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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Gaur

  1. Gaur

    Job Commands

    They uh are not too hard to find. You just switch to them and then check PLogs for the commands. And you can also uhh click the F4 menu to uhh switch uhh jobs.
  2. If you are a higher up and see staff doing their job wrong you are expected to help them and train them.
  3. I’m like pretty sure you were an admin, or i could be mistaken and it was someone else.
  4. I remember when I was a Mod and you were an Admin! ;) :*
  5. Accepted Speak with me to get your teamspeak tags, and speak with a HoS+ for forum tags.
  6. Pending Need more community feedback.
  7. Accepted Speak with me to get your teamspeak tags, and speak with a HoS+ for forum tags.
  8. Accepted Speak with me to get your teamspeak tags, and speak with a HoS+ for forum tags.
  9. Denied Follow proper format.
  10. Accepted Ask a SA+ to remove it.
  11. Denied You broke into PD to steal health and armor. It doesn’t matter if it was sneaky or not it requires a PD raid advert. I will speak with cameron about warning with no sit, but from what you explained to me it is not a false warn.
  12. Gaur

    Russian Mafia

    Napalm Authorized!
  13. Legit the requirements for SS Commander is you had to be in FBI as a like SNR SA+ i think. And SMT has already stated that you are a sub branch of FBI.
  14. Your not a separate department you are a sub branch of FBI. Also we have a format for suggestions...
  15. DENIED Didn't follow format.
  16. Pending The staff member that gave the verbal warning needs to come forward or you need to tell me the name of that staff member so we can confirm that the warn is false.
  17. PENDING I need evidence the warn is false or tommey needs to tell his side.
  18. Taser Rush warn appeal is denied NLR warn appeal is Accepted
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