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General bacon

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Everything posted by General bacon

  1. -support -would cause problems when asking for tranq -682 is already a powerful SCP that if played well can stay out for hours -This would just make it hell to recontain -Don't really think it would be fun for MTF if 682 could just hide and get is HP back
  2. +support Active Nice app Thrusted As been here for a while Perfect fit for staff Best of luck
  3. +support Active Dedicated Trustworthy Past experience as Junior CMD
  4. -support LTAP is LTAP you could have told me you had to leave but you didn't.
  5. -support You said it, you wait the ban even if you were a great member of security its the same for everyone . Next time check what you copy paste.
  6. Accepted Talk to Elu for your training
  7. +support Radio is useless we have TS and / comms And half of the time it doesn't work
  8. Rip you were a good one eilish never heard your voice tho ;-;
  9. Its already a thing, if someone Says something hello homophobie/racist he gets a 1 week ban and if its repeted then its perm
  10. @Bread could you please move all the Accepted/Denied apps to archives pls
  11. +support Prop minge and lagged the server
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