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Everything posted by Sion

  1. +support Zage is active and mature and he is a very loyal staff member good luck Zage
  2. Sion


    Download everything from the content pack
  3. @Rocco_Rex If they aren't causing much trouble it fine to some extent. There is no need to go through everyone on the server looking for people to ban
  4. @Jbennett1239 You seriously need to read the handbook again. You can warn the same rank as you and you must take them to a roof and have a sit. You should of asked why he was arguing and ask politely for him to stop instead of just slaping a warn on him
  5. +support I was there and Bennett just got on staff and warned him within 5 seconds. Clearly there was not a sit held to get killers side
  6. You need to appeal them correctly, you didn't get warned for '31' did you?
  7. @Voxis it says Ban reasson: Null Admin: Null
  8. +/- support +active +decent app +low warns -16 is very vague -you got demoted yesterday off of EMS and you got very annoyed and started advertising stuff saying you RP'ing instead of just getting back on the job and carrying on. This shows you are very short tempered and this isnt thr ideal thing to have on staff Good luck ~ Sion
  9. -support Can't kill president if he refuses to drop
  10. +support He is trying to get banned....
  11. It hard to aim if you're having a little spaz with a LMG....
  12. @Cameron T this Is a EMS roll call. You have the power to add more vehicle to FR
  13. Name: Sion Rank: Deputy Improvement: Half the number of LC. So: 1 Head deputy 1 deputy 2 CPT 2 SNR LT 2 LTs
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