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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Gaur

  1. Name: Gaur SteamID: STEAM_0:0:86891423 Current rank: Lieutenant How long you have been in your rank (The rank you currently are) : I really don't know or have an estimate, its been a while. Rank Wanted: Captain Are you Currently In a family/gang? (Be Honest Don't lie!): No. How many warns do you have?: 0 Do you have a Working mic?: Yes Permission(Not required If applying for Lt-Cpt): N/A Why should you be promoted? : I have been playing PD a lot recently and have been involved in the command of it. I know how to deal with situation maturely and professionally. I have held this rank for a long while now and am interested in moving up in the branch. I have been with the server for a very long time and have held multiple command ranks in multiple different branches and am fit to lead. I know all the rules and SOPs for PD and am constantly dealing with situations in PD where people request higher ups or issues amongst the department. I feel that I have held the rank of lieutenant for a long time and its time for me to step up in the department and assume more of a command role. (Word Count: 131) You agree that complaining or breaking any rules put down by High Command will result in your complete removal from PD Command(Yes/No): Yes
  2. +Support Active Mature Fit for staff
  3. It wasn't a matter of my rank in PD, but my Rank in Staff. You can question it how you choose, but SMT (NoOne) told me to handle an issue and I did. By giving him permission to reply and explain what happened in that photo his issue was resolved. And I see it perfectly logical that someone should be able to comment back and explain an image that was taken a while ago to address the fact that A) It was dealt with on an OOC Staff level, B) It was dealt with on an IC level, and C) He received proper disciplinary action for what occurred. In the end, the issue was resolved, he got to explain himself on what occurred with that image and was content with the results.
  4. Gaur

    Radio in cars

    +Support Could be fun There are options to restrict the radio to certain stations on a list so it cannot be abused.
  5. -Support You need to be warned for lying to staff He is not required to provide you evidence of a rule you broke that you know you broke. It would require him to pause his recording and upload a video whitch takes time. Staff are not required to record or have evidence on everything. If they witness you break a rule they can warn you for it. As well you Falsified this appeal because you KNEW you self supplied, but THOUGHT he had no evidence so you made a appeal lying saying the he assumed when you knew & he clearly has proven that you did. And you KNOW you did. Right now you are caught in a lie.
  6. -Support You mass RDMed the server and showed that you didn’t care to RP hence the NITRP. Now back st 12/02/17 I was an Admin and couldn’t perma ban so i’m guessing toxic edited the ban to make it perma..
  7. & Henry (STEAM_0:1:123666300)
  8. Gaur

    Fame staff report

    Fame: "Okay we are going to continue RP, put your hands up" Fame: "We are continuing the Roleplay situation." Nova: "I'm going to have to call an administrator cause' you broke FearRP" Fame: "I Broke... Okay... Okay, Nova.... Nova today you are going to be warned for FearRP" A simple breakdown for you. Fame decided to continue the RP situation and was not going to warn Nova. but when Nova stated he was going to call a staff member it seems to me Fame decided to retaliate back by warning him. That is my opinion though.
  9. Gaur

    Fame staff report

    Second gun came out after he took his gun out. Fame was reloading and couldn’t shoot his gun. If there’s no ammo in the gun or he is reloading he can’t shoot Nova so Nova should be able to take his chance. (Pretty Common Scense!) As soon as Nova said he was calling staff, Fame said he was going to warn Nova. Seemed like retaliation... +Support Demoton is NOT nesscary.
  10. Gaur

    Lost ban appeal

    Hey next time try not to disrespect the server. +Support Second chance
  11. A tomato with a GL Logo in the center.
  12. Every branch in the server uses the same 10 codes as PD.
  13. -Support -It’s hardly ever causes issues •I never liked the fact that staff restricted people could buy it and be back on the staff team...
  14. -Support Its ULX based so does it even work with server guard? And i’m guessing you would have to go through and edit the whole thing to make it work with serverguard.
  15. -Support Sherrifs and State (and their sub divisions) already deal with prusuits.
  16. Gaur

    National Guard

    -Support -We don't need another division -Would be close to useless. -Not different from any of the 3 tactical units already in the server To elaborate, the current tactical units are already heavily armored and weaponized, the national guard would just be a 4th tactical unit with close to the same equipment. As I would doubt they would give the jobs anything over 300 armor as its unfair. It is useless and not needed. The fact that people would only be able to get on the jobs if one of those situations occurs means that it would not be used at all. I have never seen 20+ nontac units die at a scene or 10+ tac units die at one scene. The national guard has really only been used in events and that's the only time they are needed.
  17. IF the staff hand book states a 10,000 second minge and you cannot apply that length you either A) Tell a higher up to apply the minge, or B) Give them max minge for your rank. Thats what is expected to be on the T-Mod applications.
  18. -Major Support Bud unfortunately I don’t think that 2 hours is long enough for what you said to the staff members. And man you slid by with a 1 day ban after that? Wait your time and learn your lesson. I believe you were also perma banned by toxic a while back for almost the exact same thing and got ban appealed. You were told to watch your actions and you continue to make mistakes.
  19. It wasn’t, it was in the Rockford Police Low Command (Lt+) Room, which he isn’t a Lt+ either.
  20. Forum Diolomats can’t because SMT (Snar) Has already staged that this thread won’t be locked.
  21. -Support No ban is needed. Could have been dealt with by a Mod in game. He wasn’t acting like staff, he just had your family name without permission. No SteamID
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