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Everything posted by Will

  1. Sorry Kade, but I feel you need a bit more time before applying for lieutenant. Good luck!
  2. Will


    Mamma mia, here we go again! Welcome back pal!
  3. +Support, I would join onto the band wagon of people saying that you need more time (since that seems to be the only minus), but I don't want to be a hypocrite.. Good luck Jayden!
  4. Will

    Sticks- Denied

    Copied from logs (dont quote me on this): Chester V3 ➞ Citizen user: /advert free my ni**er chester
  5. -Support + Good officer (as seen from state and DOC) + Mature + Friendly - Very recently made a return to PD/ inactive Sorry Max, but I've only started to notice you on PD recently. While the requirement to apply for lieutenant is 3 weeks minimum (which you have way more than that), I typically see you on State or other departments rather than being on PD. Once your activity on PD is improved, I will definitely give you a +Support. Good luck Max!
  6. +Support Now I can look like I am judging someone's entire existence and watching their every movement while I stand there AFK eating something.
  7. +/- Support + More/ better RP + Less tac teams with different command and such - Will cause mass panic and cause among users within a tac dept
  8. Best of luck to you Spade!
  9. I'm sorry Torty, but Masterson has some valid points. I'd be more than happy to +Support this when I see you on the PD job a bit more and if I see a change in your level of maturity.
  10. Major +Support I was not on the server when this transpired, however I do understand he is upset with some command members for what may seem like us singling him out for jumping off of a cliff in his vehicle. This was handled properly (from the video's I have seen by the lieutenants that were present at the time) and even caught the attention of high command since he was causing so much fuss about demotion. In my opinion, this is worthy of a warning which (if anything) could have been handled by staff for FailRP or failure to value life before the confrontation with PD command. I'll add the video's that I have in a bit..
  11. Make sure to come back and visit us on PRP every now and again, you're always welcome to be in the PD LC channel when I'm around.
  12. +Support; reasons are stated above. Good luck Tayson!
  13. Major +Support Cammeron (or matthawk), if you'd like a three day ban, we can make it happen, but you shouldn't be reaching out to people in this fashion. Based on what others have said, I feel like a verbal warning or an actual warning would suffice depending on whatever SMT would like to do. Server dis is not a joking matter, neither is Player dis.
  14. th3 said it better than I can; you are always willing to go above and beyond to help others with their questions or issues. Best of luck to you good sir!
  15. To add to what Jayden said, you are also pretty hard working which is something I and I'm sure others like to see. Good luck Ender!
  16. Sorry Crease, but you need to be active on PD to become command!
  17. Will

    My time has come

    I've been waiting for something like this to appear on the forums for a while... Anyways, thanks for everything you've done for PD and for Gaminglight in general; I enjoyed talking with you, Revan, and other's in command late at night and doing insane things together. Good luck to you and [REDACTED] with [REDACTED], but feel free to always come back and visit us on PRP! Thanks again ICon, you shall be missed! *Sniff, sniff* IS THAT A COMMIE I SMELL???
  18. Ditto to everything that Ender has said, but my only minus would be that you can be a bit "rude" to say the least on a number of occasions which I have noticed before, both in person or through video. Either way, I feel like you are ready to move on up in the ranks of staff. Good luck Max!
  19. Sorry Bob, but I do not think you are ready to join the staff team for the above reasons.
  20. Active in game, helpful, and always a pleasure to talk with. Good luck!
  21. Springs is active, kind, and always willing to help out command and other officers. I feel as if he is ready to become a member of low command in the PD. Good luck!
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