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Right Twix Bar

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Everything posted by Right Twix Bar

  1. There's been a time before when I was walking in a line. Maynard in front of me, me, and 8286. The 8286 killed me, so Maynard turned around and killed the 8286. I feel that was justified because, if someone dies behind you, the person that was behind them probably did it. And, if you see a dead body of someone with that person standing next to the body, during a known 8286 breach, yeah, I feel that's justified. You take their look, not their body. -Support
  2. Shame to see you go. Have fun and good luck with your "big project." It's been nice having you here.
  3. No thanks. I assume you mean removing the SF names from the roster. No. I'd rather not have to go through three different people if I see a D4 or HSU doing shit they aren't supposed to. There's not much point to this ^ If it's an in-RP channel, I can see. There can be RP punishments, like interrogation or termination. But you can piss off if I, or anyone else, gets a strike for saying an SF's name OOC. ^ -Support
  4. First, I'd rather not get kidnapped by 912 for shooting a D-Class. Second, there hasn't been a PD for a while and, even if we had one, it would be on surface. So how the hell would 912 get up there? Fuck you if you want to give it a Level 3 card or a keypad cracker. -Support For a rework, I'd feel it'd be better if CI would be able to FearRP and captured 912, then "brainwash" him to assist in raids. He would have the same rules, just with it being non-CI personnel instead of non-MTF/Gensec. Edit: Well, I misread. Thought it said 912 could take the cuffed person to the PD if ordered to by someone in uniform. I understood that it's like a hazmat. I still dislike the idea that it'll fuck with whoever, unless I want to put on a suit. I've already gotten complaints about 912 fucking with my ACMs and MMFs. Making 912 geared towards fucking with non-combatant branches would just fuck us over more than you guys. We've already been pushed to the background, as combat is more or less the primary focus of the server now. AND we wouldn't be able to defend ourselves, as MTF and Security don't give a shit about us unless we're in their immediate area or they need health/armor.
  5. I've seen this occasionally happen when a rank is bought. So, if you bought a donator rank, that could be the reason.
  6. You realize there's weapon skins, armory, quartermaster, hostage negotiations, etc. And some things are so expensive, I could blow the million I have in an hour if I wanted. At least gambling is gone. I remember people with hundreds of millions. Now THAT was a problem. Overall, -Support
  7. Not even a decently long resignation? Damn guess you hated us. Nah, I'm joking. But I will really miss you. Good luck in your future.
  8. So, you're essentially saying: If the interrogator loses a roll on a lie, the lie is considered truth (as normal). If the interrogator wins a roll on a lie, the interrogator can use enhanced interrogation to extract the information (as normal). The interrogator use enhanced interrogation as much as they like to extract the information for as many torture strikes that they have. Every time enhanced interrogation is used, a strike is added. Unless a medically trained person wins another roll off (as normal). If the interrogator win any of the torture strikes, the interrogatee has to give up the truthful information. If the interrogator gives up on that piece of information, what the interrogatee's lie is considered to be true. If the interrogator wins on the final strike, and the strike goes through, the interrogatee gives the information, then goes unconscious. If the interrogator loses the final roll, the interrogatee dies. I have that correct, right? So, I would like to counter with: If the final strike goes through, the interrogatee dies, no matter what. If the interrogator wins, the interrogatee has to give the information before they die. This would give a bit more pressure, with a chance to still get information at the cost of a lost hostage. Overall, This seems like an interesting idea. Would put more focus on medical personnel for interrogations. It just would seem a bit less fair for the interrogatee, if they get unlucky. So, sure. +Support
  9. I'm quite sure that kind of stuff has to do with the map. It is highly unlikely they would make a map update just for this. So sure. +Support. Would be nice to see. But don't be surprised when this gets denied.
  10. "Oh. Why give up a hostage when I can take the money and kill the MTF?" "Oh. Why give up money when I can just shoot the CI and take the hostage." Why would you ever give up your negotiation piece if you can just shoot and overwhelm the other side? Why have role play of negotiations if it'll just become a shootout? -Support.
  11. Hm. Looks neat. Cool shooty heal gun. Also, are there rules for it? I'm a bit angry at not being at least notified about the medic gun, but that would be fine if there was no resistance on Medical getting it in the future. So, sure. +Support
  12. I have tried to rectify this, semi-unsuccessfully, by having ACMs escort it. But, I've said it's been unsuccessful. You know, I never actually thought of that rule when making 208. God, there's a ton of shit that being classed as an SCP does. Though, the list doesn't include 7598 (CI's "dog"), 7101, 8286, 912, or 098. All of which are regularly shot at. So, the rule needs to be updated with what can and can't be shot. If 208 is excluded, a lot of people would be pissed because of it's ability. So, update the list, and if 208 is on it, give it a gun. If it's not, there's no need to.
  13. What bug is occurring? DOL is missing it pay increase to 300 and ability to conduct lotteries Is it tied to a specific job, swep, player model, etc? The Director of Logistics job Has it only occurred once, or is it continuous? Continuous Please provide screenshots or a short video of the bug in action:
  14. So, give me one good reason he needs the models or loadout of another player. The model would do jack shit. It's not going to be 8286 where you can be disguised because, you know, the mask. And, there's no way in hell that it would fit every model well. And, how would he get the body? By killing the person? You would just make a pure combative 8286. And, you still have a person to do what you say. Have them open checkpoints or fight. And, your inventory would be absolutely cluttered with cards and guns (as I've said) which would just be annoying. And there's still going to be some toll this stuff takes on the server. I just feel it's more hassle than it's worth. Maintaining my -Support
  15. So, there would have to be a new model, FOR EVERY CLASS (CCs included), with a mask on it. The time this would take and the ABSOLUTE amount of fucking data this would take, could cripple the server. As for the loadout, why? 035 already gets the person WHO STILL HAS ALL THEIR SHIT. And, if you turn more than like three people, you're going to have an array of cards, guns, and just general shit. AND not even 8286 gets the loadout of a person. AND the coding involved would be a lot. I think the current 035-1 model is perfect. Any more would just put a needless burden on the server. 035 already has control over the 035-1, who still has their stuff. So, no point in giving 035 their stuff too. -Support
  16. ALL donator/level jobs are considered the lowest rank in the branch, if you don't have one. Bright is no exception. Though, Bright is allowed to test on Safe/Euclid which, to be fair, JR's have most access to. Thaddeus should get similar allowances. You should NOT be able to buy or grind for a rank.
  17. I quite dislike how that's phrased. It would make it sound as if I'm not allowed in any of the other non-combatant branches if I'm in one of them. Because I've had a life taken by Medical and RnD at the same time, and quite enjoyed my time. I think a better phrasing is 1 combatant life, 1 non-combatant life, and 1 universal life (can be used on either). If it was changed to something like that, I'd be all for it. If not, I'd rather stick with my two universal lives.
  18. Like Phill has said, a nerf to the cloaking jobs would be required. I honestly feel something like 150 | 50 would be the max for normal cloaking jobs. Two exceptions being 966, who should probably have something like 250 - 400 health, and Dolos, which should have something like 200 - 300 | 50 - 100 (because of the teleport and insta-kill). Overall, this would make cloaking jobs much more interesting. And add the possibility for a TF2 Spy type job +Support
  19. What bug is occurring? Medical bunks is missing spawn protection and a daily soda machine Is it tied to a specific job, swep, player model, etc? The Medical bunks area Has it only occurred once, or is it continuous? Continuous until fixed
  20. Zone Manager Job Weapons: +tfa_barret_m82 +weapon_m9 + weapon_doom3_flashlight Extra Info: Add ability to buy medical charges. Add ability to access whitelist/blacklist menu. Add ability to conduct lotteries. All this from Sparkle. Director of Logistics Job Weapons: -tfa_m3 +tfa_mossberg590 +weapon_armorkit +weapon_doom3_flashlight +cross_arms_swep +cross_arms_infront_swep Job Salary: 265 -> 300 Extra Info: Add ability to conduct lotteries. Medical Command Job Weapons: -tfa_hk45 +tfa_csgo_revolver Job Salary: 175 -> 200 Advanced Combat Medic Job Weapons: -tfa_csgo_nova +tfa_m24 Job Salary: 150 -> 200 Senior Medic Job Weapons: -tfa_csgo_mac10 -tfa_m92beretta +tfa_uzi +tfa_luger Job Salary: 150 -> 175 Field Medic Job Salary: 140 -> 150 Medical Researcher Job Weapons: -tfa_hk45 +tfa_model500 Job Salary: 140 -> 150 Medic Job Weapons: +tfa_colt1911
  21. ACCEPTED! Speak with Medical HCMD to receive your whitelist
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