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Everything posted by Sion

  1. +support It as old is my wetwipe
  2. -support I was there. You called a sit. Hunt turned up in your car. You tried running away. So hunt disabled your car
  3. +/- Support -Basic grammer issues -No poll -Last question is vague -No idea why your talking about PD LT -Low forum activity +active
  4. -support If you have issue with staff, you should of made a staff report. This would of kept you out of trouble and wouldn't of had you banned. Just use your noggin next time.
  5. +support People have decided to start killing cuffed people which then leads to a admin sit all because lockpick won't eork
  6. +support If we bough VCmod. Let use all of the features
  7. -support What willy Said. Think you need to read the rules. Not other staff
  8. Right so my side Ryan and Death striker called a sit about fearrp. I brought you to a sit and asked you a very very simple and vague question 'Did they have you at gun point'. You didn't answer the first time, I though you might of not of seen it so I asked again, and again, and again. In total I asked you10 times! and you never answered. In the end you did, every time I asked you just changed topic. Now, I know I'm not ment to go off this but this set off alarm bells for me, a staff member changing topic every time a simple question was asked. Once you finally answered, you said it was my discretion. You where complaining I didn't take your side, well, I tried but you just blanked me out. I then checked logs (player combat) and they show you the situation before and after. It showed you standing in the corner of a room unarmed. And Ryan had a kac pointed at you. (I would provide evidence of this but it won't open up again, It might seem as I'm line but it true) No point complaining about SX being 'picked' on. All day SX just been a pain, random shootings, breaking fearrp and not Rping at all, worst part is. 2 staff members where involved in this. And also, don't complain about me not taking your side if you aren't answering my questions. Ryan and Death where there and they can backup my story. And I don't understand why the entire staff team needs a stern talk over a warn you had... seems unfair to me. Plus, what phenix said, you where outnumberd by 2 SRT which is failrp
  9. What you wantο»Ώο»Ώο»Ώ to see? - A rule to be added to stop people that use LMG from jumping around while in a shooting Why should we add it? - It will make it so TAC/Gov can have a chance of killing them What are the advantages of having this? - Make gov have more of a chance and it will reduce shootouts Who is it mainly for? - Government Links to any content ο»Ώ- N/A
  10. +support Staff should give everyone in the sit a chance to explain themselves
  11. -support You can't just get banned
  12. +support Freeze is active ant mature and is from a EU timezone which can be useful in some situations
  13. You can just talk to Alex about changing the SOP
  14. Sion

    Ban Request

    +support Causes ALOT of issues Dosent follow any rules Never complies with staff
  15. Sion

    False Warn Appeal

    -support What Th3 isnt acceptable from a Senior Moderator
  16. Goooooooddddd Morning (afternoon now but shhh)
  17. +support Will reduce MRDMs and mingies. This should be added to all jobs that have a gun in them (exept police CDT)
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