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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/21/2018 in all areas

  1. What you want to see? - I want to see the prosecutor and defendant job be added to a “legal department” and have their own detailed application process. Why should we add it? - The application and department must be added to the server to allow for mature and level-headed thinking people to be able to properly roleplay in court without having to worry about minges and people not knowing the proper procedures. The legal team would be as, if not more important than the other highly strict and in-depth departments such as SWAT, BSI etc... because of the intelligence that concluding and fighting for cases requires, as well as the fact it is extremely important that we have active legal members because it is a major part of Police roleplay. What are the advantages of having this? - Advantages Include: More qualified and mature players for the job This would weed out all the minges that make court roleplay painfully unpleasant This would leave the job available for those who know what they are doing and truly want to roleplay in court without interruption Having a department with quote on quote ranks would allow for another group on the server to hand out promotions and watch their members carefully with them knowing that if they screw around they are at risk of a demotion and removal from the class Who is it mainly for? - Adding this would allow for an entirely new dynamic for roleplay on the server. People would be able to finally take other players and the government to court "for real" with a trained legal team without the hassle of fighting mingy defendants/prosecutors. All in all, this is for the well being of the entire server and to help our status in the Garry's mod community by having one of the only servers with a fully functioning and "semi-professional" court system that anyone could have access to using and being a part of. I have already created a simplified version of court guidelines that is usable in-game to get everyone familiar with the ideal protocol of what real court is in the General section. See here: If you choose to implement this idea I would be glad to help develop applications or help in any other way I can.
    2 points
  2. +support has been awhile since been banned I think he’s learned his lesson. I don’t think a perm ban was the best punishment for that (recommend not telling any staff to shut up or argue with them)
    1 point
  3. We know more about you and your family then you think. The National Security Agency is devoted to protecting Rockford and keeping it safe!!! - NSA Director Carpenter 1WX1
    1 point
  4. You got the last question wrong you can’t minge someone for 10k seconds. Other than that you look fit for staff
    1 point
  5. What I saw today in that traffic stop You disgust me. -Support
    1 point
  6. All the Tactical Units SWAT/CERT/SRT and PD, NSA , BSI,FBI and NSA will unite and stop you and your family, we will never back down, and we will protect Rockford city and her people!!!! -CMDR MyanDaBeast XBA1
    1 point
  7. Tommy even though you kinda stole my name it will still be sad to see you go ?
    1 point
  8. Good luck to you too!! Dayum Dane already a senior Mod good luck to you too!! Hahaha thanks for your support, you stay safe too
    1 point
  9. @Jason Tucker Dont reply to your own application
    1 point
  10. + Support +Great RPer +Knows Rules +Very Helpful +not annoying + would be great on the staff team
    1 point
  11. Maybe we will see you in.......October?
    1 point
  12. +support Clear evidence Good facts
    1 point
  13. Where do i subscribe to this channel cause i wanna see how many excuses he makes up to abandon you
    1 point
  14. +Support Jeff did talk out of PTS however he was telling John Kill (Who has been dealt with by October) to get back in line after john stepped out, John stepped out of line every time me and October went in the house during training. He broke the SOP as well however this was dealt with a strike, During the training i wrote the names of everyone who was speaking when they didn't have PTS. I understand his point of view where he has been striked for telling someone to get back in line. Personally i believe this report can be looked at either way however after speaking to everyone who was present i believe this strike should be removed. I apologise for anything that happened during our training today or during the aftermath. -FBI SAIC Danny SAF9
    1 point
  15. +support this "guy" was acting like he had all this power over everyone and was very rude and bossy
    1 point
  16. what are those LEGS on BUNKEY
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. Well this is it, farewell. I’ll try to come back due to the large amount of respect I’ve seen on all the gaminglight servers I’ve been on (from milRP to pRP my main and sRP which I was only on to get trained as an ST). Everyone I’ve interacted with has been so kind, and during my retirement speech I had almost the entire server coming out to say how they’ll miss me. I’ll miss all of you. I must say that even though I’m leaving, I feel I’m still apart of the community as I’ll be on forums and maybe TS. Thank you for everything. @Zeeptin thank you for your kind words you sent me recently, and thank you for running these awesome servers. @Gaur you’re a cool guy, I remember when you were a senior mod. You were pretty chill back when we played together. @Snarlax Snar Snar Snar... I miss the fire balloons. You still look like my caddy. You were a fun guy, and I enjoyed your little events. @NoOne finally got the password to the fbi command room for you. That’ll be 20 robux. @gamikzone the chillest SA. @igneouscheatah Ingots. I’ll miss all of you. Thank you for this. ;D Lol I’m not sure what’s gonna happen to my custom class. ~OCtober You’ve all earned my signature of respect.
    0 points
  20. Never thought I’d make this, from the start State has been my only department and I absolutely loved it, but I can’t take prp anymore there just doesn’t seem to be any rp on it anymore. I won’t lie I am leaving prp because I’ve had way more fun on FiveM. I want to thank a few people for making my time in state so great. @snookiebear You were a great Major and LT Col, It was fun doing ride alongs with you. @Alistair I’ll be seeing ya on FiveM. @Cole Phelps Cool guy but I’m still cooler than you nerd. @Bronco Big bully, jk good luck with SPMU my man, you definitely deserve LT. @Amon Definitely one of the best troopers I’ve seen, good luck in state man. @Officer Pulloutski I don’t know how many ride alongs we’ve done together but they were fun as hell my man.
    0 points
  21. Yesterday i had to pull the whole tucker family into a sit and warn 3 of them for disrespect and Failrp, You were not one of them however your name doesn't give you a good reputation
    0 points
  22. Yeah they messed up
    0 points
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