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Everything posted by BadAim

  1. Moved. Also this application needs some SERIOUS work if you want even the slightest shot.
  2. -support These security buffs have gone on long enough. I simply won’t stand for this anymore and I’ve hit my limit. If this gets accepted I’ve lost all hope in the community. +support
  3. The slides have devolved into insanity oh god
  4. Gotta love how the post is about removing quoting and everyone is just quoting the first -support -support BTW, if one person can cover everyone’s feelings on a topic than there’s no point in everyone writing their -support out again.
  5. -Support Direct nerf to CI and SCPs, also this is the type of thing you want to leave to branches, as some donators can minge a lot.
  6. +support Both see your level as you walk by, and stare you down and then forget about leaving base so they can try and find some way to call thermals. Pretty obvious meta game.
  7. Please keep the number of replied that are not + or -supports to a minimum. If you would like to have a discussion with someone regarding this post please do so in PMs.
  8. No hard feelings, it’s just too big of a leap IMO.
  9. -Support your application is well done and your experience is outstanding, but I think you should spend more time on the server so it can be ensured that you’re in it for the long run.
  10. +support great, active guy who really cares about GENSEC. Good luck!
  11. +support this can be a major pain to GMs and the grenade should be locked behind a rank wall that you can be demoted from (EX: 69th), not a level Wall.
  12. IDK about making it a warnable offense man, that’d just clutter the MOTD IMO. Just report it to command.
  13. In-Game Name: BadAim. Steam Name: [GL]BadAimSam SteamID: STEAM_0:0:81238702 What is your staff rank and the server you work in?: Senior Moderator on Clone Wars LifeRP. How many posts do you have on the website?: 1204. How often are you online on the forums?: Multiple times an hour. Why do you believe you're qualified to serve as a Forum Diplomat? (100 Words Minimum): I believe I am qualified to be a Forum Diplomat because I have been one in the past and because of the current need for Forum Diplomats from the server I staff on. When I was an Admin and a Super Admin I was a Forum Diplomat, and I did some great work for ImperialRP as a lot of sections were cluttered with old posts that needed to be archived and there were a few reports/appeals that needed more moderation. I did my job well and resigned with no issues. I also think I’m qualified because of the lack of Clone Wars LifeRP Forums Diplomats. Currently we have no Forum Diplomats from our server, and later into the lifespan I think the inevitable toxicity between Gov/Crim that’ll happen will end up causing plenty of arguments on the forums, so I think that it’d be best for the server to have a strong Diplomat team on CWLRP now instead of later. In conclusion, I’m qualified for my previous experience as a Forum Diplomat and the current need of Forum Diplomats on CWLRP. Would you consider yourself to have good judgement? If so, please describe a situation that required you to make a difficult decision?: I definitely would, and while I wouldn’t consider myself to be a difficult decision maker staff-wise (I never punish players unless I have hard log/video evidence to avoid the possiblity of a false warning/ban), I’ve definitely made plenty while I was High Command on ImperialRP, for example having to remove command members who were underperforming and taking risks on lesser known players (EX: Lazz, Luci, Augustus, etc.) who ended up doing a lot for the server/their Battalions. How would you deal with a situation where a user is spamming the shoutbox due to getting banned from one of our servers?: Screenshot their messages and send them to Rookieblue so he can ban them, hide/delete their messages, post a reminder in the shoutbox that spam can be punished with a 1-day forums ban, and then private message the user telling him that he would most likely be receiving some form of punishment for spamming, and then direct him to the ban appeal section of the server they've been banned from. How would you deal with a situation where two users are aggressively arguing with each other in a warn appeal?: Hide any of their posts that were not + or - supports, place a response on the post reminding users to be civil or the post will be locked, and finally put a link to the post in the Forum Diplomat chat and ask that others check the post every once in awhile in case the users start to argue again.
  14. +Support "OMI-9 tries to get ODST models, part 3"
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