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Leaving the community


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Well I have come to the decision that It will be beneficial for me to leave the community and get my exams and all that amazing stuff over and done with.(2 years time) BUT I will be back as a dull time player after 2 years. You might see me on summer but that best I can do. Here is the shoutout section for everyone I've met during my time on PRP.

Charlie - First person I ever met on PRP and my trainer! Thanks for training me and doing it to a high level! You helped me get to where  I am now!

Jeff - You certainly are someone I won't forget! Thanks for giving me the opportunity in DOC and for helping me in staff 

Joe - You are doing amazing! Keep up the amazing work and I hope to see you in managment soon! 

Eternity  -  Thanks for accepting me into ARU and igniting a spark within me to do well and aim high in the community!

Freeze - Thanks for being my ride along for SWAT! You are probably one of the most influential person I have ever met! Keep working on your driving though.

Elapin  - Not really seen you much but keep up the work in Swat!

Smaug - What can I say? Keep up the high standard in SWAT and do me proud!

Ecott - The man of money! Sorry for breaking your car.... 

Blitzon  -  Keep  up the amazing work in SRT!

Cashtag - Minge

Seb - You are now chief... Keep up the amazing work and good luck with EMS command 

Ryan - you are just a joyful person to be around with and you are full of humor!

Kormes- Still waiting for that pizza

Clint- Learn what vehicles you can drive ;D

Timmes -  uhhh. Keep up the work!

Crease - Keep up the work in CERT!

Cammy  - Scottish minge

Will - You are on of the most dedicated player I have ever seen! From CDT to CPT... Keep up the standards and help others 

Yobo - Keep up your work in state

Mad dog- Pinkpanther

Ghostly  - Keep up the work in State and staff!

-=Most precious members to me=-

Willy - What can I say... #makeawishchild

Hunt - "See you on the forums".The traditional saying 

Ender - We have had our many arguments but we remained somewhat civil

Calamity  - What can I say.. You trained me in SWAT... helped me in staff and in many other fields! You will 100% get HA soon! Keep up the work!

Ronin  - RONIN. Thanks for training me for Admin and for everything else you've done (lost track)

Mikey  - Gaymer

Bennett  - Well, you have baisiclly been my son. Promoted along side until now, where we will break off.


Matthew - #joineventteam! Keep up the work! Keep that streak going and make me proud!

Myan-  Well, you have certainly been a inspirational figure for me!

Steve - What can I say? You helped me many times and you are the greatest HOS I've ever seen! Keep the team in order and enjoy your position!

Snar -  You well... you are Snar....

Zeeptin - Enjoy reading over CCs applications and enjoy your little discord enjoyment...


I will be placing my 48hrs in for all depths in the following hour. I will try my best to get reserves in most depts and I will return in the future if GL is still around!

It been a fun 7 months! Thanks for making my experience a one I will never forget...

  • Sad 8
  • Gaminglight Love 3

'you may see my struggle, but you won't see me quit'

'Success depends on the second letter'

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What the fuck. 
Welp Sion, imma miss you, you were one of my most successful cadets I’ve trained... It’s gonna be different not seeing you around. Good luck in School and I hope to still be around and see you whenever you come back. 



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Sion, you have been a big help with EMS and every meeting I can count on you to do attendance, update the roster and help the rest of the department. Thank you for everything you have done. Good luck with school! 


Edited by Seb
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Sion, we have indeed had our many arguments but have come back stronger in the end. You’ve taught me many things and put me in my place for the better of myself and all. I call you a dear friend and you have a place in my heart. Hopefully, I am still here to see you return and we can rejoice... if not, I wish you the best. You’ve done amazing things and so much good. You’ll never be forgotten, thank you for everything my friend.

Ender | Former SWAT Lieutenant | Senior Low Command | SWAT FTO | Previous PoliceRP Administrator 

COL Will 1L52 to admins: Max, you ain't going to scare them, you are on a female model and stuttering...

"So what're you doing?" - @SWAT LT Ender 22-D "Putting my clothes back on". - @SWAT SFC Nao 27-D

"There's a fine line between right and wrong. And somewhere, in the shadows, they've sent us to find it."

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Umm wtf no what im at a complete loss of words I thought it would never happen ugh

ok then sion 

I wish you the best of luck in your future and don’t you dare lose communication with all of us

PD Colonel , EMS Deputy Chief


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No but seriously you were a great friend, and amazing EMS Command Member and I wont forget the good times we had. DUDE WE WENT THROUGH 3 CHIEFS TOGETHER AND YOU'RE JUST GONNA UP AND LEAVE ME I'M DISAPPOINTED! Although I'm mad I can't change your mind, I want to wish you the best luck on your exams, or whatever life brings your way

as always if you need anything you can always AND I MEAN ALWAYS DM me in discord

Best of luck,

thx for everything

~EMS Deputy Chief Ryan CX-2, Former SRT 2ndLT Ryan 1Q63, SM Ryan 1A28, Ryan UMC

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Sion i dont know what to say to this being honest you were like father to me im going to miss you man. hope you come back in the future and staff again and hopefully i will still be here. Gonna miss them promotions with you bro

❤️ pass your gcse's and come back.




ExPolicerp Event Team Leader |  ExPolicerp Senior Admin | ExState LT |  ExCERT SGT | PD SM | EXSS ASAIC | Ex EMS Deputy | ExLore Senior Guard MI SHGO Carnor Jax  | EXSenate Commando SGT Taggart 

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It's sad to see you go, sion! ?

Who's going to keep me from minging now?!

Currently a member of the Support Team, SRT, Dispatcher, EMS, and PD SM.

Former Senior moderator, SWAT, Event Team, Secret Service, DD, and State Police.

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No, I didn't approve this, Don't leave.


In all seriousness, I wish you best of luck with school Sion. Hope to see you around.

P.S. It's Not gonna be the same.

Edited by StackableGold

"It's fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure" ~ Bill Gates

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