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General bacon

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Everything posted by General bacon

  1. Accepted Speak to any Nu-7 CMD for your training
  2. CYA soon have a great one
  3. +Support Coming from SCPrp Emily/Novah was one hell of a good CMD member in Nu-7 and she made a lot of good for the branch so thinks she would be a good fit for this.
  4. +support Knowing Emily/Novah from SCPrp I know she was a great, dedicated, thrusworthy and active cmd member un Nu-7 and I think she would be great at this job.
  5. +/- leaning towards - Was active before not that active now App is a bit short Is a bit mingy Not that active in CI Military or MTF (I only knew you were in RnD) -OH1
  6. I personally dont think you are hacking and I dont think There is any valid proof to prove that you are blacklist are not appealable
  7. Bro like all gensec CMD are leaving tf Big rip
  8. Negev is not that good of a gun its decent at best it used to be way better now its just ok
  9. +/- support leaning towards - ^ Reason stated above ^ -OH1
  10. -Support Even if you used to play on the server you just came back and there was a lot of changes and I think you need more time. -OH1
  11. +support This guy is friendly Active Trustworthy 100% deserve Senior CMD
  12. CYA man you were one of the good ones
  13. Accepted Please speak to any Nu-7 command for your training
  14. Accepted Please speak to any Nu-7 command for your training
  15. Wtf Pixel resurfacing??? Accepted Please speak to any Nu-7 command for your training
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