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Everything posted by Gaur

  1. Gaur

    Naby - Report

    Also 10 or more warns and you cannot be in a family. And No substantial evidence, logs just shows he killed you not what happened.
  2. Gaur

    Naby - Report

    *10 Warns - 7,200 second minge issued, By Admin+ (Admins desecration if the ban is issued)* -Support Failure to comply with staff. Followed staff handbook wit the minge applied
  3. Count all three as one. If they check the date and they all happened within the same second then it’s the glitch. So three glitched ones is just worth one warn
  4. Warns from MilRP glitched and tripled, unfortunately if they do glitch they are not able to be removed. It will say “Invalid Warn ID” or something of the sort... Hopefully it will be fixed soon.
  5. -Support Disrespect towards any management (SMT/EMT) is not tolerated.
  6. I guess since valk didn’t ask his side or inform him about the warn before applying it then the warn should be removed. +Support
  7. Gaur

    Casino Suggestion

    +Support Good idea nimo!
  8. +Support Helpful Friendly Mature Active
  9. +Support Active Friendly Mature Ready for staff
  10. Gaur

    Hey Guys!

    Welcome back Vinny!
  11. Goodbye alec you will be missed.
  12. -Major Support ImmatureDisrespectfulTells people to "KYS"https://prnt.sc/idd72s https://prnt.sc/idd6gj
  13. Welcome back Rang, Long time no see.
  14. If I can remember properly you and someone else came on and put in OOC “Free my N**** Gary” and we’re causing other problems.
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