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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Gaur

  1. The warn for taser rush is not false, you cannot tase somone if they have a weapon out.
  2. Accepted Speak with a Head of Staff+ for you Forum Diplomat tags in Teamspeak and on the Forums ~Head Forum Diplomat Gaur (Also Speak with me before using any of your Diplomat Permissions so I can give you the rundown on how to do it.)
  3. Accepted Speak with a Head of Staff+ for you Forum Diplomat tags in Teamspeak and on the Forums ~Head Forum Diplomat Gaur (Also Speak with me before using any of your Diplomat Permissions so I can give you the rundown on how to do it.)
  4. Accepted I have revived the SteamID, player will be warned.
  5. Gaur

    Unban Apeal

    I’ll speak to Nolan and Zeeptin as soon as I can so we can get your appeal sorted.
  6. Accepted Player will be spoken to then warned.
  7. Pending Need more feedback from Community/Staff
  8. Pending Need more feedback from Community/Staff
  9. Pending I need his SteamID or I cannot apply a punishment.
  10. Pending Need more feedback from Community/Staff
  11. Accepted Speak with a Head of Staff+ for you Forum Diplomat tags in Teamspeak and on the Forums ~Head Forum Diplomat Gaur (Also Speak with me before using any of your Diplomat Permissions so I can give you the rundown on how to do it.)
  12. Denied Overall Bad Feedback from Community, didn't put a poll, and low effort put into application Reapply in 1 Week
  13. Accepted Speak with a Head of Staff+ for you Forum Diplomat tags in Teamspeak and on the Forums ~Head Forum Diplomat Gaur (Also Speak with me before using any of your Diplomat Permissions so I can give you the rundown on how to do it.)
  14. Pending Waiting for more community feedback.
  15. Accepted Speak with a Head of Staff+ for you Forum Diplomat tags in Teamspeak and on the Forums ~Head Forum Diplomat Gaur (Also Speak with me before using any of your Diplomat Permissions so I can give you the rundown on how to do it.)
  16. Accepted Speak with a Head of Staff+ for you Forum Diplomat tags in Teamspeak and on the Forums ~Head Forum Diplomat Gaur (Also Speak with me before using any of your Diplomat Permissions so I can give you the rundown on how to do it.)
  17. Denied Overall Negative Feedback from Staff and Community members. Since it's been almost a month you may reapply in 3 Days. ~Head Forum Diplomat Gaur
  18. +Support He should be unbanned He should also be 3-6 month staff restricted.
  19. Gaur

    Gas mask

    Agreed And CERT doesn’t misuse gas, there’s only like 2-3 people trained for the rifleman job.
  20. The server is 25/80 and if you count there’s 25 people in the screenshots so he wasn’t on the server at the time and got it from someone else.
  21. Gaur

    US Marshal’s

    -Support I don’t see anything that is going to make you differ from any other branches or add a unique experience by adding in the branch. 99% of the things your branch would specialize in or do is already dealt with by normal PD well.
  22. Gaur

    US Marshal’s

    Okay, 1) Provide Security in courtroom - Can be useful from time to time when there is a judge on. 2) Protection to DOJ members - Also Esentially Useless because I don’t see people rping as DOJ members 3) Witness protection program - Esentially Useless, 99% of the time witness are threatened and when they are they don’t want to be followed aground by government. 4) Transport prisoners - Useful, you could be the new DOC 5) Serving arrest warrants - Most all government jobs can do this, is there any specific warrants you would specialize in. I want to make things clear, adding a department into the server is not an easy thing and it needs to be useful.
  23. -Support Alot of RP occurs near spawn and near car dealers and other essentials to playing th game.
  24. Gaur

    US Marshal’s

    Tell me what their roles would be in the gaminglight PoliceRP server. What are they specifically supposed do, what are their restrictions, who would get the job and how, how is a commander going to be elected, are they going to be useful? Even better if you could just list off everything they specialize in and everything they are going to have the ability to do.
  25. What staff handbook rule was breached? You need to elaborate on what he did get banned, not just why he should be unbanned. By giving me no background to his ban reason I cannot give a valid opinion.
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