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Everything posted by BadAim

  1. +Support Great application Extremely polite While staffing In General a great staff member who deserves a promotion!
  2. Ight so as the guy who was working with SMT on implementing this, here is why the price was decided as $1/LBS, and it’s also the reason why we don’t use the recycler: Basically, SMT wanted trash man to be there to entertain Janitorial and give them something to do, and they were fully against it being their as a way to make money. -Support ~Retired Janitorial Executive
  3. +Support Active and a nice guy from what I've seen
  4. Yeah I’m not gonna spend $30 because a new CC rule was put into place. Kinda wacc.
  5. What are you suggesting? - Reverting the G3SG1's ammo back to 35 How would this change better the server? - Makes the gun more reliable as an auto sniper Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - It might push the gun back into the front of the meta and we might see 2000 CCs with the gun Who would this change mostly benefit? - Snipers Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - https://imgur.com/a/smLYTlc <- the weapons current stats
  6. +/- I see no reason why she couldn't be LCMD, but it's important that we consider previous issues as well.
  7. +Support since most people just put the props down anyway
  8. The first MTF HCMD to be in HCMD while banned from the MTF discord let's make it happen bois
  9. I was never a major tho xD I went from PVT -> PFC -> CPT -> VCMDR
  10. NITRP means No Intention to Roleplay, Minging is basically troll type behavior that usually interrupts RP, KTAP is using a Kill bind to avoid punishment
  11. Hey guys. Along with my Staffing position I’ll be leaving my High Command position. I no longer feel as if there is anything else I can do for Gaminglight, and I feel comfortable leaving my positions right now. I joined with a shitty background from SCP-RP, and I really couldn’t have gotten to where I am today if it weren’t for people like Armor, Beckett, and Nimo. Thank you guys so much for believing in me when there wasn’t anything to believe in. Thanks for everything y’all. -Grand General BadAim
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