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Right Twix Bar

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Everything posted by Right Twix Bar

  1. +Support Eh. Looks better. Also, Guess Medical isn't important enough to be put on the suggestion.
  2. -Support What's stopping Maynard from killing the witness, meeting with MTF, and going "Oh, they're not here. Guess they lied." And get off scot free. Maynard should be sneaky, deadly, and know how to make up a plausible excuse.
  3. +Support Would really help get MTF and Maintenance active Though it would have the two running around more, to prevent breaches.
  4. Hmmm... lets see. Who is allowed to go into HCZ but doesn't have a Level 3 card. Sec CPL - Sec SM. The only time they should be in HCZ is for escorting, and their escort should have the Level 3 card. Most Maintenance Enlisted. Should only be in HCZ to fix CCs if no other Maintenance can. Should have a MTF escort in HCZ, so the MTF have a Level 3. Hmm... Any Research allowed in HCZ should have a Level 3... MTF have Level 3's... Medical allowed in HCZ have Level 3's or an escort with a Level 3... All Command have Level 3's. Nah, I got nothing. And, giving ANY free roam SCP a card to open armories and checkpoints is never a good idea. No matter how many rules there are, there will still be times where Staff miss minges and RP is ruined. Overall, giving ANY SCP a Level 2 or higher card is a horrible idea. TL:DR: Not needed and SCPs will minge with it. -Support
  5. -Support for the description changes. Too OP. +Support for the HP/Armor changes. (The -Support is a joke, the new descriptions are much better)
  6. -Support First off, didn't follow formant, look here Second, this suggestion has been denied in the past, look here And, I'm -Supporting this for the same reason. We don't want people to stock up on Materials then make 6 lives worth of weapons against Security. Also, it could make money easier to get, thus ruining the economy.
  7. ACCEPTED! Speak to a Medical HCMD or an Admin+ for your whitelist
  8. DENIED Medical HCMD has chosen to deny you app Feel free to apply at a later date
  9. +/- Support Is it free roam or contained? If free roam, -Support, would be a deadly and annoying 1048. If contained, +Support, but how would it be contained, how would it breach, ect.
  10. You need permission from two command to apply. You have 24 hours to get another command permission.
  11. You need permission from two command to apply. You have 24 hours to get another command permission.
  12. Well... +Support... As long as the researchers aren't allowed to be turned/killed by 035 while putting the mannequin in. Though, it could be annoying for 035's
  13. - Support I can see how it can be annoying, but.. Even with riot control doing this, D-Class will usually overwhelm GENSEC after a few waves. If a line is added, D-Class will be able to sit behind the elevator and snipe at GENSEC with little danger. So, if you really want a line, make it so that D-Class can't shoot while behind it. As someone who likes to sit on the barricade, I'm entirely fine with this ^
  14. ACCEPTED! Speak to Medical HCMD or an Admin+ to get your whitelist
  15. Name: Twix Rank: SFC SteamID(Ex: STEAM_0:1:174348602): STEAM_0:0:94994107 Current Sub-Branches your in: Riot Control and Sniper Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 150+ words): N/A Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: None
  16. Damn. It's always sad to see another Medical Command go... But I'll remember the fun times we had. Hope you come back when you're better.
  17. ACCEPTED! Speak to Medical HCMD or an Admin+ to receive your whitelist
  18. Name: Twix Rank: HOMS, MA(?), Sec SGT Duration: 12/27 - 1/2 Reason: First, I'm getting a bit burned out and need time to do other stuff. Second, my brother, who lives out of my state, is spending some time here and I want to spend some of it with him. Finally, my family is going camping on the ~29th, where I will have little to no internet access. I will still try to update the roster and do my other duties before I go, but I can't promise I can do them while camping.
  19. Abyss, you were removed from Medical for not filling out the Rollcall.
  20. I guess ACCEPTED! Please speak to a Medical HCMD or an Admin+ to receive your whitelist Though, I thought you left the server. If you didn't please contact me, Right Twix#1418.
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