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Everything posted by Crabbo

  1. -Support Not needed change, the model is fine as it is. *Plus that model kinda bad*
  2. Gensec are supposed to have the advantage in firepower and training. On the other side Dclass do not need to wait NLR and can constantly swarm security making them unable to heal or simply overwhelming them. Dclass are powerful if played right, Same as with gensec. Nerfing dclass would make sense due to how many times a dclass can throw themselves at security meanwhile they are waiting NLR.
  3. Crabbo

    Joe Dirt

    Joe dirt is awesome, I love how his parents only loved him once he got famous, it is the way IM going to treat my children. 10/10 would recommend
  4. +/- Support On one hand new weapons On the other hand the guns we have now are barely balanced. I feel if the weapons we have now are completely balanced this could happen but not now.
  5. Crabbo

    Salty Report

    +Support Rasism is bad and he said the no no word
  6. +Support Good guy. Is extremely active. is able to help most situations.
  7. +Support The bat is objectivly the worst melee weapon, It has terrible hitreg (which is hard to fix) It does barely and damage and it has bad mobility, it has no redeeming qualities and it needs at least one.
  8. The only way this could be implemented and not be abused is if you only gave it to techs a pre-defined rank, This could just be done by giving senior technical job or technical command jobs have a toolgun. +/- Support
  9. Why dont i have a drink *Crying emoji*
  10. +Support 035 needs a buff, A single MTF Can kill him by staying out of mic range and back peddling while shooting. This would make him play more stealthy and could make some interesting combos, like 035 controlling a MTF and making them call out over comms "035 has been terminated"
  11. Crabbo

    GMod 2?

    Lets just skip 2, Go straight to Gmod 3.
  12. If he is good enough for October he is good enough for me +support
  13. I am against this cause its for the jacks
  14. Imagine choosing a RP Branch
  15. +Support Good guy, Deserves it, Active in the discord and helps whenever he can.
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