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Right Twix Bar

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Everything posted by Right Twix Bar

  1. +Support Yeah, preventing JRs, most of maintenance, and all Gensec Enlisted and NCOs from accessing 173 wouldn't do anyone any good
  2. Accepted! Please speak to Medical HCMD or any Admin+ for your whitelist
  3. Accepted! Please speak to Medical HCMD or any Admin+ for your whitelist
  4. Damn. Hope you get better soon. Until then, take as much time as you need.
  5. - Support for Juggs being able to pass the line whenever (due to reasons above) + Support to allow Juggs to pass the line during partial or during defcon 3/2/1 I see it like this, if it's partial, either the D-Class get annihilated on the elevator or Security can't hold, with or without Juggs past the blue line. So Juggs going pass the blue line wouldn't affect anything too much. If it's defcon 3, CI could possibly have control of D-Block, so Juggs can more easily deal with the CI. If it's defcon 2/1, the site is probably fucked and this won't make a difference.
  6. Denied Your app has been denied Feel free to re-apply at a later date
  7. Nah. Last straw. This sever is literally unplayable now. I'm resigning and never coming back. For those of you who wont know, this is a joke.
  8. +/- Support So when the map first released, the door was Level 3. SF's who were doing interrogations constantly found themselves interrupted, so a suggestion was made and accepted to change the door to a Level 4. (Here's the link to the suggestion if anyone wants to look at it) But with Wardens being able to do interrogations, it would help them to make it a Level 3. Thus +/- Support
  9. - Support You need to look at all branches that interact with 173, not just Security and MTF. Research needs to be able to access 173 too, specifically Jr Researchers, because it's the only euclid SCP they can test on and it being such a well known SCP, people want to test on it. If you change it to a Level 3, Jr Researchers (who have a Level 2 card) would have to ask a Level 3 personnel to open it for them. You gotta think of all branches in a suggestion, not just the one that's your main.
  10. Accepted! Please speak to Medical HCMD or an Admin+ to get your whitelist
  11. Accepted! Please speak to Medical HCMD or an Admin+ to get your whitelist
  12. Accepted! Please speak to a Medical HCMD or Admin+ for your whitelist Also, this looks quite similar to Mary's app. Did you copy some of hers?
  13. Accepted! Please speak to a Medical HCMD or Admin+ for your whitelist
  14. This rule isn't strictly enforced. I've volunteered myself to be femured and been femured more times than I can count (usually as Medical). No one really cares. But + Support anyways.
  15. +/- Support leaning to + Support Great app Decently active on research I have seen you minge in the past but I feel like you've grown from then Good luck with your app.
  16. +/- Support leaning to + On one hand Cool idea Pretty unique Seems okay On another hand No place to put it Being able to breach any contained euclid could be annoying (So it can breach 173, 049, and 096) On the final hand Teleporting would be annoying "Oh I see MTF, lets go to the other side of the map" (I'd suggest not adding it)
  17. Accepted Speak to a Medical HCMD or an Admin+ to get your whitelist
  18. Name: Twix Rank: CM, CI PFC, MA Duration: 11/26-11/29 Reason: Going camping, will probably not have access to internet.
  19. +/- Support for the original suggestion on the condition it's health is lowered + Support for this suggestion
  20. The Greatest Cure: Test Log This is the most extensive log I have made so far. I'd honestly classify it more as a story. Also, Rock, you can grade this.
  21. Name: Twix Rank: Chief Manager/MA Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:94994107 How would you rate your activity (1-10): 7 Notes: None
  22. Yeah, the only time I've ever used it is to turn it off because someone's yelling over open comms.
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