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Right Twix Bar

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Everything posted by Right Twix Bar

  1. ACCEPTED! Speak to Medical HCMD to receive you whitelist
  2. ACCEPTED! Speak to Medical HCMD to receive you whitelist
  3. If this were put in place, it would contradict a rule under Roll Guidelines/RP Rules I don't particularly have a large bias for or against this, just pointing out a contradiction.
  4. RP Name: Twux SteamID (i.e. STEAM_0:1:55975235): STEAM_0:0:94994107 Discord Tag (i.e. Name#0000): Right Twix#1418 Branch(es) (Maintenance, Medical, Both): Medical Rank(s) (Include both branches, if applicable): HOMS Subdivisions/Whitelists (FTO, CS, MMF, HLPR, ACM): FTO and ACM
  5. Damn. It was good having you here. You did good for Medical (when you were active). Anyway, you're wrong, Abigail's mine and I'll lock you in the brig. Also yeah, thats a good song.
  6. Seems like a cool idea, but like Pills and th3 said, there should be a certain amount of active MTF online, 10 - 15 would be a good area in my opinion. Aside from that, +Support.
  7. Yeah, should've been in bug reports, but +Support I guess.
  8. I mean, yeah. That is a bit extreme to just... remove a branch. And, saying Medical is a small part of the server because they just heal is like saying Security is a small part because they just control D-Class. If Medical can be replaced by jobs in other branches (e.g. a Nu7 Medic), then why can't Security be replaced by say a Nu7 Security Force or just have any and all Nu7 do Security's job. If we're at it, I'll take your example of Research as well. It literally just does roleplay with SCPs, so why not remove it and allow anyone to do testing. It's not that hard. Also, there's Maintenance. They just fix ccs and what not, right? There are already MTF classes that can do that. Lets remove Maintenance too. The reason why this doesn't happen is because the server would just become much more of a TDM than it already is. Every branch contributes to the roleplay. The RP focused ones (Medical, Maintenance, Research, CI RnD) much more so, and removing them would just remove a huge portion of the roleplay. This is SCP Roleplay after all, not SCP Team Deathmatch. Fuck. This is a tangent. Yeah... Tl;dr "I mean, yeah. That is a bit extreme to just... remove a branch." -Support
  9. Name: Twix Ranks: HOMS and JA Branches: Medical and CI RnD Length: 6/19/21 - 7/6/21 Reason: Brother is visiting from out of state and I would like to be able to focus more on him. From 6/20 to 6/25 I'll still be able to do some occasional roster work and other general duties. But from then to 7/4, I'll be out of state and be very limited on what I can do as I will only have my phone.
  10. +Support Is a good idea. But my only question is: What is self breaching hours? I'd assume anytime there are 70+ players. But, it's never defined. So, for all I know, it could be a literal time period. This is with my year of experience to give me context. Imagine how it would be for someone with much less time on the server. Overall, I like the idea, but what "self breaching hours" is should be defined.
  11. ACCEPTED! Speak to Medical HCMD to receive your whitelist
  12. Official Scoring System Score: A Total: 21/25 Creativity: 4/5 Usefulness: 5/5 Writing: 4/5 Presentation: 4/5 Realism: 4/5 Notes: Idea is decent. Could be quite useful. Writing and presentation is good. Overall, seems good. If you have any questions about your test score do not hesitate to contact HOMS Twix.
  13. Official Scoring System Score: A Total: 20/25 Creativity: 5/5 Usefulness: 4/5 Writing: 5/5 Presentation: 3/5 Realism: 3/5 Notes: Quite creative and a good idea. No too useful as HLPR Bots and ACMs can help with escorting and assisting but the more hands the better. Written quite well. Pretty good test overall. If you have any questions about your test score do not hesitate to contact HOMS Twix.
  14. Official Scoring System Score: A Total: 20/25 Creativity: 5/5 Usefulness: 3/5 Writing: 4/5 Presentation: 3/5 Realism: 5/5 Notes: Interesting idea. Written and detailed quite well. Could be more useful if testing continued. Overall, a pretty good test. If you have any questions about your test score do not hesitate to contact HOMS Twix.
  15. +Support If it's needed, E11 should be allowed in. There have been plenty of times I've seen 1 to 3 Nu7 on during peak hours. I've had to allow or keep E11 in the Facility quite a few times because of it.
  16. Roster/IG Name: Twix Rank: JA SteamID: STEAM_0:0:94994107 Activity [1-10]: Like a 4.5 Suggestions / Comments: None
  17. ACCEPTED! Speak to Medical HCMD to receive your whitelist
  18. Right Twix Bar


    Hello, how's your day?
  19. +/- Support The good reasons above as I don't know the person very well, But Engineer is more for Medical/Maintenance and, given you are in neither, you would initially have a lack of experience. Though, I can see the fact that Engineer is limited mainly to Foundation branches and thus would be unfair if I held my point against you too much. If you do want to test, I'd suggest applying for Analyst. Engineer is more escorting, with some testing if no VIPs are on. If you want to try and join it, I can't stop you. But know, it might be less likely that you are accepted for Engineer.
  20. Damn man. You were one of the best command I've ever seen. I'm really gonna miss you.
  21. In-game Name: Twix SteamID: STEAM_0:0:94994107 DiscordID: Right Twix#1418 What division do you want to join (Military or R&D): R&D How would you rank your knowledge of the lore? On a scale of 1-10, 7. Why should you be in Chaos Insurgency? (75 word minimum) I've been part of CI before (in mil) and enjoyed going against the Foundation, and I would like to do that again but with more roleplay. R&D has also stood out to me as a quite fun branch with (hopefully) quite a bit of stuff to do. Also, I've been wanting to experience every branch and R&D isn't one I've joined yet. What is something that sets you apart from other applicants? I've been part of the server for over a year and know pretty well how the server works. Also, I love the roleplay on the server. How active can you be? Decently active Do you have both Teamspeak and Discord: Yes
  22. Name: Twix Rank: HOMS Branch: Medical Length: 5/28/21 - 6/1/21 Reason: Heading out of state
  23. +/- Support Seems like a good idea If it's a Medical job like 7101, then great but if it's a regular playable SCP then it would just take away from Medical If it's the former, then it would have to be fleshed out more and implemented in a branch update. So in ~1 month. Tl;dr If its similar to 7101 +Support but if it's like 999 -Support The author has to be more specific in what it would do and be.
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