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Right Twix Bar

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Everything posted by Right Twix Bar

  1. Damnit man. It's been great having you back but I'm gonna miss you. Good luck with college.
  2. I can already imagine him running into gunfire and just having every combatant die. -Support Nah
  3. -supurt the dierector of taks forses shuoldnt bee that storng Lmao, +Support, why not.
  4. So, I'd of course be for this. But, I'd only like LCZ back. Surface, EZ, and HCZ are fine how they are now in my opinion. Though, these were some of the problems with Site-05's LCZ. Medbay shouldn't be able to create a bottleneck or be an annoying obstacle. On Site-05, Medbay was just outside of a checkpoint, so when Medbay went on lockdown, no one could go through the checkpoint. CI either had to go the other way or blast their way through (which at the time you had to call staff and roll to do). Which ever way CI picked, MTF would just sit outside of Medbay and wait for CI to come thorough or around. LCZ shouldn't have one long hallway connecting the two CPs/Medbay to the rest of LCZ. It made it hard for anyone to get through if there was resistance on the other side. Those were the bigger problems. Though there are the smaller ones that only occur every now and then. My solutions? Medbay should be in an area that's not vital, but still important. Like how it is now, Medbay allows for easier travel between both sides of LCZ; but when it's locked down, it cuts off that access. You're still allowed to continue going where you wanted to, it just might take more walking. You shouldn't be forced to go back if Medbay locks down, it should just make traveling more difficult. Another hallway, service tunnel, or whatever else should be added to be able to send a small group around to scout or flank. You shouldn't be forced to run head into your enemy and have it so whoever has higher numbers and/or better weaponry wins. There should be strategy. +Support overall
  5. +/- Support leaning to +Support The current defcon system does have it's issues but it also helps to convey information. For example, Ragnorok is called and say a MTF has just hopped on, the code tells them that CI are assisting and to not shoot them (though, it wouldn't solve the problem if it doesn't show). So, yeah. If there is a similar addon, then I'd be for it. If it's this or the old one, I'd prefer our current one.
  6. I agree with the above. Especially with it just taking away from RnD (which as Medical, I know how frustrating it is for RP to be taken by a non-Medical medic). (Not throwing shade at RCU, they're good. I'm referring to the old Nu7 Medic and 999) Unless, the Trauma force is only able to heal other E4. Then, there's the question of using the stim pistol in combat. I'd assume it wouldn't be allowed, but with that I can see more "accidents" happening. Most problems fixed and/or explained. So, +Support seems pretty good Though the amount of speed for Deadshot seems a bit much, but I took very similar action for Field Medic, so I'm not one to say anything.
  7. +/- Support Would be cool from a RP aspect Could just cause more hassle for Nu7 Also, I'd like to point out something, By this, do you mean if the amount is not equal to the amount online from the first advert or by the time Nu7 gets there? If you mean the former, I see no problem. If you mean the latter, then that would cause a lot of problems. I've heard a sort of unwritten rule that the amount you bring (for SCPs like 966, 5208, and 939) is the amount that was needed at the time of adverting. For example, if three 966's start adverting, then another hops on, Nu7 only has to bring three D-Class instead of four. Even if we disregard that "rule", it would still cause conflict if a Nu7 is brining D-Class, but more of the SCPs hop on, causing more time to be taken to bring more D-Class. Causing it to be a bit unfair for the Nu7.
  8. I don't fully know how the tab menu is currently organized, but I remember a quote from a Research HCMD (I think it was Starstep), in which this general idea was conveyed: If we were to want everything grouped together, you have to change the names of the jobs. So for Research it'd be Research Junior, Researcher, Research Senior, ect. With similarities for other branches. And like it was said above Doing it custom would probably take a bit of extra work, which would be up to SMT if they wanted to do it. So, I mean, +Support if it wouldn't ruin the way our jobs currently are.
  9. ACCEPTED! Speak to Medical HCMD to receive you whitelist
  10. ACCEPTED! Speak to Medical HCMD to receive you whitelist
  11. ACCEPTED! Speak to Medical HCMD to receive you whitelist
  12. ACCEPTED! Speak to Medical HCMD to receive you whitelist
  13. ACCEPTED! Speak to Medical HCMD to receive you whitelist
  14. What bug is occurring? The Infantry First Aid Kit is causing errors and has stopped showing how many supplies you have The medkit works perfectly fine otherwise. Is it tied to a specific job, swep, player model, etc? The Infantry First Aid Kit (fas2_ifak) Has it only occurred once, or is it continuous? I have experienced it a few times over the past week or so, with others also experiencing it. Please provide screenshots or a short video of the bug in action: https://medal.tv/clips/59971751/d13373A98iTg This is the error I get from the console about 50 times a second [[weapons]_infantry-first-aid-kit] addons/[weapons]_infantry-first-aid-kit/lua/weapons/fas2_ifak/shared.lua:1150: attempt to index upvalue 'ang' (a nil value) 1. Draw3D2DCamera - addons/[weapons]_infantry-first-aid-kit/lua/weapons/fas2_ifak/shared.lua:1150 2. unknown - addons/[weapons]_infantry-first-aid-kit/lua/weapons/fas2_base/cl_model.lua:1209
  15. There's a format, here, that asks for all the needed information. What you're currently saying doesn't give enough info for SMT to do anything about it.
  16. -Support Above reasons, and... It would put CI at more of a detriment during raids. The raiders already only have one life, why force them to have to kill double the amount of combatants than they have?
  17. First, here's the actual link to the transfer rules: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1afJH5ZOy5CzgupYJNfhAs8GZdWoT1uZyt9qQY6HwuK8/edit He fix it. Second, if you use the point of "no effort" and "it fills command slots", then couldn't the same be said for reinstatement? Because, you've put in no effort recently and you can take spots meant for others. And if you say, "oh it's fine because you worked your way up to that rank when before you left" or "it's fine because you were once part of the branch". Well, if you worked your way up in another branch which (depending on the branch) can be around the same difficulty, shouldn't it be just as fine? And, if you're gone for long enough, the branch changes dramatically, sometimes enough that's its essentially an entirely different branch. So, I have to agree with Mitchell, There are problems, but they should be fixed rather than throwing away the system.
  18. Sorry for being a big bully. But, I'll genuinely miss you. It's been great fun playing with you. I guess, I love you too.
  19. You need two Command permission to apply for ACM You have 24 hours to get a second Command permission before the app is Denied.
  20. Yeah, in Medical, I initially had no plans. Just wanted to play. Once I got to around Senior Medic, I wanted to get Doctor at least, so if I were to leave I'd have something to come back to. Then I wanted Manager, so if I left I'd have Doctor reserves. Then once I got Manager, I didn't really know what next. Then I found myself as the HOMS.
  21. I'm quite sure that was copied from the old Site-05 (where HCZ was flipped). It would require a map update to fix, as I'm quite sure it's not a prop. But I mean, sure. +Support in next map update.
  22. Damn dude. I never spent too much time with you, but I greatly appreciate everything you've done for your branch, and for the server as a whole. Wish you the best in whatever comes next.
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