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Right Twix Bar

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Everything posted by Right Twix Bar

  1. +/- Support Maynard isn't too annoying as it is right now. His 3 min NLR is pretty good. Though I wouldn't be against a 5 min NLR. It would be a bit more boring for the Maynards but it would make them value their life more, teach them to be more discreet, and have them prefer diplomacy over combat. I am strongly against a 10 min NLR. It is way too extreme. It would probably make a Maynard hop off once they die and cause another to hop on, voiding the NLR in it's entirety. Tl;dr Either keep the current NLR or make it 5 min. 10 min is too extreme.
  2. Just a note, this will be Part 1 of the medical update, Part 2 is going to contain a new addon. (The addon is awaiting approval for the server, and command decided to split it in 2 parts) Anyways, enjoy. Department Head Job Salary: 200 -> 250 Job HP: 125 -> 150 Job Armor: 125 -> 150 Medical Command Job Weapons: -tfa_mp5 +cross_arms_swep +tfa_mp7 +tfa_hk45 Job Salary: 150 -> 175 Advanced Combat Medic Job Model: +models/humangrunt/payday2/murkywater/murkywater_medicpm.mdl Job Weapons: -tfa_csgo_ump45 -tfa_csgo_fiveseven -tfa_m3 +tfa_honeybadger +tfa_csgo_usp +tfa_csgo_nova Extra Info: Murkywater Medic Model and needs /ff comms since it’s a combatant Note: We're adding the new model to have a substitute until the other models' hitboxes are fixed. Senior Medic Name of Job: Changing to “Senior Medical Researcher” Job Model: +armacham/scientists/scientists_1.mdl Job Description: Changing to “These Medical Researchers have proven themselves to be at the top of their field. Their expertise has provided them with new privileges and responsibilities.” Job Weapons: -tfa_m92beretta +tfa_csgo_mac10 +tfa_csgo_usp +weapon_physcannon Job Salary: 145 -> 150 New Job Name of Job: “Senior Field Medic” Job Model: +models/payday2/units/medic_player.mdl +models/player/portal/male_09_medic.mdl +models/hazmatcitizens/p_hazmatmale07.mdl Job Description: “These Field Medics have proved they are some of the best. Their advanced training allows them to respond to the injured even faster, and their skill has granted them more freedom.” Job Weapons: +tfa_csgo_mac10 +tfa_luger +weapon_cuff_elastic +guthscp_keycard_lvl_3 +point_in_direction_swep +fas2_ifak +keys +weapon_physgun Job Salary: 150 Job HP: 100 Job Armor: 100 Extra Info: Sprint Speed: 200 -> 250, needs access to /site and /utility comms, and needs the ability to spawn medical supplies Note: We have decided to split the Senior Medic job into two jobs of our subdivisions. This will allow us to give better benefits to both subdivisions. Field Medic Job Description: Changing to “These Medics are the first responders. Their training helps them respond to the injured faster. They also have more freedom than other Medics.” Job Weapons: -tfa_csgo_fiveseven +tfa_glock Extra Info: Sprint Speed: 200 -> 225 Medical Researcher Job Weapons: -tfa_csgo_p2000 +tfa_usp +weapon_physcannon
  3. Then that's just fucking stupid (no insult meant to Rookie). Why isn't it just one is needs to be met? Yeah... I now see your point Nenea. Changing to a +Support
  4. Generally, E-11 personnel are prohibited from entering D-Block. E-11 personnel are only allowed into D-Block unless all of the following circumstances are met: Less than two members of GENSEC are online Less than five non-E11 MTF are online There are circumstances beyond standard riots that need to be addressed (Examples: CI inside D-Block, E11 needing to take a D-Class to prevent a SCP breach, etc) It's literally already in the rules. -Support Changing to +Support, reasons below.
  5. But there is a rule against using playermodels from opposing branches. As quoted from Zeeptin himself, For Playermodels: You are not allowed to use a playermodel that is currently in use by an opposing branch to your CC. For example, if you are a D-Class CC you may not use any models that look like Gensec or MTF Models, or if you are a CI, you may not use any MTF or Gensec models, etc. You are also not allowed to use models from our Gaminglight Event-Team Model Pack. The model is in use by the DoRS job and all Foundation are technically opposing D-Class so... Then for the CI CC having the General model, that has it's own issues not related to this problem.
  6. ACCEPTED! Please speak to Medical High Command for your whitelist
  7. ACCEPTED! Please speak to Medical High Command for your whitelist
  8. Name: Twix Rank: Head of Medical Staff Branch: Medical Length: 5/6 - 5/11 Reason: Going camping. Probably won't have an internet connection. Contact Doggo or Zack if you would have needed me.
  9. Foundation Database Access Version 1.8.4 Enter a command or type "Help" for a list of commands Access file … Select file to access Personnel File: Twix … Confirm Level 3 clearance ID: [REDACTED] Passcode: [REDACTED] … Level 5 Clearance Accepted Accessing File … Error There are four files in the database with similar names. Please choose the file you would like to access. Writer's Note: Read the files in order they're shown, my little story will make more sense. Foundation Medical File: R. Twix Last Updated 2/27/21 CI Operative File: Twix Last Updated 9/21/19 Note: File was captured during a CI data breach Foundation MTF File: L. Twix Last Updated 4/10/21 Foundation ███ File: ███████ Level 5 Clearance Required Last Updated ██/██/██ Enter another command when ready Close file … Files Closed. Enter another command Shutdown … Shutting down... … … Connection terminated. P.S. note from Twix This isn't supposed to be anything too special, just some story building around my characters. Hope you enjoyed reading it.
  10. Yes. The same thing happens with the NMRIH Tfa weapons' right click. It's supposed to do that. Not really a bug.
  11. +Support for most of the changes. About everything looks cool and nice. Can't wait to see it. -Support for the RIG changes and RIS. With each branch, there's a level job that gives a unique gimmick. For Medical you have ACM (combatant), Nu7 has Grenadier (has a lot of grenades), CI RnD has Sleuth(?) (Is a spy for CI), ect. For the non-combatant branches, the gimmick is usually that they are a combatant. Medical - ACM, Maintenance - MMF, RnD - Sleuth, and Research had RIG. This was all fine and dandy because it was harder to get into so the combat stayed quite a small part of non-combatant branches. And I've had a very similar debate with myself, Zack, and other Medical command when we were thinking of updates for Medical, we thought of making ACM either not a level job (and possibly having a sort of heavy ACM) or making it easier to get in to. The main point against it was that we'd be making our branch more combatant which, as a non-combatant branch, should stay at a minimum. We don't want to make our branches into fighters, we're supposed to have fun roleplay. Although Bio-engineer does sort of step on the line of combatant and non-level, it's brought back by the fact its not usually supposed to be combatant. Tldr: Most changes are cool. Though, RIG and RIS makes research, a non-combatant branch, focus much more on combat than it should.
  12. +Support for the job changes. They look quite cool. +/- Support for the new job, because of what Bread said.
  13. -Support doom flashlight too op. Would make CI mil useless because RnD could out damage them. Being serious, looks cool. +Support
  14. By definition, 280 needs the lights to be off before they can break down their door and be breached. So, if the lights are off, the overall self breach timer is decreased because they only have to break the door. So... -Support cause not needed.
  15. +/- Support leaning towards -Support First off, I think you are entirely allowed to suggest map updates, they just won't be put into effect until the next map update. Second, this only seems to really benefit CI, D-Class, and SCPs. If there are so many of the other three, Maintenance wouldn't be able to use it. Plus, if it takes much longer to get through, it would rarely be used because of how boring it would be.
  16. Wait, Sleuth doesn't have CI comms? They're... literally a spy for them, why wouldn't they be able to communicate. +Support for Sleuth and/or CI comms
  17. So, as you stated with the rule, someone can only break out after either 5 minutes have passed or you have been left alone. As for the compliance, being cuffed is similar to being FearRP'd you must listen to orders given to you. But like FearRP, there are somethings that they cannot force you to not do, in FearRP's case it's taking cyanide. For being cuffed, after five minutes, you no longer have to comply and are free to try and break out. Note: You will most likely be shot after breaking out P.S. This is my interpretation of the rules and from what I've learned of them over my year on the server, I could be wrong on some things. So take my opinion with a grain of salt.
  18. ACCEPTED! Speak to Medical HCMD for your whitelist
  19. Neo, I think you misunderstood. The SCP Recon is referring to is 294, the inanimate coffee machine that can produce any liquid. He wants the keycard level on to door to where it is to be level 2, so Junior Researchers and Security can access it. On to my opinion, The card level use to be level 2, either just on the old map or it got changed recently, though it could mean lower level maintenance can run around with dangerous drink. Overall, +/- Support
  20. This is the wrong area. You got banned in Police RP, not SCP RP. Though, if you manage to accrue that many warns, none of which you try to appeal, then you deserve the ban. -Support
  21. My rank is uhhh.... Greeen. Wait no, five. Actually... Tree.
  22. This man makes a good point. ^ Just warn them for that. Yeah... just -Support
  23. Yeah, this has been a problem for a while. But, would require a map update to fix, so unlikely to be fixed in the near future.
  24. So... First off, format. You got some of the stuff, but are missing a few things. Here's the format: 1. Name of the SCP you would like added: 2. Link(s) to player models: 3. Link(s) to SWEPs: 4. How much health/armor do you think it should have? 5. Why should we add this SCP? 6. Basic summary of the SCP: 7. Extra information: Second, what's "medium speed?" Like, faster than a sprint, or as fast as a sprint? Third, you mention enraging, but how does it get enraged? Is it when it's attacked, when it sees a weapon, or if like someone eats bacon? (It's an original idea, so it'd be better if you better detailed how it acts And no, I'm not going to find and read the SCP's entry, you should explain how it happens or, at least, put a link to the wiki page) Lastly, what SWEP would it use to attack? From what it sounds like, it's passive until you somehow enrage it (look above), then it goes and attacks with what? And does it attack only the person that enraged it or everyone near it? With it using the 682 swep, it could be a bit annoying. Overall, the idea seems like a spin-off of 079, which could be fun, but not exactly original. +/-Support for now.
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