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Everything posted by Gaur

  1. Uhh not to rain on a parade, but the old negev had no recoil. And the only thing that got nerfed was recoil. +/-Support Reduce recoil but don’t make it obsolete. I understand where you are coming from and yeah the recoil should be reduced a bit. But it’s a LMG and they are meant for close range aswell at point blank the negev is actually really good.
  2. +Support Id expect more from a senior mod.
  3. Accepted Troopers Anderson Surpant (STEAM_0:0:158444304)Lut (STEAM_1:0:65285859)JaiRai (STEAM_0:0:177825459)Max Thomas (STEAM_0:0:98631982)Mikedagamer (STEAM_1:1:171626137)NDSTF Crabs (STEAM_0:0:121774638)Do NOT Reply on this post.
  4. -Support In every video I watched, you minged. No you cannot do prostate exams, no you cannot gun down a CPT because he was preventing you from breaking the FBI SOP. You broke the NUMBER ONE rule in all law enforcement. “Never shoot another officer” Edit: 1) I don’t see why you want to change the FBI command, both No one and Johnathen have worked their ass off for those positions in that branch, and have brought so many things to FBI to help FBI strive. 2) Suggest what you want added to the SOP, the general statement that’s it’s not “broad” doesn’t help command to edit it. 3/4) Promotions are usually made off of who they see on. 5/6) No Opinion 7) What do you suggest to reform the FBI? As for your last comment, we don’t ban people most of the time. We use the minge system, and punishments are not applied unless a player breaks a rule. If that player breaks a rule then the solution to is is, don’t break a rule next time. Minges are not applied unless you break mutiple rules, half the time it starts with a verbal warn then a warn then a minge if it’s severe enough.
  5. I’m tired of coming on the forums and seeing staff reporting staff. This needs to stop. Its being immature, we should be able to work it out as a team, if speak with a SMT privately.
  6. You have 40 warns. Lucky management didn’t perm minge you. You were unperma banned and told to “Watch your behavior” and to me it looks like you have not been doing that, as we can all see from your warns and actions. To me it sounds like A.) You have NITRP B.) Your very disrespectful C.) Your lucky it was a 5 day ban.
  7. Honestly I see no need to set staff on duty. Why don’t you just be a better person and get on duty yourself as an admin. Edit: Posted this in the wrong report woops.
  8. +Support Hopefully it actually works.
  9. What every you say or do represents the staff team, especially when that Modertor tag appears next to your name in OOC. Thats why it can be made a staff report because staff shouldn’t be saying such things. I’m not saying I agree or disagree.
  10. I don’t recall saying I don’t care if they use gas. So that member is putting words in my mouth. And about the cloaked thing, I wasn’t Jake can’t see CERT player models.
  11. He has errors turned off so all the CERT for him is invisible... I asked the same thing. (Echo isn’t staff so he couldn’t cloak himself)
  12. This is like the 4th report of this happening (with staff in general). Yester day I had at least 2 people telling me staff were interfering with their RP. Y’all better watch out or that old “Stay on the roofs and don’t fly around” rule might come back.
  13. Agreed People hardly ever abuse text screens +Support
  14. +Support But i think only LCPL+ should get it.
  15. We used to have this exact script in the server. It was removed due to unknown reasons.
  16. I don't have command over other branches so I cannot control what they can do, but I will make a document for my DOC and Troopers.
  17. I will ask around for what is fair times and make one for my DOC/Troopers. Give me 2 days to get it done and have it implemented. This is only for troopers so it’s up to other branches to either pass the prisoners to DOC or make the jail time.
  18. External things like this are too hard to enforce especially with new officers that just joined the server. How do we give the link to new officers, how do we make sure that they are following it. Unless it’s going to go in the MOTD so that they can access it ingame with a command. It’s just somthing to complain about, if you think a officer gave you unfair jail time, CALL A STAFF!! They can decide if it was fair or not. It’s just unnecessary and unneeded in my mind. My point was the times on here are absurd compared to what the max sentence is now. My -Support still stands
  19. -Support The weapons and armor PD has compared to the weapons and armor criminals have would mean heavy casualties to the PD force. Tactical units are there to prevent any casualties on the police force, and they do a hell of a job at it. One dude with a sawed off can destroy 4+ cops, and only really stops when he’s killed by a tactical unit or a PD after mass casualties.
  20. Gaur

    SWAT Suggestion

    Heard the same thing. Also there is no SWAT skin for it.
  21. Accepted Troopers Eternity (STEAM_1:0:181785233)Johnny (STEAM_1:0:55310581)Wolfy (STEAM_0:1:156025321)Eman (STEAM_0:1:33601900)Johnathen Jay Jay (STEAM_1:0:104346030)Munchies (STEAM_1:1:222609639)Closeman (STEAM_1:0:39078176)JMS (STEAM_1:1:196823999)Struftdot (STEAM_0:0:85380774)
  22. -Support YOU DIDN'T FOLLOW THE FORMAT. Report made in wrong section (This is for staff reports not false warn appeals)
  23. Please more insight or i’m going to -Support because you have no dispute.
  24. Hey throw a GL logo on it somewhere like all our state cars!
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