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Everything posted by Creamey

  1. Please provide the name of the members who gave you permission.
  2. Indeed a Dr. Daniels moment.
  3. ACCEPTED! After reading over your application and surveying your performance, HCMD has decided you would be a good fit for the job! Please speak to a member of HCMD for your whitelist!
  4. +support Insane amount of effort was put into this application. They’d be a good fit for the job! -OM3
  5. +support Jack II is one of the most dedicated people I have ever met on the server. When he has a goal, he sets his mind on it, works to improve, and ultimately achieves it. An example of this was his long journey to becoming Security Command. I am positive that that experience has changed him for the better and has greatly improved his willingness to strive towards new things. As a RFA, Jack has shown loads of potential and has performed well in and out of RP. Considering his current activity on Security, I can very easily say that he would be incredibly active on the O5 Researcher job, enabling RRH and O5 Medics a chance to hop on as well. Jack II would make a great addition to the team! -OM3
  6. Accepted! Please ask a Security HCMD for your whitelist!
  7. I recommend reading the file and re-reading my suggestion as they both include all the information you need. However, to summarize it briefly, the SCPs will have to stay cloaked unless testing is being conducted that involves SCP-178 or if they are attacking an individual. This is one of the only ways that the SCP will work in the server as an exciting, playable SCP.
  8. Yeah I’d have to agree. Recently I’ve thought of an addition of a ventilation/air duct system that the D Class could possibly use to get a head start at escaping. Seeing as this is a pretty similar idea, it’s gonna be a solid +support from me.
  9. -good app -great member of the community -dedicated
  10. Additionally, I have never seen you on the server. We get a lot of Researchers in D Block, but I can guarantee that I’ve never seen you in my experience.
  11. +Support This branch update will benefit Security greatly.
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