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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/20/2018 in all areas

  1. lets get this cash money am i right or what
    2 points
  2. What I learn from life is that you shouldn't have to follow everything by handbook but mostly using your own judgment. Like NYC police will not issue tickets for jay walkings or sleeping on subway car unless that police haven't met his monthly tickets issues. All in all, there are so many different situation in life that handbooks to write for all situation is gonna be bigger than any school's textbook probably 100000s of pages would have to be written. It best to use your judgment at all times.
    2 points
  3. If you want terrorism, go play on MilitaryRP.
    2 points
  4. Pm the Headadmin what you think or to ppl instead of responding to your own app it will make you look bad And You need to understand that nobody -support just cuz a Head Admin did
    2 points
  5. To add to this, I as an SM went undercover and dropped down to a cadet a couple weeks ago just to see how well our sgts were training. One of Which times chad was my trainer. i chose not to talk so i wouldnt blow my cover. and i gotta say, I was highly impressed with how in depth his training was and following the training hand book hitting each point on it. I am 110% confident chad would make an excellent LT.
    1 point
  6. When this happened i had been rping with tommy for the past hour, tommy had shown no sign of trouble and therefore i feel vizz went out of his way to get someone in trouble who hasnt been an issue in 3 weeks. Vizz i like you dude i just feel this was wrong. I have personally dealt with tommy as staff and i can say yes tommy was a pain at times. but 3 weeks without a warn is showing progress. also he says hes been on the server 3 yrs. so i mean thats alot of time to accumulate that many warns
    1 point
  7. I think the person you minge does not deserve it yet unless he cause another trouble. Also the person has not cause any trouble for 3 weeks seem like type person who's trying to improve himself. Last thing you want is to give him a reason to go back being minge because being good player hasn't help him. But I can see what you're saying. I just wanna understand is it you who made the judgment or SA+?
    1 point
  8. Denied We don't want to promote terrorism to the demographic of our player base. Basically we do not want to promote terrorism to the young players who play PoliceRP.
    1 point
  9. He his his 30 warn mark, 7warns ago, and hasnt had a warn in over 3 weeks, what if he was already punished for it by a different staff member? Vizz looked over his warns and looked for a reason to punish him. @Logan @Jeff M. @maral the great
    1 point
  10. Congrats dude keep on spamming XD
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. I know Razonix very well and I can't stress how well he would fit into the GL Staff team! Goodluck buddy ?
    1 point
  14. I don't really seen you on the administration job ? maybe timezones I don't really know.
    1 point
  15. They don't quote me because I'm a head admin, they quote me because they agree with what I said because it's the truth
    1 point
  16. +Support -Great Application -Active In game -Active in TS -Great Leader in EMS -Extremely polite - Deserves A chance -Past experience Overall I believe he deserves a chance. Good luck
    1 point
  17. But in real life every time someone encounters a cop their first reaction isn’t “let me find my Negev ah there it is bye bye cop!” -Support from me sorry we have too many problems with constant police shootings we don’t need another class designed for causing havoc there is enough already.
    1 point
  18. Rise and grind gamers, let's get this bröd.
    1 point
  19. I would have to disagree with no effort in application but I do agree with on that he should wait to apply for it
    1 point
  20. +Support -great person -great Application -Can listen very Well. -good leader. EMS,SS -would make a great mod -active
    1 point
  21. Knows how to deal with users ans hand out punishments and listens to all sides.
    1 point
  22. Yea lag is already such a big issue but personally I think the good out weighs the bad
    1 point
  23. I know that your not supposed to respond to your own application post or face immediate denial but it’s already gonna get denied so I thought I would throw that explanation out there. Firstly after being a Senior Moderator on Police Rp for about 3 months I transferred to Imperial Rp. I shouldn’t face scrutiny for helping the community when it needed staff for an area that I had experience in. Recieving the rank of superadmin due to my hard work and dedication for Clonewars Rp and I remained active in there for majority of the summer. Secondly I left starwars rp on good terms with no restrictions etc. I then found out I was able to come back and be active I attempted to return to clone wars rp failing. So in the end I decided to come to police rp to work my ass off. Due to being a past superadmin and not a lot of time had passed in between barely a month. I was able to return as an admin. Now some may count this as unfair but we have all respectfully worked for everything we have gotten and some have worked harder than others it’s not something I can control. I have been back for a little over 3 months as an admin again and I thought the police rp community would like to see me as superadmin I was wrong. I plan to work harder then ever before however I really don’t understand the reason majority of you minus supported besides the fact that a head admin did. Have a mind of your own. No disrespect to anyone thank you all for the feedback this application can be denied I have no desire to pursue a Superadmin position any longer at this time. With Love, ~Mervin
    1 point
    1 point
  25. +support -I mean it clearly says that they cannot gas when it is a hostage involved at all so I mean the broke the GAS SOP a talk to should be just fine in my opinion
    1 point
  26. he cant make a post notifying people last minute
    1 point
  27. +support Strong work ethic Great guy Responsible
    1 point
  28. +Support - Pretty Active - No warns, profession - Nice guy - Decent application ~ Good Luck, Joe Mama
    1 point
  29. Join SS, we badass (that is the worst grammar I’ve ever used, my English teacher would be having a heart attack right now if he saw that). I should’ve said; Join SS, we are badass.
    1 point
  30. +Support Activity is pretty good but could use improvements. Activity on training cadets is pretty great, just needs improvements. Your attitude has been doing fine, but keep improving it. Assists officers in need often. Application is good but could use more effort. Overall, if you do get Lieutenant, please. Please improve your overall attitude, and try not to minge around sometimes. I still see you getting angry towards others sometimes, but I don't really see that a lot nowadays, that's good, keep improving that. Other than that, good luck. -Colonel Dane
    1 point
  31. +Support -Active on forums -Got a lot of posts -Active staff member -Way too many words
    1 point
  32. I have been playing for about a week no and I have learned how to do a lot of the stuff I didn't know how to do when I started. I play on the Police RP and I got into EMS which has been alright but it can get very stressful sometimes. I'm also curious on how to change my display name I was going to use it in the rp but sadly it was taken so I went with Bing Greene and I would like to make that my display name on the website if anyone has a clue how to do that or if it's even possible?
    1 point
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