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Right Twix Bar

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Everything posted by Right Twix Bar

  1. + Support I've hardly seen 280's on and when I do they get recontained in under a minute. These are buffs I think would be fair. 1. Have a 3 to 5 minute timespan where the lights cannot be turned back on after 280 breaches. 2. During the timespan, make it so 280 can still be recontained with maglights. If successfully recontained, the lights go back on. 3. A breach timer decreased to 15 mins.
  2. +/- Support -Good idea -Would help newer D-Class -If you used a button... -It can't be lvl 3 or then NCO's and CPL's cant use it, but... -It can't be lvl 2 or mingey OFC's and LCPL's would fuck with it. -Lag every time it changed procedure So, unless you want to give OFC's and LCPL's a Level 1 keycard, then it would be constantly fucked with and it would probably cause lag.
  3. -Support for a 5 second cooldown +Support for a 8-12 second cooldown
  4. Last thing I will be posting here to not fuel this any further By that same logic, why do MTF need their own comms? Why not just use /security? What does MTF do that Security doesn't need to know? Because MTF have their own operations that they do that Security and everyone else don't NEED to know about. Yes, sometimes it would be nice to know about it, but it isn't absolutely required. Like how Gensec doesn't NEED to know about the status of a MTF patrol, the patrol will say something if there are CI or a breached SCP. For Gensec, there are, like you said, PT's and tryouts, but also, patrols, Warden operations, reminders, and just general talk. And I have never seen a time where MTF hasn't been called to help Gensec recapture D-Block (aside from times no MTF were on). That kinda was one of my points... its good to notify everyone of D-Class escaping. Why would Gensec not tell MTF about a D-Class escaping? It's Gensec's main priority and one of MTF's jobs to stop that. If one or more escapes, it's common sense for Gensec to tell MTF (and everyone else) about it. Maintaining my +Support
  5. +Support I feel it's only fair Gensec gets their own personal comms. Also, if Gensec needs to say something to Gensec/MTF, they'll use /security. If they wanna say something only Gensec needs to know, they'll use /gs. Also also, D-Class outside of D-Block are usually called in using Foundation comms more often than not.
  6. Welcome back. It's good to have you.
  7. -Support This would break the balance. CI and D-Class won't be able to do anything against Security if these buffs are accepted. (In all seriousness, I like these descriptions much better +Support)
  8. Well, grading tests is technically not my job anymore, but I'll do one more because why not. (And I definitely have Level 4 authorization, I'm definitely not going to get captured and amnestized and disiplined by some high ranking MTF) Unofficial Grading System Overall Grade 103/100 Creativity 30/25 - Honestly, very creative and well done. Usefulness 22/25 - Meh. Writing 26/25 - Good and detailed writing. Though I noticed a few mistakes, the overall writing makes up for it. Presentation 10/10 - Looks great. Realism: 15/15 - Seems in line with lore Notes: Beautiful test. Great writing. Good job.
  9. +/- Support -It's a good idea and would be nice, but... -I can't see many people playing on it, and... -There's bound to be minging on it.
  10. +Support +A good medic +Hard working as a medic +Is an actual medical student -The app is a bit short Good luck.
  11. Another funny OM test *Coughs up 05 Authorization* Unofficial Grading System Overall Grade 95/100 Creativity 25/25 - No medical tests with 079 (since nearly no Medical has the clearance to do it) and a good idea. Usefulness 25/25 - Finding a way of restraining an SCP is always good. Writing 22/25 - Grammar isn't perfect, but it's okay. Presentation 10/10 - Everything looks good Realism: 13/15 - An entirely metal straightjacket wouldn't work, it'd basically be a statue of a jacket. A metal-fiber straightjacket would work as it would still flexible enough to work as clothing. Notes: A good test. But, the containment/restraining of SCPs is more of Research's job, though you did have some medical aspects in there.
  12. Unofficial Grading System Overall Grade 93/100 Creativity 22/25 - Not the most creative idea but still neat Usefulness 23/25 - Meh. I guess it's decently useful. Writing 25/25 - Grammar looks good. Presentation 8/10 - The font and bolding of the letters makes it hard to read. But overall good. Realism: 15/15 - Seems realistic. Notes: Pretty good first test. Good job.
  13. Unofficial Grading System Overall Grade 93/100 Creativity 25/25 - Quite a creative combination. Usefulness 18/25 - If it a result could be determined, it could be more useful. Writing 25/25 - Very good writing. Presentation 10/10 - Format works well. Realism: 15/15 - Seems about right. Notes: Pretty good first test. Though the idea seems like something more for a regular researcher, you focused on the medical aspect, good job. About taking off the ring, I think there is some way you can take it off in-game, some command, but I can never remember it. Also, I'm glad you don't have a fucked sleep schedule like me. Last thing, both SCP's should only be used by a Experienced Medical Researcher or higher, though I will let it slide because its your first test. Check the SOP for what SCP's each rank can use.
  14. Uhh... time to give you a perfect score because you probably have the clearance to [REDACTED] me. Jk Unofficial Grading System Overall Grade 91/100 Creativity 23/25 - A decently creative idea. Usefulness 18/25 - I don't see how injecting what is essentially acid into someone will help. Writing 25/25 - Looks good. Presentation 10/10 - A bit wonky but I think that's more of copying's fault than yours. Realism: 15/15 - Eh. Pretty realistic I guess. Not bad for your first test.
  15. You need to allow anyone with the link to access it. To do that, click share in the top right and choose the second option of "Change to anyone with the link." Also, did you do this as an O5 Medic or Elite Medic?
  16. So, let me get this straight, its based on the amount of Medical staff on, like actual staff of the Medical branch and not MTF Medics. And if there are 2 or more Medical staff on, foundation personnel have to be healed by a Medic class. If there are none or 1(?) Medical staff on, you can buy a medkit/supplies to heal yourself. If so, why make it 2 or more medics on? Why not just, make it like 999. If there are no Medical staff on, heal. If there are, don't heal. Honestly, much better and more fair for D-Class and CI overall. + Support
  17. You need to allow anyone with the link to access it. To do that, click share in the top right and choose the second option of "Change to anyone with the link." Also, you posted this at four in the morning? Are you okay?
  18. Yeah, but the Foundation won't allow him to essentially create copies of himself.
  19. Unofficial Grading System Overall Grade 90/100 Creativity 25/25 - Quite a creative idea. Used an SCP not usually related to medical practices in an interesting way. Usefulness 18/25 - Meh. If you found some way to use or harness the higher function, it could be more useful. Writing 24/25 - Better wording in some areas could have been used, but good overall. Presentation 10/10 - Interesting and unique format. Realism: 13/15 - The idea is a bit of a stretch.
  20. + Support -A good medic -Combat and medical experience -Good app Plus, some brownie points for a decent answer
  21. Unofficial Grade 93/100 Creativity 25/25 A very creative use of amnestics. Usefulness 20/25 I personally don't see many uses for it. Writing 25/25 Didn't notice any mistakes. Presentation 10/10 Looks decent. Realism: 13/15 Can't really have Bright without the amulet.
  22. +Support Meh. Would give Medical more stuff to do. Also, all Medical jobs and (maybe) the MTF medic jobs can spawn supplies.
  23. + Support The few interactions I have had with Jack have been good. He seems like a good guy. And from mostly everyone else's reactions, I'm not the only one who feels this way. What Neo says is how I also feel, Though, 48 days is a bit weird of a ban, it's a slight bit over a month and a half. I'd suggest a 30, 45, or 60 day ban.
  24. I've been inactive in-game for quite a few days and I haven't put in a LOA, so I'll now be formally putting one in. Name: Twix Rank: MRM, CI PFC, MA Duration: 11/3 - 11/13 Reason: Need to focus on school work and need to get rid of my burnout. I will still try to make it to meetings.
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