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Everything posted by BadAim

  1. ACCEPTED Please speak to high command for your rank!
  2. If a Game Master doesn’t want you as an actor, they don’t want you as an actor. Continuing to remain on an event job after a GM tells you to get off of it is warnable (Not Complying With Staff). -Support
  3. Can’t wait to run into an ACM CC that’s dressed like a resident and getting mag dumped by a CZ-75 in the back
  4. Take it to DMs, any further comments past + and - supports will result in the post being locked.
  5. Back when I played on SCP-RP I was planning on making a suggestion similar to this (the Internal Security Department), but I decided against suggesting it for 2 reasons: It would give the Department members an insane power trip that could only end horribly wrong, and it also would just make people more mindful of who they are talking around which would be nearly impossible for the department to counteract. Basically, it sounds good on paper but just doesn’t work in reality. Also this sounds like a bootleg ISB which will never be added as long as GMs are a thing. -Support
  6. My favorite person to RDM Jokes aside take care Ducks! You were everyones favorite Naval!
  7. New content: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2133627443 and https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1872564472 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/629062829152010307/722953059260694528/unknown.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/629062829152010307/722952942445002836/unknown.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/629062829152010307/722955090473910332/unknown.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/629062829152010307/722955178185064568/unknown.png Job Name: Imperial Commando Trooper Model Path: Changing models/player/banks/ion/trooper/trooper.mdl to models/gonzo/swbf2imperialcommandos/swbf2_icbasic/swbf2_icbasic.mdl Weapon Kit: Same Health: Same Armor: Same Description (Optional): N/A Job Name: Imperial Commando Scout Sniper Model Path: Changing models/player/banks/ion/trooper/trooper.mdl to models/gonzo/swbf2imperialcommandos/swbf2_icsniper/swbf2_icsniper.mdl Weapon Kit: adding weapon_bactainjector, cc2018_dc17ms_red buffed from 150 DMG to 200 DMG (IC is currently struggling to get people into the subdivison and a buff might help get people into it.) Health: Same Armor: Same Description (Optional): N/A Job Name: Imperial Commando Demolitions Model Path: Changing models/player/banks/ion/trooper/trooper.mdl to models/gonzo/swbf2imperialcommandos/swbf2_icdemo/swbf2_icdemo.mdl Weapon Kit: Adding cc2018_dc17maa Health: Same Armor: Same Description (Optional): N/A Job Name: Imperial Commando Officer Model Path: Changing models/player/banks/ion/trooper/trooper.mdl to models/gonzo/swbf2imperialcommandos/swbf2_iclead/swbf2_iclead.mdl Weapon Kit: Removing cc2018_dc15p_red Health: Same Armor: Same Description (Optional): N/A Job Name: Sev Model Path: models/player/sample/rc/delta/sev.mdl Weapon Kit: Removing cc2018_dc15p_red, alydus_fusioncutter, zeus_thermaldet, weapon_jew_det Health: 650 Armor: Same Description (Optional): N/A Job Name: Fixer Model Path: models/player/sample/rc/delta/fixer.mdl Weapon Kit: Removing cc2018_dc15p_red, zeus_thermaldet, weapon_jew_det Health: Same Armor: Same Description (Optional): N/A Job Name: Scorch Model Path: models/player/sample/rc/delta/scorch.mdl Weapon Kit: Removing cc2018_dc15p_red, alydus_fusioncutter Health: 650 Armor: Same Description (Optional): N/A Job Name: Boss Model Path: models/player/sample/rc/delta/boss.mdl Weapon Kit: Removing cc2018_dc15p_red, rw_sw_dual_e11 Health: 700 Armor: Same Description (Optional): N/A This update was made with ICs 1st in command and both subdivision heads.
  8. +Support Every battalion should have a few subdivisions to pick from, and this'll fill that role.
  9. I’m sorry it ended like this. You’re an amazing person and I hope you go far in your future endeavors. UwU
  10. I still am yet to comprehend what is so hard about going to a panic room when there is a GOI that hates the foundation in the facility. +Support
  11. I almost had a heart attack
  12. Name: Solem Rank: LCPL SteamID:STEAM_0:0:81238702 Discord: BadAim SubBranches(s): N/A Things you wanna see in CI: not much really Activity: 4/10
  13. I would be fine with perhaps an EE-3c replacing the E-11 (with nerfs and reworks to the weapon of course) since Scout Troopers DID use the EE-4, however the A280 makes little to no sense for a scout trooper to have as it isn’t lore friendly. And in BF2 Clone Troopers were using first order weapons. +/-
  14. DENIED CMD positions in 501st have been filled.
  15. DENIED High Command does not find you suitable for this rank currently.
  16. DENIED High Command does not find you suitable for this rank currently, however in the future we have agreed that you could make an excellent candidate.
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