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Everything posted by BadAim

  1. ACCEPTED Please speak to high command for your rank!
  2. ACCEPTED Please speak to high command for your rank!
  3. +/- +Seems like a liked person in security -the only experience I’ve had with them was pretty bad
  4. +Support +Just looked it up and the tank was used by the Empire! +I'd love to see more armored vehicles!
  5. +Support +Experience as a GM +Q16 Is good +/-Q15 needs some work
  6. Story ain't over yet Take care man
  7. BadAim

    E22- Denied

    I wouldn't say 20 MB for a single weapon is a small file size, and one of the required addons is 224 MB WTF?!?!?
  8. Here is the rule directly from the MOTD on combat healing "Never combat heal (Healing yourself or someone else while in an active shootout)." Orange clearly checks all around him to make sure that nobody else is still alive before retreating behind cover and healing, not breaking any rules in the process. -support
  9. DENIED High Command does not find you suitable for this rank currently. Please wait 1 month before reapplying.
  10. ACCEPTED Please speak to high command for your rank!
  11. Changing my +Support to a -Support. This would be a nightmare situation.
  12. You see this is where I disagree with you. Never before have I seen such terrible behavior from an SMT member, and I believe that he should be staff restricted for this OUTRAGEOUS behavior. +Support
  13. +/- support I won’t make a decision until Snar responds to this. (who is that snarlax guy tho?)
  14. Commander Role-call ========================================================================================== This is only if you are a VCMDR or CMDR in a TROOPER Battalion (This means I don't want IQ or Naval posting responses) Make a reply in this post with the following information or you will be removed. The role-call will close on June 14th Any Post that is not a response to the role-call will be deleted and you will be striked for it. ========================================================================================== Questions 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) and your SteamID 2. What Regiment are you VCMDR+ in? 3. Why do you want to stay as a (vice) commander of this branch? 4. How active are you on the server (include timezone)? 5. How active would you say your battalion is? If it is inactive, what are you doing to fix this?
  15. This is something you need to talk to your battalion CMD about so they can make a battalion update to do this.
  16. Please stop having discussions in suggestions, if you have concerns with someone’s response take it to DMs.
  17. I’d be in favor of perhaps the USC but currently I’m fine with the weapon selection as all the weapons are very skill based and rely on the user to have good aim +/-
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