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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Gaur

  1. Gaur

    False Warn Appeal

    Denied You may appeal warns separately, we are not removing 67 of your warnings without evidence.
  2. Accepted. Try not to warn yourself, please.
  3. Gaur

    I Am Sorry :(

    Put your Proper SteamID, should start with STEAM_ I cant do anything if Idont have the right one.
  4. Fix your SteamID, it should start with STEAM_
  5. Pending SMT & EMT will have to review the application as a whole to decide the outcome.
  6. New FBI models have already been made by jack.
  7. Our economy is so broke I wouldn’t doubt that somone had that kind of money... @Fame You cant sell weapons that you have spawned.
  8. Gaur

    Radds' ban appeal

    Accepted However, if you cause any major issues or constant issues what so ever you will be permanently banned again. If you reach 50 warnings you will be permanently banned again. Talk to a SA+ in teamspeak to unban you.
  9. The ban system glitches sometimes and extends the length to a super long number. Ill speak with snar about the ban
  10. Accepted A Global SOP will be made on Gas Usage by PoliceRP SMT (Nolan Approved)
  11. http://gaminglight.com/main/topic/21335-to-all-government/ Accepted Naby is not going to be warned at this time as he was under the impression that the backup rule still existed. This will be a learning process for both him bobby and SRT. (ie Verbal Warning) Bobby will be spoken to by SMT. Do not attempt to justify rule breaking by saying they were minging/it was a kill box. If that was the case then staff should have been called.
  12. Our ban system has been a little funky and some times glitches to the wrong amount of time Accepted Ask a SA+ in TS to unban you.
  13. Gaur

    Forums Suggestion

    I’ll speak with Snar about it.
  14. Gaur

    Forums Suggestion

    We are not going to give non-SMT/non-diplomats the ability to pin lock and move threads because they would be able to do it in all sections of the forums. That’s the whole reason we have forum diplomats that have to apply for it and have guidlines. Giving non-staff the ability to moderate the whole forums is not a good idea. P.s. there’s no way to restrict ranks to only be able to moderate content in only one section.
  15. Pretty sure you're not serious about Snar right? xD
  16. I had a staff member come to me about you threatinging and you have 2 warnings for it from zayn and dopey. @Zayn @Dopey You guys witnessed him DDoS threat correct?
  17. Gaur

    Adding a prison

    -Support The DOC job is being removed, and it’s for the better.
  18. Gaur

    Unban Apeal

    Accepted Have a SA+ unban you with that steamID.
  19. Denied Not because you don’t deserve it, but because you have a 48 hr notice up so it would be pointless to give you diplomat and remove it in 20 hours.
  20. Denied We do not take DDoS as a joke. https://gyazo.com/b127a4a9fb7afc4b863234ffea39f82f https://gyazo.com/5f2b17f6579ed2888a3eca3c5c5a9127
  21. Accepted My old perm ban didn't stick I guess.
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