: N/A
  4. I Only Saw u Stun sticking the Guy + i never Called sit for him Nobody did
  5. Evidence is Uploaded + States in Motd u can KILL Wanted Guy
  6. i Never called sit For the Guy Shooting me i called it for Guy who is in the Video who is Failrping in Cuffs Thats only sit i Called For so
  7. Your in game name: DeathBringer Your Steam ID: steam_0:1:33873913 The player's in game name: LT Alton 1L72 The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:1:120533979 What did the player do: Warned Me Without Doing sit And warned Me for RDM While Guy was Clearly wanted For Shooting me wich i can Kos him for Evidence (required): What do you believe should happen to the player: Only My Warn Removed and Mabye get Talked to Any extra information: I Have Recievd No Warn in Past 3 Months This warn is Complete BS In My Part
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