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Everything posted by Sion

  1. -support This idea was denied before. Please read other suggestions before submitting your own.
  2. There are rules enforcing this. If you see this happen call staff
  3. -support 16 is completely wrong Grammer issues Inactive Never seen IG didn't read handbook
  4. -support Inactive on forums No proof of warns Didnt read question 7 correctly Didnt read handbook 16 is way off Sorry bud, but it a bit obvious that you haven't looked at the handbook which means you blatantly lied in your application. I have also never seen you in game over the last 4 months. Good luck Senior Moderator Sion
  5. They can only get perma banned at 40. Or a admin can ban/minge at 30th warn
  6. +/- support Now then... from your perspective it looks like abuse however, did you ever take into consideration that someone could be on the other side operating a keypad?
  7. Sion

    Rockford V3?

    Yes this map is a downgrade of such to the older map however give it around 2-4 months and hopefully more people will want to change since they will be board of it (old map was better)
  8. -Support Sorry, but to me, it looks like you cut out a big chunk of this. If you have more screenshots of the chat please send them cause this will give us the full picture. To me, right now with what you supplied it looks like you were telling him to do certain things and he replied in this way. Also, he would have had no clue it was an admin sit since it was made in spawn and well... they are meant to be done where RP won't interfere with them. Yes, he could have said the sentence in a different way but he didn't have any information about the sit. There is also admin chat (if Yobo was on administrator at the time) the admin dealing with the sit might have asked for his help, so it a not very clear what exactly happened since you haven't given us the full chat
  9. -support You aren't ment to re-join a raid... calk staff if someone does
  10. Sion

    altons bday

    HaPpY bIrThDaY AlToN Gimme some scones to chuck at you
  11. Sion


    Why did you post this? Only state command can release names of who has been accepted
  12. +support @SupremeChow 1) telling you yo 'f off' isn't really disrespectfu however Ylyou saying he has anger issues is. 2) If viper was abusing, you can't do much anyway, easier to tell JMT 3) NCWS = Not cooperating with staff. Him shooting someone is not NCWS. Example of NCWS is if you tell someone not to advert something and they do that NCWS
  13. There is no physical way to mpve prp server to the darkrp sub section in the menu. It goes off the gamemode so we would have to change to darkrp
  14. +support Note: good job getting warned by Zeeptin ...
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