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Everything posted by Gaur

  1. +Support -Would help control family’s.
  2. Gaur

    Staff Report

    I understand what your saying, that’s why the staff handbook says not to use your powers off duty. Because then you can avoid abuse reports by just using @ chat and calling an appropriate on duty staff. In the end he breached the hand book and could have avoided it by calling staff. PS Just don’t use it on players at all off duty unless you are of the appropriate rank and it tends to avoid situations like this! The punishments discussed in this post seem VERY harsh and unnecessary. I think he just needs to be told not to do it again. I see no reason for a staff strike as this is his first report on it. If situations like this arise again then I believe harsher punishment should be taken place. +Support (Just tell him not to do it again) Fame what you said about earning that privlages shouldn’t apply, there is a reason your commands are blocked off duty. You earn these privileges when you become a SA+ (with the exception of Admin+ warning off duty) If SMT agrees with you then the Staff Hand book would be changed to say that all ranks can use their physgun on players when they are off duty. (Which I know would cause issues)
  3. Send us evidence of cops doing unfair arrests and they can be dealt with accordingly. That CERT member has been dealt with and that matter has nothing to do with this suggestion. (Yes i have seen the video) If you wish to speak with me about that CERTs punishment you can ask me in Teamspeak instead of bringing it up in a suggestion, your going off topic and that situation has no place in a suggestion post. If there’s any further issues you can bring them up in PMs with me.
  4. Gaur

    Adding Mayor

    -Massive Support Not needed, the mayor job was renamed to president. They would have the same abilities and just interfere.
  5. Gaur


    SWAT does not spawn with 255 armor. Their low ranks have like 150. Get your facts right before you make comments like that. +Support -Would like to see added into the server. -Other guns in the server are more “OP” and this gun is fairly balanced.
  6. Punishments issued on officers discretion, and 90% the stuff on this is already 10+ years. There are 8 out of like 52 things that are under 10 years and half of them are outdated. You say everyone gets put in for 10 years but that’s good compared to what’s on this document. Be happy you only get 600 sec (10 year) -Support, not needed and PD wouldn’t follow it even if you tried to enforce them to.
  7. Gaur

    DOC rules

    Multiple weeks, could be 2 could be 3 could be until we decide you are ready for promotion.
  8. Gaur

    DOC rules

    I’ll think about it, but if this does happen people will be the rank of DOC for longer. That would be the trade off. End the end if the rule is lifted DOC is not going to be a one week thing.
  9. I did not minge him. Can an SMT check the panel and confirm the person that minged him please.
  10. Gaur


    Wow lots of LTAP warns, you sure crash a lot! (Or have a habit of leaving) He probably was your warm record and was expecting you to LTAP
  11. +Support Good Ex. Staff MemberCalls out rule breakersMature Fit for Staff
  12. Welcome back bubu bashawn
  13. I borrowed 8mil from jack and lost it all, then borrowed 4 mil from zayn and lost it all......
  14. Accepted Troopers Febreze ZaynPenguinBobbyPliskinRhenic
  15. It’s SUPER late if your a SUPER admin... Everyone knows you....
  16. Need to hear Eternity’s side of the story
  17. Gaur

    Naby - Report

    Stop -Reputation when he gives his side on your report. That’s just being immature. Same thing goes for you Naby. -Support There is NO evidence that pertains to the report of RDM and Failure to take sit.
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