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General bacon

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Everything posted by General bacon

  1. @Dect Before I do +/- support I wanna hear is side
  2. I know what was going on because I talked with the person who demoted him and I told him the reason and so did multiple other people did in OOC. So thats why I took the sit because I knew why he was demoted and I told him.
  3. -support I legit told you the reasons why you got demoted and you just said its not a valid reaons or something like that and then you started aguing in OOC and making staff sits for no reasons.
  4. Accepted Please speak to any Nu-7 command for your training
  5. Yea -support also isn't that impersonating?
  6. How are you O5 and TCM I still dont understand
  7. First off you put this in the wrong section Second -support You Said that after you were caught abusing voice range to locate CI then you started dissing the CI because he brought on a sit. Toxicity like this is not tolarated. And you still got a verbal warning ingame by the staff member.
  8. +support you didnt even pull out a gun
  9. -support You used a third party software to give yourself a unfair advantage. Autoclickers are prohibited from the server and you should know that since you have 4-5 weeks on.
  10. Denied I guess You already got trained for Nu-7
  11. @Imafork fix your app in the next 24 hours by meeting the word requirement or the app will be denied
  12. Accepted Please speak to any Nu-7 cmd for your training.
  13. Accepted Please speak to any Nu-7 cmd for your training.
  14. I mean +support But the fact that hazardous material researcher being able to change defcons is kinda not needed.
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