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Everything posted by DeathBringer402

  1. What is your in-game name?: Death What is your steam name?: DeathBringer402 What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:1:33873913 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) Yes Owner Head of Staff Dev Admin Ive been Staff on alot of servers And Communtiy Member What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) 20 July What date did you make your forums account? July 25 Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Moderator/Event Team How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)? 20 In Total Last Warn 2 Months Ago Trying to Get 2 Appealed https://gyazo.com/9ea2b1528d67f76f33ef63c82dede03d / https://gyazo.com/7b2eae1a37ec7bb8f49eccbe9d915cf0 Have you donated? Yes about 80$ If i am Right Going to be Donating More do What rank are you applying for? Senior Mod Been Mod for 1 Month and 1 and Hald Week Sorry i Counted Months Only now Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? No Not at all it Stands in the Hand Book u Cant so i follow it Have you read the staff guidelines at Yes ive Read them Many Times Enough to Know all of it You will be tested on it: I UnderStand Timezone: Eastern Standard Time (EST) Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): TH3 (Super Admin) Jeff (Super Admin) Ghostly (Admin) Will Newel (Super Admin) Bambob (Admin) Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum) I believe I should be promoted to Senior Moderator for many reasons. I feel like I deserve it because I have been a moderator for over 2 month now and have been really active in the community, I have spent a lot of times on the forums and staffing always try to have a good attitude whenever I am on and make sure that if there are not enough staff on and calls come in I hop on staff right away. Staffing is so much more than just answering calls, going to a sit and deciding to give someone a warn or not. Its a chance to show the players that Gaminglight has staff members who genuinely care about their experience as well as the longevity of the server they are on. Without players there would be no staff and for that I would like to thank all of the players who are apart of the Gaminglight community with me for helping me get this far in staff, but also those who I play with in the server on other departments, on crim and helping make my experience as amazing as it is. I know the rule's well and i read the MOTD rules every 7 weeks just to stay fresh on my mind, I want to reach Snr Mod so I dont need to both the Snr Mods when i need something done like a ban when needed here and there very not so often due to the great players here. I would never use my powers for bad as a Snr Mod, With great power comes great responsibility and i believe I'm ready for that responsibility. Thank you all for taking your time to read this! As mentioned above I appreciate any type of feedback you may offer, positive or negative it does not matter to me. It just helps me grow and learn from my mistakes! How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? I would !jailtp him to a secure location and begin asking him why he was MassRdming. If he began swearing at me I would simply !gag him and then investigate the claims against him by using !plogs. Once I find sufficient evidence in the damage/kill logs and find that he had indeed either attempted to Mass RDM or did RDM and kill the players I would explain to him what I found and I am giving him a chance to explain why he did what he had done. If he continues to swear or curse at me I would gag him once more and inform an Admin of what the individual had done and let him know I had checked the logs and would request a 10,000 sec Minge on the player(If I was an Admin I would do this step myself). Along with that I would !warn the player for MassRDM | FailRP | Staff Diss. I would then TP him to the timeout room and share the !motd to the player and suggest he reads it if he wants to be a long term player on the server. Also IDK How To Get These Lines Dark/Light Away Sorry For The Issue Hopefully This Wont be Issue
  2. Your In-game: Death Your SteamID: steam_0:1:33873913 The admin's name in-game: Rouge The admin's steam name (If you know it): N/A What warning did you receive: Failrp Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): N/A Staff Member Said it Was False Why do you think this warn was false: Staff Member Said So Any extra information: He Said it Was False And Wants to Warn Removed
  3. Name: Death Rank: CPT Activity Status: Active Also Kinda Got A1 To Control so Cant be on 24/7 Reason you should stay command (100+ words): Reason Why u should keep Me in Security Gues i aint Affraid to Put down my Foot And Bring Order to Security And Non Mingy Times Also i am in EST So i Am On Alot during the Day Watching for Minges in Security Wich i Would be great For Security and Me Also i wanna Stay Cause Security is my First Ever Low Command Position i Manage to Get in SCRP And Yet i am Still thankfull to Command for This Spot Hopefully i can keep Fullfilling This Duty and Get to Stay In Gensec With amazing Friendly Command Thanks For Reading my Why u should keep me Any concerns: N/A
  4. Name: Death Rank: LT Why do you think you deserve to stay in the Department?: I Think i Deserve to Be in Department Cause i am Doing ems With the Most RP I Can i Like rping As Ems cause its Fun and lets Poeple know Ems is RP Department Any changes you want in the EMS?: N/A
  5. @arollin96227 Take it Ez Pal Get Some Rest We Wont hate u for Taking Break Everyone Needs 1 Sometime
  6. Name: SM Death 1C67 SteamID: STEAM_0:1:33873913 Current rank: Sergeant Major How long you have been in your rank (The rank you currently are) : Sergeant Major ( 2-3 Months ). Also Reason u Might Not See me on Alot is Cause i am in the Timezone EST Rank Wanted: LT How many warns do you have? 20 1 False Appealing it Will appeal 2 More When i Havent been Warned in 3 Weeks to Get my Count to 17 Do you have a Working mic? Yes i do Permission(Not required If applying for Lt-Cpt): N/A Why should you be promoted? : so i have been a Sm for quite some time in pd i have worked realy hard on pd i am extremly active to the server and wont be inactive unless on LOA i can bring very good intentions to the command of PD by bringing new ideas and a nice good vibe when i am around knowing that i can help someone who needs help with any prroblem reguardless of what it is . i can keep poeple in line and can handle it very proffesionally when things get out of control by becoming lieutenant it will bring me one more step closer to being able to make the PD a better place i have trained Countless CDT and been to most PD Meetings i will make it to all the command meetings and if i dont i will make sure to tell high command that i will be missing out on the meeting my RPing skills ar spot on when i pull someone over and even when things out of hand i will know to 10 codes and am mature over radio i always respect high up command and will never doubt what they say and i can work with anyone even if there getting unreasonable with me i am constantly active on teampseak and constatnly reminding poeple to hoop on teamspeak With this power of being lieutenant i will be albe to promote unseen members in pd Who are active but just not noticed because other command has stuff to do Another Reason I will try my best to make sure that the lower rank of the PD are well trained and know what to do in all situations they face on duty as a police officer. I am always active in-game, on the forums, and in TS. I have trained many cadets in my time as a SGT+ and I train them to be the best police officer they can be. I will make sure that the newer police officers know what they are doing and I will make sure they do their job effectively as a police officer of the Rockford City. Since I'm staff, I know how to handle people that get on police just to minge. My Previous Command Experience Ar Currently Being (MTF A1 VCMDR ON SCRP Use to be (Fleet Admiral / Fleet Commander 104th Commander 75th Commander EMS LT Command) You agree that complaining or breaking any rules put down by High Command will result in your complete removal from PD Command(Yes/No): Yes I do Sir.
  7. Ingame Name: Death SteamID: steam_0:1:33873913 Rank: FSGT Activity: (Active/Semi active/Inactive) Active What do you want to see in state going forward? Why?: More Mature Less Disrespect Any Suggestions?: Other Cars/Guns
  8. Please follow the format below. You MUST meet the word requirements. If denied you can reapply in two weeks. “Your name” - Event Team App Name: Death What is your ULX Rank?: Moderator How would you rate your knowledge of the SCP world? (1-10): 8-9 Do you have any experience as a GM or event planner in the past (If so, explain l): Yeah Use to be Star Wars Game Master And do Alot of events Like Driod Attack Galaxy War Fleet Invasion Fleet Attack Fleet virus You Know Common stuff How Active are you?: Atleast for 6-7 Hours a day How many warns do you have?: 19 Trying to appeal 2 Of em 20 ATM Got Staff Issue Wich is Being Resolved Why should we allow you to be an Event Team Member (150+ Words)?:: I would like to join the event team because I believe I can be very active and give the players amazing events every day. I believe to make SCP-RP a special place like no other server is to do events. Events make it fun for the server and need good people running them I feel like I should be should be allowed to be an event member because in the past I have had many ways to mix up fun while also balancing the chaos. I also have the ability to be creative and have many ideas of events that can be done and like to read certain SCP's to get an idea of what (canonical) events can happen am a staff member, and a captain in security. I hope that everyone will trust me with this wonderful position, and I promise that if given the opportunity to be an event maker then I will be the best event maker ever. Describe an event you could create (The more specific the better): SCP Transfer Transfer nu7 Unit is Transporting SCP Like SCP 178 Than They Get attacked By Ci They Lose 178 CI Starts Locking 178 Up And Defeding 178 From Mutiple MTF Attacks Like Waves Also Another Event idea By Terminating 096 By Injecting Him With Metal Fluid And Killing 096 Also 008 Massive Breach Involving alot of zombies and stuff What is your favorite SCP? Why? SCP 682 I Love him the Most Cause hes Fun as hell Sorry For my Bad Grammar i Am Not so good in English
  9. i Agree There With Voxis u Dont Tell Poeple to KYS Regardless the Sit At that Time
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