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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/01/2022 in Posts

  1. This is going to be a long post so bare with me for the time being. GL has gone almost pay to win and is catering almost exclusively to combat rather than proper RP. The admins and Zeeptin are actively censoring those who speak up against them making money. This all began yesterday when Ash was banned from the discord for having an opinion about the current state of the donations for GL. Ash was promptly told that he/she had an uneducated opinion and was banned when they spoke against the donation incentives. Zeeptin personally stepped in and I was able to share some messages to him in General on the discord. These messages were dismissed and brushed off and Zeeptin requested I make a forum post about them. Well, Here I am. Gaminglight SCP-RP has shifted form a RP based server to one that revolves around combat. Donation incentives over the past years have revolved around the following set of steps. Number 1, a new weapon is added to the game that is either overpriced or overpowered (Example, any of the legendary items). Number 2, that weapon causes havok on the server and is buffed shortly after release. The cycle then repeats indefinitely. The class D are given priority on the server and are handed ample opportunities to disrupt roleplay for those who wish to actually spend their time in a branch. Meanwhile, branches like Research and Medical suffer to the point where they are actively suppressed and forced to hide in bunks the whole day due to the near constant riots and unsettling in D Block. Can anyone recall a time on this server in recent memory where it was code blue and research, medical, and other branches could actually get RP done without getting murked by class D? I cant. Class D are given weapon after weapon to use against security. Now I know what you may be thinking, "The weapons are not JUST for class D. Anyone can buy them" and this is true, but from what I have seen, a majority of weapons bought on GL are used in class D riots. Why is combat prioritized over actual RP? Why are new weapons rolled out month after month and SCP's barley added. Why are Class D encouraged to not join a branch and keep playing as class D? It's simply, Class D make GL money. The server caters towards the random person who buy's Gmod, doesn't know what an SCP is, joins the server, doesn't know how to change a job and stays as class D, gets killed so they buy a weapon or two and they play for a month until they get bored and leave or eventually get banned for being racist. That is who this server caters to. Not the people who put effort into the server and spend hours of their time trying to make it better for others. This server has turned into team deathmatch with a sprinkling of SCP's on the side. Instead of putting effort into the models and fixing the horrible lag by mending the map, it's easier to put a weapon in the store that does too much damage, charge way to much for it so people think it does more, and sell it to class D. It's lazy. When is the last time a new model was added to the server that wasn't just ripped off from another game? For Christ sake we have a doofenschmertz model. Is it that hard to just come up with a dude in a science outfit? This is ignoring the outrageous prices for a custom clan/model. Or the Fortnite dances. Every weapon added makes the server feel like just another combat server and pushes the very ideals of the RP side away, making the server feel empty and hollow for those looking to RP. I can hear the complaining now. "Tomato, you have no idea how to run a server! You don't know how much it costs to run a GMOD server in 2022. We shouldn't talk about money open like this!". Well, why not? Why is money on the server such a taboo topic? Why proudly flash on the homepage of the forums that someone donated if it's such an issue? I have been a loyal player on this server for 3 years. I have put over 2600 hours of my life into this server. I feel like i should have some idea where the money is going to other than the pockets of the owners. Even if that is not the case, I feel like all that donation money should have some reflection on the server. But it doesn't does it. The server is still unoptimized. There are so many useless props on the server that serve no purpose. I cant go from LCZ to HCZ without getting massive lag spikes. God forbid the server count get above 100 players because then the lag is unbearable. How is that acceptable in 2022? If this was 2008 then yea I could see that maybe it would be hard to run a GMOD server. All that donation money coming in and the server runs like its being powered by a hamster on a wheel. There is a reason we make jokes about that. It's because its true. And the truth will get me banned. By the time you are reading this I will probably be banned for having an opinion. Keep in mind, I have not insulted anyone or called anyone anything derogatory. I have not threatened anyone or done anything to get banned, but I probably will be. This server and it's owners do not like those who speak up against their ways. Frankly that is not only insulting but also scummy. Unfortunately, I have to bring up the money trail in order to get any attention. It's not like we can just reach out to Zeeptin on the discord (why even be in the discord if you are not going to interact with anyone on the server). If I am banned, it just shows that we are not allowed to have an opinion on this server at all. As a business owner and a public figure, you should be able to stand up to criticism and not throw down the ban hammer the second an opinion is made that you do not like. This is the only part of this post where I am directly referencing someone. Zeeptin, let people speak their minds without fear of being removed. This is to say, as long as they are actively trying to better the server. If they are just walking around calling the admins the R word then yea, ban them. But if they are concerned about the state of the server and worried about the direction it is heading, then hear them out. Even if nothing is done at all, just let them speak their mind. Here are some steps that can be done to fix the server. 1. Fix the lag. I don't care how it's done just fix it. Get better computers to run it. Hire people to optimize the map. Get rid of useless props. Something needs to be done. 2. Remove useless SCP's and add more interesting ones. I will be happy (as I'm sure others will) to suggest fun and new SCP's to include on the server. 3. Go out of your way to encourage Class D to join a branch. Make it as easy as possible to join a branch from the menus. Advertise it in big bold letters on walls. Something. 4. Don't rush it. Take your time and do this properly. Don't just rush out a new SCP in a week and hope that keeps us quiet. To anyone who has an opinion on this and wants to speak up, do so in the comments here. Don't target people or call names, just voice honest criticism about the server and suggest what can be done to make it better. I want this server to thrive. I want to see 128/128 players every day. However, if the server keeps heading in this direction, it's better off to just remove everything but gensec and class D and let them duke it out until everyone gets bored and leaves forever. Also, this is a totally unacceptable response to someone on the discord (see attached image). -Tomato
    10 points
  2. Server isn't pay to win. ZJ proved that with is 1080 no scopes What gaminglight IS suffering is Snowflakes, bitches (in the annoying version), slight to mediocre friend groups and corruption (RP leadership) and people who don't know what dafuq they are doing.
    5 points
  3. The biggest, and most agreeable factor I read on this post was that the server has turned to Combat. RP Branches are barely staying above the water right now. Research has been taking blow after blow these past couple months, Medical and Maintenance are constantly in this battle for the past 2 years, and R&D sunk low for the past 5 months. The fact that D5 can now do Tests takes away all purpose of being in Research. Why just test, when you can now shoot and test? This has been a problem for months on end, and has been dramatically increasing at an alarming rate. I really hope people will take this into consideration, and help the RP Branches provide more RP. I have made countless suggestions to make R&Ds RP more pronounced, and much of the time, MTF Highcommand will either decline it, or disagree among themselves (being the 3 MTF Branches) about it. Because they like to keep their branches oriented and structured. When I try to meet to compromise these terms, people either failed to meet, or compromise. I do not say this to discriminate any members of MTF Command. I have highest respect for MTF Command, and believe that they do an excellent job in comparison of their predecessor‘s. However, I beg that people would have a better openess to deal with the struggles of new implementations for RP Branches. As RP Branches, our branch updates often can’t just feature new SWEPs, or guns. We need new systems, and options for people who don’t carry weaponry to do, and be beneficial as an outcome. Utilizations are a perfect example. Please consider this, as It would be huge for the RP Portions of the server.
    3 points
  4. you must be really bad at the game if you think this is right
    3 points
  5. I really wanna see an actual good UNSC VS Covenant server on GMod again. Every now or then one pops up but it always dies cus they don't have a community and struggle to create one or kill it themselves. I have been on many of those servers and just want the same experience i had when i originally found a UNSC VS Covenant server (the only good one ever) I am going to list a few specific details just to try and help give a basic idea of how those servers generally work best at least from my experience. If this actually manages to spark some interest i am always willing to talk about this topic as i would love it if this actually happened. Main Basis - The entire server would be Semi Serious RP that all relates to the ongoing battle between UNSC and Covenant. It would start in a period near the start of the human covenant war and events could happen to signify important events. People on both sides would be able to deploy and go into combat with the opposite side. The entire server being PVP based. Deployment rules - For the sake of fair combat/realistic battles there would be deployment rules based on the strength of each thing past the basic infantry. grunts and jackals as well as marines could go out whenever with absolutely no restrictions but anything above that would need a reason to go out, such as the battle being to far in the other sides favour. An example of power for certain ranks is a brute ultra taking out a whole squad of like 10 marines singlehandedly or a brute chieftain man handling like 4 spartan 3's. NLR would also be based on the rank/power of the individual so that killing something like a brute chieftain is a major win for a significant amount of time and may allow a gap in power to let others join in for the time being. The deployment rules being ignored for full scale war events in which the deployment rules are ignored for a specific time period. In order to make it so higher ranking people don't get bored they can always switch to the weakest job in their faction or a weaker life if they have it so that they may go out freely. Capture points - Another way of causing a full scale war event besides event team would be to capture every capture point for your side (the main objective for all the skirmishes) this allows the side that has captured all the objectives to raid the enemy factions base. There could also be specific missions for certain individuals that go outside the deployment rules. Such as an Elite zealot assassinating a certain individual within the UNSC base as a lone mission. Permadeath - As a way to "keep things interesting" certain events or missions could have a permadeath (or PD for short) effect. Meaning if you die your character fully dies in lore. This can mean i variety of things based on the type of permadeath. Such as: Name PD: Death manes you must simply change your RP Name. No loss of rank but any RP with that character is lost and your accomplishments are reverted. Half PD: You lose anywhere from a rank to a rank reset (if you are a try-out class such as Covenant Elite or an ODST otherwise it would be a full PD) dependant on the specific rules. Full PD: Death means you must fully start over on that life, your name changes you are wiped from the roster completely and must restart (or switch to another life) This could either be an optional thing to participate in such as an event with the reward for surviving being the ability to be promoted without restriction (such as double promos and ignoring promo timer as well as just more generous promotions from command) or mandatory missions for classes that are meant to be a revolving door by nature. PD Classes - certain classes (from my experience Spartan 3 fireteams and Elite Zealots) may be free for anyone to try-out for with no restrictions as a powerful class you can get without having to work through a whole ranking structure. But the downside would be not only the fact that it is difficult to join but also that people in these classes would be forced to go on full PD missions from time to time. Where you have to survive in order to keep the class and succeed in order to rank up. Possibly leading to a more permanent position or simply more power. Refusal to go on the mission being an instant removal. I think that's enough to talk about. Its already an absolute wall of text but if this genuinely sparks some interest or has a chance at happening then i would love to talk about anything else anyone may have questions on. I really hope this happens. I will be checking this post occasionally to see if something has happened with it but for a more immediate response my discord is @GrandNova#9890 Feel free to ask anything there. A video of the server i get most of the inspiration for this from that sadly shut down due to the owner destroying it himself basically. Just as another note the suggestion is more for the server itself then the mechanics i listed. While i think those mechanics are a good way to go don't take it as me demanding it be that way if it happens.
    2 points
  6. 1. Your In-game: ST PVT Tom 1931 2. Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:240887653 3. The admin's name in-game: Lord IX Lummmmmmmmmmm 4. The admin's steam name (If you know it): [GL] Lumm (Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:568513356) 5. What did the admin do: RDMed me and my friends (there was 3 of us total). His warn bind was in another language (which made it hard for us to understand), and apparently we were loitering. We were talking to Overseer Jack, and never actually entered the purge bunks when all of a sudden all three of us get killed in the back. This is extremely concerning behavior to see from an admin, when normal players are frowned upon and arrested if they kill someone. 6. Evidence of the abusive action(s) (REQUIRED): Lumm claims that he'll attach the footage to this fourm. 7. What do you believe should happen to the admin: I believe that the admin should be demoted and/or banned, honestly any sort of reprimand would be great in my eyes. 8. Any extra information: An admin provided us the information and assisted us with this process, big props to them for helping us report them. The admins online at the time were very helpful.
    2 points
  7. I said you resigned to save you embarrassment , I also offered you Senior Event Team as it was originally a demotion. I felt like it'd be more appropriate and a kind gesture to say you resigned, then announcing 'Goat got removed'! I also promoted Kieran due to his dedication, considering he also had multiple promotion recommendations by SMT & was doing extremely well at the time. Sorry you felt that way! You got on twice in three months, and when told to get active you asked 'why do I need be active, I'm ETAL'?
    2 points
  8. Overture: It is with some solace that I am resigning once again from Gaminglight Imperial RP. I enjoy all the time spent with everyone I have interacted with. If you are not in the mentions it is not because you are insignificant or otherwise. This community is great although it could certainly be better. I will still be playing GL servers, I am just moving onto SCP RP. Miyo: Best 501st Commander NGL Theta: Fix my mistakes with ARC, make them as great as they could be. Goat: Very Nice! Wheat: Keep Killing battalions King! Pisces: The one good Brit. Racc: Dude is great NGL Deadly: You’ll get Vice Commander at some point. CR0: I love Ravens! Jabroonie: Roblox boi Mann: Great fella, deep voice daddy #2 501st HVY Best, Stinky Troopers for the win!
    2 points
  9. again, when zeeptin told you to bring it to the forums, he meant suggestions. and no, not a suggestion just saying "FIX THE SERVER!!!" give actual suggestions that you think will do that, they might not fully know what the community wants, so you have to communicate that specifically. This here will get you nowhere but trouble
    2 points
  10. +Support @Tomato Thank you for saying all the things I wish I could say as a Security member. It has been an upward fight to be in this branch. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love it here and know everyone by name. I think that it gets progressively more difficult as time goes on. Security is in a state where we need to have number advantages against D-Class. None of the main jobs are a threat, only the CCs (and mobsters can be dangerous too). We recently made a Sub-Branch called Juggernauts in an attempt to promote more activity as well as have some stronger jobs to deal with the constant "sandwich battle" between D-Class and CI. Even then, getting any buff for Security was a massive battle with the higher ups and is still a struggle to get what we were told we could have. I miss escorting researchers with genuinely interested D-Class to an SCP to see what it does. Now, D-Class get even more chaotic with no researchers and when there are researchers the D-Class target them and kill them almost instantly. The only way to fix the downward spiral is to do some form of overhaul. This is become a server that is not "SCP-RP", its "SCP-Deathmatch". Pick a side and shoot all the other people. And if you wanted to play: Medical, Maintenance, Research, or RnD, good luck. I mostly feel bad for new players. They will join the server and see a warzone and most people will play for a while and never come back. The ones that stay will likely buy a CC and get banned a while later for toxicity of some kind, that's just the player base this game mode attracts.
    2 points
  11. The server needs a development team to assist in running. Zeeptin should have plenty of money in the bank to afford one instead of relying on the managers who have to do school work and are in college. I can imagine many issues being fixed if there's a dev team giving critiques and fixing issues. We don't need more donator weapons, we need more optimizations and rp additions. 1. there needs to be a weapons overhaul. sure, tfa works, but its boring and unreliable. give us something, anything. 2. D-Class needs to be weakened. you can have D-Class be powerful but Gensec needs to be able to defend against them, if that means nerfing my favorite thing to play on the server then by all means go for it. Research insta die trying anything 3. a map update. Things need to be changed and D-Block made much more secure, not just gensec standing next to a fence, add a wall and gate with a keycard, so for d-class to riot they need to hack open a gate and rush at once. There is a general suggestion "What do you want to see in the next map update" where ive elaborated further. 4. Can we be less strict on what we can say. the "GL Filter" makes you feel like you are walking on eggshells, you cannot insult anyone. and gamers like to insult people. it doesnt need to be so you can be the most toxic person in the world, but can we not get muted for jokingly saying "go fuck yourself" 5. SCP's need to be buffed or changed. they need to be a force to be reckoned with and the primary threat for mtf, the primary threat shouldn't be CI, it should be an SCP who can wipe out squads apon squads of mtf. 6. Decrease TTK. this is an RP server, want it to be even remotely realistic? then dont make it so it takes 2 AR clips to kill one fuckin guy. it should take 4 headshots max If everyone who comments critiques gets banned/removed. it will prove your point, if the server heads down this path then it will die. it needs to be changed, reworked, and stuff done. even if that means shutting it down for a day for maintenance. If Tomato gets banned im going to debate remaining here
    2 points
  12. Whilst I'm not saying that your claims are false, you're wording things wrongly. Please attach the video proof of you killing us three, like you said you would in the sit. There were at least 4 other staff members in the sit, who all listened to the story and believed that you were in the wrong. While yes, me and my friends do like to have our fun, we normally are friendly people who just run around and talk to others. We never ran into the purge bunks whilst you were there, so those 3-4 people that you saw were indeed not us. Also, please attach the warns as I do not recall being warned. I hope that this issue can be resolved, and you can learn from your mistakes. If any other player wrongfully killed 3 people, no matter how many times you say sorry you at least have to serve your 600 seconds in jail. As a staff member you should be held to much higher standards. Edit: These comments go for the other two threads open reporting Lumm. Please refer to this one as the centralized one, we were just instructed by a staff member for all three of us to post.
    2 points
  13. "You have decided to fuck around and find out, so your death will be our gift as our business is life itself.” Joseph was here, Death is near. Shadow Legacy Rep
    2 points
  14. To the Citizen's of Rockford, IL: Declaration Of War Shadow Legacy June 1, 2022 A week ago is the date that the Shadow Legacy crime family was deliberately attacked by the Fazoli and Soprano crime family. The Soprano and Fazoli crime family has overstepped their boundaries. Shadow Legacy has called upon their allies to retaliate against their hostile actions. Officially tonight at 12am Shadow Legacy will have declared war against the Soprano family. The Umbrella Corporation, Scythes of Paradise syndicate, and the Shadow Legacy crime family will assume an alliance against the Soprano and Fazoli crime families. This month the Soprano family has disrespected SL family members. This night the Soprano family spread propaganda that SL is worse. This night the Soprano family attempted to take the life of SL’s Underboss. This month the Fazoli family has targeted SL by forming an alliance against SL. This month the Fazoli family disrespected Shadow Legacy members. Trumpo & David called upon their allies because Shadow Legacy was attacked unprovoked. “The Soprano and Fazoli crime families will find their death to be a swift one as you have the full might of 3 powerful families on your back. You have decided to fuck around and find out, so your death will be our gift as our business is life itself.” -UMC, SYP, & SL ~ Trumpo, Shadow Legacy Owner (Posting on behalf of SL Management, UMC Management, and SYP Management) *Credit to SL David for writing this masterpiece* *Credit to Will UMC for being the graphic designer*
    1 point
  15. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/mU27RbwceOJVS/d1337ujGNT9v?invite=cr-MSxWWmYsMTg4MjMyNjYs Was going through old clips and found this one! *sad*
    1 point
  16. Name: akrew10 Warden Name (If Applicable): Agrippa SteamID (If Resigning): STEAM_0:0:162961154 Rank: COL What needs to be updated (Rank, FTO, Wardens, Strikes, Activity, Promotion date, or notes): Resigning What is the new entry needed?: Well, I guess it happened to me too. With my activity being at an all-time low recently, I have come to realize that I have gotten burnt out and don’t have that much fun playing on this server anymore. When I first joined security sometime in September 2020, it looked nothing like it is today. From the new models to the new D-Block, to all the new jobs that are being added and change being made thanks to HCMD. It was nice seeing it come this far and I hope it continues to grow. I could go on and on about all of Security's CMD, Former CMD, and people that meant well but to keep this short we will leave it at that. Thanks for everyone that interacted with me and maybe there maybe a time where I may return sooner or later. To all of Security, thanks for joining me on this journey. Good luck to the rest of y’all in GL and the future! Also, get the FTO meeting at 8 pm EST
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. I definitely agree with this post This post does a good job in my opinion of addressing some concerns but I would like to add something to it, With donation items it isn't just that we hate all donation items or that simply having them is P2W but the issue is that RP on the server is in an incredibly sorry state and in dire need of work , many things such as rp only existing as /me's, no interactable systems to actually DO the rp actions with and the systems that are in place feel like nothing more then a mini game ( see trash man ) The actions themselves don't add to the RP and the RP being done feels pointless, like there isn't some change to a narrative or anything to make it feel like your actions are worthwhile aside from the possibility of a promotion more work for you to do that still ends up feeling meaningless and the only reason people stay are the friends they make in the community. But the insult comes in when you have all these issues with rp and what do people see being added? the 43rd weapon balancing that month and donator weapons being added it starts to feel like your not meant to be there and are just an observer to the actual thing they care about, combat. which brings the thought that why do they only care for combat and adds a cynical view onto the whole situation leaving you feeling like its Pay to win cause the only things that are there are weapons.
    1 point
  19. I would honestly love to have this server be more serious RP focus over its semi serious (basically TDM) that it is right now. I'm afraid there's only so much we SMT can do from our stand point as if the players such as Dclass just want to murder and kill people then we are of course going to "cater" to that audience, I think alot of ppl can admit that the wider majority of the server wants the combat on the server and id actually say its the one thing we have over most other SCP RP servers. I can only go "encouraging" a change within RP in Dblock if I have the support of Dclass/CC's, But another issue i find is also a lack of researching. Ive personally sat in Dblock before begging to be tested on waiting long periods of time to be tested on. No new player is going to want to do this especially if they see Dclass CC's running around killing security, they will just want to join in on the fun. All in all its hard to implement Roleplay into Dblock unless the players themselves push for it, One change that I can think of to help with the "push" would be removing the big red line and forcing more of a prison style line up.
    1 point
  20. Appreciate the feedback. The topics mentioned within this post will be discussed among SCPRP SMT.
    1 point
  21. More recyclers: denied due to no good spots for recyclers to be added/finding extra room but also placing them in spots which make logistical sense. Code brown: Denied due to lack of seriousness, while its funny, it would be cool for a week, after such players will most likely complain and ask for it to be removed/waste of SMT resources. Adding intimidation to interrogations: Denied as its a already complex system with this addition bringing on yet another "counter" or "step" within players would need to know. IMO it our rules for such Roleplay situation are already at ridiculous state for some situation to take place and having are MOTD be 10pages long things like this start to build up. A rewrite of the RP situation would be more appreciate. Going forward this is something we can do for major suggestions but some suggestions can be quite obvious in regards to if they will be denied or not. I will say if you ever want to know why a suggestion was denied just simply DM myself or ask me in TS, ill be happy to let anyone know why their suggestion or another suggestion was denied <3.
    1 point
  22. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1awQRynxGjJlq8VV2F8mkl7WsjmwiRnQ5vroZnefYN88/edit?usp=sharing
    1 point
  23. TEST LOG ASSIGNED FOR GRADING. Please wait 1-3 days like two seconds for your final grade. Final Grade: 1000/100 Great font choice! Comic sans is easily the best font known to man Idrk what the hell this "049" thing is but he seems really neat. I'm lifting restrictions on giving LR Jummy narcotics (so long as he can provide them to me!) Never liked that "Jack" guy or whatever his name was anyways
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. -Support I get what you are trying to do, I really do. The problem with these addons is that while they are cool in theory, the extra work caters to a very select group of people, such as yourself. Most players are more intrigued by our current fast-paced core gameplay loop. While it's neat, it would ultimately become unnecessary, irrelevant, and likely entirely unused.
    1 point
  26. +support Lummm himself admitted he made the mistake, should be punished. However I think removing him from staff team over this incident would be ludicrous.
    1 point
  27. Even though our interactions where sparse, you have always shown yourself to be committed and worked hard with our DHFTOs to make the FTO program as good as you could. Thanks for all your hard work Akrew, well see you again soon o7.
    1 point
  28. maybe not this one cause its kinda generic +support on others tho
    1 point
  29. “Time to give the covenant back their bomb” +support would be epic
    1 point
  30. if this is the vader i remember from back in 2021, this message is for you: While i do not know what happened to you or your situation that put you where you are, i can say it does sound like it was regrettable. I can understand that we make dumb decisions (im a great example of this), and i will give you the benefit of the doubt and say that your probably did not mean to cause any ill intent or harm anyone. I personally would like to see you have a chance to come back to the community, even if your staff restriction remains. Good luck brother.
    1 point
  31. I might have to step in and put a end to this
    1 point
  32. SYP is dead. Soprano and Fazoli are active. Fazoli is the official pizza supplier! Loaded with toppings.
    1 point
  33. you're clearly delusional, the Sopranos will eradicate all of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    1 point
  34. It sucks to see you go man. Hope we cross roads again some time in the future. It was a pleasure to play Gmod with you. You will be missed!
    1 point
  35. damn we will miss you o7
    1 point
  36. I didn't know you well, but you were a good person from what I saw of you. It sucks you're leaving. Good luck out there. o7
    1 point
  37. +Support I think he deserves a second chance, but on a very very tight leash even if he does this stuff again it takes like 5 minutes to permaban him again, so no harm no foul really
    1 point
  38. + Support. Should not be blacklisted from using the BH, just should receive a warn.
    1 point
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