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General bacon

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Everything posted by General bacon

  1. +support -Active -Thrusted -Cmd member -as experience -Good at PvP -Good fit for RRH -OH1
  2. -support Last one got denied this one is getting denied too
  3. -support -I don't think I ever saw you on -Don't know who you are -App is rather short -Your reason why you want to join/why we should accept you are not very convincing -OH1
  4. This is the only Zero he is a PD in CI (WO) the zero you are thinking about was blacklisted.
  5. +support -Very active -Trustworthy -Good in combat -As a lot of experience -Would be a great RRH -OH1
  6. -support I would have said +support but when I saw the full 34 second clip id say yea that's diss and also camping bunks
  7. Nooooo Zeus how can you so us like that ;-; Hope you have a great one man.
  8. Ok well the person resigned so no need for this anymore I guess
  9. Your In-game: Bacon Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:86711886 The admin's name in-game: Sammie The admin's steam name (If you know it): Sammie [GL] (Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:127081876) What did the admin do: Use !spectate command off duty Evidence of the abusive action(s) (REQUIRED): What do you believe should happen to the admin: A staff strike
  10. General bacon


    Heyyy nice job Also how much for a crowbar?
  11. +/- support Although you stepped down a bit from minging a couple days ago you went up to a OR said is name and stabbed him.
  12. The suggestion was to add a new comms (/gs) which only Gensec would have access to, /security was suppose to stay the same
  13. +support Chopper is active He is a nice guy Thrusted Even if the MRDM question is a bit off its alright Even if the warns are just 1 month old he as changed a lot since then.
  14. So Nu-7 currently doesn't have /security comms for some reason idk why it was taken away and could we have them back. I know there was a suggestion regarding that but it was to make a new set of comms not take away /security comms from MTF since we need it.
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