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Everything posted by Will

  1. +Support, while I know he only has 20 warnings, this guy has done nothing but minge while on the server. I recommend this be moved to a permanent if he hasn't changed after the ban Masterson issued is up.
  2. Today I will be leaving the State Police force. While I have had some good times while on duty in that uniform, I feel that I am not active enough nor committed to stay on the roster. Along with this, I also do not feel I have the best relationship with some command members and I have a constant feeling that I would get removed one way or another from a simple mistake. While this may be the first department I have submitted a resignation for, I am hopeful that in time some of the things I have listed will resolve themselves. I will, however, be remaining in DOC (so long as command does not feel it is necessary to remove me from there). - Will, State Police Sergeant (1T50)
  3. + Friendly - Haven't seen him on as much (we are in the same timezone so I doubt that's it) Good luck Slick!
  4. Sounds great! Hopefully SMT finds this to be a good thing to add as this is what Dispatch has been asking for for a long time!
  5. Will

    What is the MCU?

    That's how I've known it, however I only started to here that term be referred to an EMS vehicle rather recently. There are two different skins that we have that are tied to GL which are the Mobile Command Center skin and the Mass Casualty Unit. Seeing that very few people in EMS ever use it (usually HC and some deputies) and more times than not, I see CERT or another tac department command using it. I have thought about using it as a tool for RP such as at a checkpoint or remote outpost in outskirts/ mountains, however I have not had a chance to yet.
  6. Could you PM me which jobs have access to it?
  7. Will

    The Enclave

    commie hunter gang
  8. @Munchies Just asking, but could you give me some examples you have seen where police command had brought out 2+ bearcats or other large vehicles for patrol or other activities (with an exception to events and trainings)? Plus, I did say that Major's and Colonel's could already use the bearcat with out permission. With this in mind, I trust that the 11 people that would gain access to this would know when it is appropriate to bring an MCU or other large/ heavy vehicle out.
  9. -Support - Takes away from RP - Would effectively destroy the communication system that has been put in place - Could have a negative effect on multiple departments (such as Dispatch, SRT, EMS, etc.) that do not have a dedicated radio channel While some of you may see this as a positive thing, I am seeing this as the removal of Dispatch and the creation of discord within the government factions. TS is meant to be a place where people can talk with each other OOC and relax rather than being limited to using 10 codes and transmitting unrelated topics. I'm sure there is more that I could add to this explaining why it is a bad idea, but this is the most I can think of at this point in time..
  10. Major -Support - Major+ are the only people that can use unmarked vehicles (Sergeant Major is when you get permission to drive without a lightbar.) - The workshop content you linked to does not have VCmod support. To tell you a story, I have my 2008 Dodge Charger SRT8 is currently setup with a dark grey paint job along with having only small/ interior light bars which more than once has fooled marked units to be a civilian vehicle, creating confusion when a command member gets out of the car and questions the pursing officer for chasing them. Having more unmarked units on the road in my mind would only create more confusion rather than assist with doing any undercover work. Unless if high command clears you to use an unmarked car, don't use it, please.
  11. Overall rating: Major +Support + Active + Mature + Friendly + Great application + Been an SM for far too long - Haven't seen him on PD this past week (possibly because he got accepted into the staff team) Man, how long have we been telling you to apply man, its about time you got around to it! Good luck Pooders!
  12. Good luck Chad! Attempting to steal our applicants Igneous?
  13. What you want to see? - PD MAJ and COL being allowed to pull the rescue truck (MCU) from the car dealer Why should we add it? - It doesn't make sense that only HC can use it seeing that we never use it. Plus, why would we not use it when we already can use bearcats to patrol in and there is a skin that says Rockford Police Department on it? What are the advantages of having this? - It adds to RP if used properly and in some situations. Who is it mainly for? - Major's and Colonel's in the police department Links to any content - (I don't have access to the workshop right now, I'll try to find it later) I did recommend it on the Discord and got a lot of positive feedback, but I fear it may get lost or was never seen so hopefully someone sees the suggestion here.
  14. @Samm Just because a post isn't in the archive does not mean that it is not dead/ right to revive it. We have posts here that were last commented on in 2018 and they are not in the archive yet.
  15. While yes the topic of cop bait is a somewhat grey area and varies on a case by case basis, the subject at hand notes a clear example of it and I'm surprised that you failed to see it seeing you are a former staff member.
  16. Will

    Will False warn

    +/- Support I mistakenly warned you for fearrp instead of for failrp/ interrupting a training. While the sign may not have been up when you arrived, I did have my car parked blocking the entrance to outskirts gas station which is where we were doing training. You noted in your post that you had broken the statues heads as he was setting up which is a mingy move to do. I moved my car after I had put up a sign (to let you leave) that said something along the lines of "SWAT training in progress, KOS past this point" which you did see since you mentioned it. We had told you multiple times to leave and you stayed there to confront Elapin over a comment of being a minge. Seeing that you came back in and then fought back when I engaged you showed me you were interested in staying and interrupting us further rather than being courteous and leaving us alone. +Support on it being a false warn of FearRP, -Support seeing you were impedeing our training (which MOTD says is not allowed.) (Next time when you want to take care of something like being called a minge, handle it in DM's.)
  17. You are a good guy springs, but you have to have some good leadership characteristics to be considered for a command position which I feel you can work on going forward. Good luck!
  18. +Support, I was "supervising" the sit (to help the tmods) and had heard that happened; video only supports it.
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