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General bacon

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Everything posted by General bacon

  1. -support You were exploiting and you knew it but instead of reporting it to SMT you abused it for your own good. Wait the ban.
  2. +/- support I know you are a cool guy and nice to be around I just think you are to new to the server with 1 week and you need a bit more time to learn the rules.
  3. -support You cant appeal this its a instant ban when you get 10 warns
  4. +support Dedicated Has already been in RRH and is in O5 medical RnD command Has a crap ton of experience Nice to work with -OH2
  5. +support -Active -Good at combat -Very loyal -Very hard working -Good at RP -100% fit for RRH -Would love to work with him -OH2
  6. Is steam id > STEAM_0:1:517294969
  7. Why take halo models if HSU is already based on them its like making your entire branch look like a SF
  8. Big sad I was just browsing the forums and saw this yea 2 SA leaving in a short amount of Time thats rough but have a good one men.
  9. Me shoot CI 10 time point blank with .12 gauge CI dosent die soo kinda wak Just make it tarkov where when u get shot you have to heal in 14 different ways.
  10. Yea HK is really good and not really needed for a enlisted class apart from that +SUPPORT
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