-Support In every video I watched, you minged. No you cannot do prostate exams, no you cannot gun down a CPT because he was preventing you from breaking the FBI SOP. You broke the NUMBER ONE rule in all law enforcement. “Never shoot another officer” Edit: 1) I don’t see why you want to change the FBI command, both No one and Johnathen have worked their ass off for those positions in that branch, and have brought so many things to FBI to help FBI strive. 2) Suggest what you want added to the SOP, the general statement that’s it’s not “broad” doesn’t help command to edit it. 3/4) Promotions are usually made off of who they see on. 5/6) No Opinion 7) What do you suggest to reform the FBI? As for your last comment, we don’t ban people most of the time. We use the minge system, and punishments are not applied unless a player breaks a rule. If that player breaks a rule then the solution to is is, don’t break a rule next time. Minges are not applied unless you break mutiple rules, half the time it starts with a verbal warn then a warn then a minge if it’s severe enough.