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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Gaur

  1. And your conplaing about somone disrespecting you? Your being a massive hypocrite currently. It’s absurd, your treating SMT so disrespectful. That was unnecessary and uncalled for. I expect more from a staff member such as yourself. You need to know that you are not above anyone and need to show respect to SMT. @Steven King / Asuna Yuki A.) Do not openly argue with a staff member on the forums when they ask you not to do somthing as its a direct breach of the forum rules. (Conflict between you and Snar about the Yuki Code of conduct) Which Snar is right, your document does not determine weather somthing is RDM, the server rules do. B.) Calling your family “yukies” is not disrespect, not everyone knows english grammar well or silly mistakes happen. You like to call the smallest things disrespect which is hilarious. C.) You say your Yuki’s RP everything and are a RP family not a guns blazing and shooty shoot shoot family, yet they cannot even RP out getting spit on and just gun the man down that’s trying to start role play by using /me’s. Seems Legit. D.) Members and Staff have the right to give feedback to reports. So why are you attempting to deny us the ability to do this. It’s like you are requesting the community to not have a right to put input into a report because it contains conflict about the Yukis. ————— On a main note (about the actual report) +/- Support The First video doesn’t seem like RDM The second video does, there was no RP there and he shot the man for a little thing without even attempting to start role play. Reference to C above.
  2. He’s not required to give you a sit for a obvious rule infraction that he witnessed, but he is still required to explain why you are being warned either by Talking to you or by PM. (Copied from Handbook) “When you issue a player with a Warn, Inform then of what they are being warned for and why.” It does not matter what rank you are you must comply with the handbook.
  3. That would require them to edit the staff time thing so that you can only see your hours. -Support Just get on duty regularly and you won’t need to worry about your staff time.
  4. +Support on a model change
  5. If SMT could clarify the time and reason for the staff restriction that would be great!
  6. -Support The drugs in this system give you super speed and absurd affects that people would abuse. -Support The drugs in this system give you super speed and absurd affects that people would abuse.
  7. Gaur

    Any information.

    Somone already tried bud, it didn’t work. Goodluck removing a branch you have absolutely no control over... —Side note The Watchers will give info on gangs for immunity to certain things. However we will NOT give ANY information on the Yukis or Munchies or Umbrella Corp as we are not trying to start a war with the biggest family’s.
  8. Gaur

    Dudes Ban appeal

    ^^ -Support The ban has an actual reason.
  10. Gaur

    DOC rules

    DOC Rule has been updated based of what was said in this suggestion post, I head the state police branch and am not keen on the idea of removing the rule. Unless management feels otherwise or that the DOC rule needs to be removed, I request that this suggestion be denied.
  11. +Support •More RP for prisoners •Maybe then some of my DOC will be more active! ;)
  12. ^^ Agreed But also to correct, Their hit boxes are not broken, they are just smaller than normal people so harder to hit. +/- Support
  13. -Support Our handcuff system works with our taser well This taser is harder to hit somone with. I don’t see a need to replace it.
  14. It should take 1 person to kidnap a PD/Sheriff with no gun out And 2 people to kidnap a SWAT/CERT with no gun out. Seeing as they are more armored and have more training.
  15. I saw this in another server and it was awesome! +Support Increases RP I can sit and watch the news from my base!! (If it gets abused make it VIP.)
  16. This was my favorite one ^
  17. Accepted Troopers Chilies (STEAM_1:0:103812317)Nick Val (STEAM_1:0:98044988)John Kyle (STEAM_1:1:56300451)Carpenter (STEAM_1:1:41745305)Vinny (STEAM_0:0:157110771)Do NOT Reply on this post or comment, it will be hidden by forum diplomats.
  18. -Support Talk bad about the owner and another high member of staff and then ask to be unbanned with no effort.
  19. ooohh I used to be a hardcore SCPRPer, looks like fun
  20. Gaur

    Staff Defibs

    After 3 minutes of waiting for EMS if they press space it will respawn them. So the longest you can go without reapawning is 3 minutes. From all the constant reports staffs getting from abusing unarrest baton ECT. I don’t know if lower ranks would be able to handle it. And then we would just have 10x more reports. Certain staff already want to fly around and interrupt RP and RP on duty or use weapons on duty. This would just cause issues as I can already see a staff flying around reviving people for no reason. For lords sake we have a unarrest baton and that’s already been abused. -Support I would say otherwise but currently i’m not confident in some of the team based on reports and actions they have made recently.
  21. It’s still a rule that you cannot be staff on another community while staff on gaminglight. —————— +/-Support -Directly breached handbook at the time (Why he was demoted and restricted) -The rule you can’t be staff on 2 servers is pretty obvious and one of the top rules. -Should have resigned and then created the community, they way you went about it was wrong. +Has been staff restricted for a long time +Appologetic
  22. I'd like to see you try to do anything to my CERT. Don't curse at them again, you have no power on them.
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