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Right Twix Bar

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Everything posted by Right Twix Bar

  1. I can think of a few places it could go: The storage area The Under Construction hallways (once it gets constructed) Behind one of the unopenable doors (I know that the 2nd and 3rd suggestion would require a map edit and probably wouldn't happen anytime soon, but they're just ideas)
  2. Since when has Captain been shortened to CPL?
  3. +/- Support leaning to +Support -Cool guy -Is command -App is okay -Quite inactive (I know I'm inactive too) Best of luck Tako.
  4. Took the words right outta my mouth.
  5. Name: Twix Rank: PFC Discord ID: Right Twix#1418 Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:94994107 Ideas for CI: None at the moment How do you think command is doing; if you are command how do you think you are performing? Eh. Command's doing okay.
  6. +Support Eh why not. You're a good medic. I've never seen you mess around too much. You seem like a good guy. Plus some brownie points.
  7. +Support Yes, lets not let researchers play the game, they're useless anyway. (That's a joke, yall are pretty cool) In all seriousness -Support for reasons stated above
  8. +/- Support From what I read (unless I'm misunderstanding) it makes it so that the F flashlight doesn't work and adds a weapon to act as a flashlight. On the good side, this would give a bit more of an RP feel rather than light from nowhere. On the bad side (if it removes the F flashlight), firefights in the dark would be completely luck based because you either can see with the flashlight or blind fire with your gun. What I'm gonna do is try out the addon, see what changes, and come back to + or - support it. Edit 1: So... I'm still gonna +/-Support this though I'm leaning to +Support By default it does replace the F flashlight. But there is a way that allows the F flashlight to be used. If this setting was on, it could replace the maglite and +Support all the way. If not, hard -Support cause it'd fuck all combatants during blackouts Edit 2 (final one): After a bit more testing (mostly damage testing), this is just a worse maglight. Soooo.... its a cool idea but I'm gonna -Support
  9. Unofficial Grade 99/100 Creativity 25/25 Not many test have been done with 035, good idea Usefulness 25/25 Could be very useful Writing 24/25 Saw a few mistakes but overall great writing Presentation 10/10 One of the better test logs I have seen Realism: 15/15 This would seem to be realistic enough
  10. +/- Support -Cool idea -Probably wouldn't be played much It'd probably be constantly played for a few days. After that, it'd be played once or twice a day, like most of the safe class SCPs.
  11. You gotta make it so anyone with the link can see it.
  12. +Support - Has medical and combat experience - Seems like a good guy You aren't too active, but this could boost it, so I'd like to see you given a shot.
  13. -Support Everything above is what I was going to say
  14. Unofficial Grade 97/100 Creativity 25/25 Not many tests including 294 Usefulness 22/25 More testing of "the perfect drink" needs to be done to accurately conclude usefulness Writing 25/25 Writing look quite good Presentation 10/10 Looks good Realism: 15/15 Quite realistic for SCP Good job
  15. Not pog... Hope you'll feel better about getting on soon.
  16. +Support A good medic with plenty of experience. Has a good record. Would fit very well in a O5 Medic position. Also a very good app.
  17. -Support There are only two ways I can see this occurring: 1. We lower the lockdown button to a Level 2 keycard access. This would make anyone from Research, Security, and most Maintenance able to open and close it. Say we get a mingy OFC who decides to lock himself inside of Medbay, that's not good. 2. We give a Level 3 Keycard to a Exp Medic. Aside from all the problems involved with implementing this, now a say Exp Medic can now travel all the way to the surface or breach 682. While I do agree that there should be changes, I don't see any good way to do it. I may change my stance if a good way is thought of. Until a better way is found, there's always bunks.
  18. Unofficial Grade 117/100 Creativity 40/25 Meth is always a good idea Usefulness 30/25 Meth can be used in many ways to help our patients Writing 25/25 Very good writing and grammar Presentation 7/10 Video too big and not a google doc Realism: 15/15 Quite realistic Overall, a good test If you can't tell this is an exaggerated joke
  19. Unofficial Grade 100/100 Creativity 25/25 Hasn't been done before Usefulness 25/25 Could be quite useful Writing 24/25 Writing is quite good though a bit weird at times Presentation 10/10 Looks quite good Realism: 15/15 Combining painkillers probably would make a stronger one +1 Point for the realism of out budget
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