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Everything posted by BadAim

  1. @Weiss You've been on the forums multiple times since this was posted, are you going to respond?
  2. https://medal.tv/clips/24152364/d13372IfkpV3
  3. https://medal.tv/clips/24900911/km1337Jq4dcCq
  4. https://medal.tv/clips/25264900/d1337EnRD5Rc
  5. BadAim

    Ban Appeal

    I understand that at first it doesn’t seem like you’ve done something that substantial but comments like that towards people who may be actually depressed go a long way and can be enough to push them over the edge. I think in this case 3 weeks is fine.
  6. DENIED High Command does not find you suitable for this rank currently. Please wait 1 month before reapplying.
  7. DENIED High Command does not find you suitable for this rank currently. Please wait 1 month before reapplying.
  8. DENIED High Command does not find you suitable for this rank currently. Please wait 1 month before reapplying.
  9. ACCEPTED Please speak to high command for your rank!
  10. ACCEPTED Please speak to high command for your rank!
  11. BadAim

    A Call To Arms

    Bruh moment EDIT: I'm siding with UMC since they have the legend himself: HUNK.
  12. E11 enlisted used to be 200/175 with an HK lol things are getting better
  13. BadAim

    Stales 48 Notice

    Welcome to IMPRP!
  14. -Support -175 HP and Mac-10 on LCMD pog champ -AUG has mega range and giving it to the army of 100 SMs doesn’t sit well with me. I appreciate that you’re getting rid of the HK though so its a step in the right direction -If you want to give RC a pump then you need to lower HP or shield. This is a step in the right direction and should balance things out a lot more but because of the issues stated above I can’t +support this
  15. +Support I was VERY confused when they added it
  16. What you want to see? - A buff to tfa_bizonp19 Why should we add it? - It does 19 DMG, has 700 RPM (Which makes it bugged out to act like a 3 round burst), and high recoil. What are the advantages of having this? - People will use it Who is it mainly for? - Everyone Links to any content - N/A
  17. I believe that IF shouldn't have detonators and should only be given them when needed. Otherwise 31st should be doing demolition work.
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